Chapter 1503 Xing Shouye tricks Dai Bao

"Are you really my aunt?!" Yu Lian was very excited when she saw the legendary Yu Qingqing.

"I'm not only your aunt, I also plan to teach you mechanism skills, so that you don't have to embarrass our mechanism city outside."

Yu Qingqing can be fake, but Yu Qingqing's ability cannot be fake.

Yu Lian felt like she was dreaming. Not only did she meet her aunt Yu Qingqing, who was known as the most talented in the mechanism city for a century, she also promised to teach her mechanism skills in person!
Coming back that night, Yu Lian was in a particularly good mood, which made Luo Chang and Xing Shouye very strange.

Xing Shouye asked Yu Lianlian, but Yu Lianlian only said that he had researched a new organ technique.

Xing Shouye and Luo Chang no longer doubted it.

The next progress was very smooth, neither the people from Linxiantai nor the family surnamed Han found out about their plan.

This day, Yu Lian said that her mechanism has been completed and she can act now.

So Xing Shouye and Luo Chang couldn't wait to start their plan.

These two people have been running down the mountain recently, and found a lot of delicious food down the mountain.

It was still in Yingfeng Pavilion today.

The content of the assessment and training for the past few days was all in the Yingfeng Pavilion, and the content of the assessment changed from going out to perform tasks to inspect some theoretical knowledge.

This stumped Xiaodaibao and Nannan.

These two little guys can't read much, and it's really hard to read.

Ji Yun prepared a relatively low table for the two little guys in the corner alone, so that the two little guys can study alone.

The girl's face was stained with ink at some point, and her pink and tender face was turned into a little tabby cat.

Daibao was not much better, and his little hands were also stained with ink.

Writing is really hard!

Hands really hurt!
When Xing Shouye came over, the two little guys were struggling with a piece of paper with sad faces.

"Daibao, niece, have you completed today's mission?" Xing Shouye smiled, trying his best to look like a good uncle.

"No..." Daibao pouted, and replied bitterly.

"If you can't finish writing, take a break first." Xing Shouye suggested.

Daibao shook his head: "Don't write well that there is no food to eat."

In order to eat, I can only write hard.

"Does Daibao want to eat?" Xing Shouye asked.

"I think so!" Dai Bao nodded.

Needless to say?Must be thinking!
When he talked about food, Dai Bao felt his stomach was empty, and he kept gurgling.

Woohoo...writing is too strenuous, I'm hungry!
"How about this, uncle will take you and your daughter to eat delicious food, do you think it's okay?" Xing Shouye asked Daibao kindly with a smile on his face.

"Not good." Dai Bao refused without a second of hesitation.

Why did you refuse?This is different from the script written by Xing Shouye.

"Why not? Aren't you hungry? Uncle has prepared so much delicious food!" Xing Shouye asked why.

"Uncle is a bad uncle, last time you were going to throw your daughter into the well, you can't eat anything from the bad uncle!"

Daibao is very principled.

"That, that's a misunderstanding!" Xing Shouye quickly defended himself. It turned out that this kid remembered what happened at that time, and he thought that the child was forgetful and had already forgotten it!

"Misunderstanding?" Dai Bao tilted his head, looking at Xing Shouye with big watery eyes.

Those are a pair of pure and transparent eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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