Chapter 1504: Persimmons Are Picked Softly

"Right, right! Misunderstanding, big misunderstanding!" Xing Shouye quickly explained, "Uncle was careless at the time, but when you fell, uncle panicked. Uncle wanted to save you, but the manhole cover didn't know why. The cover is closed, uncle wanted to find someone to help, but he didn't expect you to come out when he came back."

Xing Shouye made up a lie that he couldn't convince himself, trying to convince Daibao.

Daibao looked at him with a small face and disgusted eyes: "Uncle, Daibao is small, but Daibao is not stupid!"

Xing Shouye is not treating Daibao as a child, but treating Daibao as a fool!
Realizing that Daibao was not easy to coax, Xing Shouye quickly changed his words and apologized with a smile: "Uncle was wrong, it was indeed uncle's fault last time, so this time uncle wants to treat you and your daughter to eat delicious food as an apology. Uncle Really prepared a lot of delicious food, there are all kinds of fancy pastries, all kinds of chicken, duck, fish, and big crabs!"

Daibao's eyes lit up in an instant.

The facial expression is clearly saying "want to eat".

But after a moment, Dai Bao closed his eyes again.

"No, Daibao still can't trust you." Daibao still refused.

Xing Shouye was so angry in his heart!
The darn little thing!Why are you so stubborn?
Obviously wanting to eat it, but I held back it in a daze!
Xing Shouye deserves to make persistent efforts, "If this is the case, then Daibao will accept these first."

Xing Shouye took out a small cloth bag from his sleeve and stuffed it into Daibao's hand.

Dai Bao opened the cloth bag suspiciously, and a smell of food wafted out.

Inside the cloth bag are all kinds of delicacies, all kinds of meat, beef jerky, crab, dried shrimp and so on.

Seeing the genuine food in front of him, Daibao's willpower was finally defeated.

The greedy worm directly occupied the thinking ability of Daibao's brain.

He reached out and took a piece and put it in his mouth. After making sure that it was not poisonous, he gave another piece to his daughter.

One piece for him, one piece for my daughter, and they ate separately.

The taste is very good, but the amount is a bit small, Daibao can't eat enough for one person, let alone two people share it.

If you are eating vigorously, it will be gone.

Both Daibao and Nannan looked regretful.

Xing Shouye seized the opportunity and quickly asked the two little guys: "Do you still want to eat?"

Daibao and Nannan nodded together.

The small heads of the two people are like two small pestles, which are very exciting.

Xing Shouye smiled, "Then come with Uncle, Uncle has prepared a lot, but it's not convenient to bring it to Yingfeng Pavilion."

Daibao really hesitated this time.

After a long while, Daibao couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food after all.

"Okay then." Dai Bao agreed, he decided to eat the delicious food prepared by the bad uncle, and if he couldn't finish it, he would pack it up and bring it back to his mother!
Seeing that Daibao finally agreed, Xing Shouye was very happy, so he happily left Yingfeng Pavilion with Daibao's daughter through the back door.

There is no special person guarding Yingfeng Pavilion, it all depends on self-consciousness, and generally speaking, there is no preparation for disciples to do things that violate the regulations of Linxiantai at this time, unless he does not want to be an official disciple of Linxiantai.

Xing Shouye happily took the people away, but he didn't know that Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi were watching all this from the roof.

I guessed that it would be Daibao.

Persimmon is picky and soft, no matter how you look at it, Daibao is the most bullying one among them.

(End of this chapter)

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