Chapter 1339 That Iron-eating Beast Was Trash Back then

"If I reject you, you will still send someone again. The news about the heaven and earth gods has spread, and your fairy master will know soon. According to his character, he will definitely not watch us have the heaven and earth gods. Soldiers, and do nothing."

Ye Yuxian's tone was determined,
Ye Yuxian's words left the Bloody Arhat no room for rebuttal.

Because it's all true.

As a subordinate who has followed the Immortal Lord for many years, Bloody Arhat is very aware of the Immortal Lord's temper in this regard.

Kui Niu asked Bloody Arhat: "Do you want to continue the theory with him or do it directly?"

According to the agreement between Kui Niu and Linxiantai, its actions must obey the arrangements of Linxiantai.

Although the cultivation base of the Bloody Arhat is nothing in its eyes.

But it still needs to obey the command of the bloody Arhat.

"Yes, now is not the time to hesitate, Mr. Xun is still alive and dead. It must be resolved quickly." Bloody Arhat immediately decided to fight directly.

Originally, his original idea was to get rid of this family, and take the Sunset Bow and Yinlong Sword back to deal with business.

It was Young Master Xun and the two Venerables who asked him not to do that.

Now it's a detour and it's back to his original plan.

Bloody Arhat asked Kui Niu: "Is that bear powerful? How sure are you?"

Kui Niu got angry, "Are you looking down on me by asking this question? That iron-eating beast was useless back then, and after it died in battle, someone took the soul to reshape its body, and it still looks like this until now. What a waste, do you actually think it can fight me?"

After hearing Kui Niu's words, the Bloody Arhat was relieved.

With Kui Niu around, no matter what abilities the man in front of him has, or this black and white bear who can only transform, he can only be turned into coke by lightning.

And he can bring back the two heaven and earth soldiers, and it becomes reasonable for him to summon Kui Niu.

The blood-handed Arhat said to Kui Niu: "Master Kui Niu asked me to go on your body. I don't know why my body is stiff and uncontrollable."

If he didn't sit on Kui Niu's back, he would have no power to resist in a fight and could only be beaten passively.

Before, the blood-handed Arhat thought he was being tricked by a ghost, but now that he knew there were no ghosts, he guessed that he was probably poisoned.

A hint of reluctance flashed in Kui Niu's eyes, but he still agreed to the request made by the blood-handed Arhat.

White breath spewed out from his nose, this breath wrapped the blood-handed Arhat who could no longer move flexibly, and carried him to his back.

He had just reached the back of Kui Niu when suddenly a jet of water rushed towards him, hitting his face head-on.

Unable to move his body, he could not dodge, and could only watch helplessly as he was washed down from Kui Niu's back by the water jet.

The water came out of nowhere, and the blood-handed Arhat was at a loss.

Kui Niu looked towards the grass next to it, and it sensed that there was someone there.

There are two people.

"Two trash that hurt people secretly." Kui Niu commented.

The girl blinked her big innocent eyes, and looked back at Su Wanyi who was teaching her how to control the water flow.

"Auntie, he scolded us." Nannan was aggrieved in a low voice.

Su Wanyi said to Nannan: "Don't worry about him, we are capable of slandering people, you remember, in the future, when others deliberately say things to provoke you, don't listen, let's do what is best for us. gone."

Nannan nodded ignorantly, as if she understood it, but also didn't seem to understand it very well.

(End of this chapter)

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