Chapter 1546 Dumb Treasure's Younger Sister Should Be Called Silly Treasure
Su Wanyi fell asleep and slept comfortably on the soft bed.

When he opened his eyes, he met a pair of bright eyes filled with stars and seas.

The little one was also awake and looking at her.

She didn't cry or make trouble, just looked at her mother curiously.

Su Wanyi reached out to touch her daughter's soft face.

As soon as she got addicted to touching it, Ye Yuxian's appetizing voice sounded next to her: "Just looking after my daughter, I haven't seen you see me for a long time."

On the other side of Su Wanyi, Ye Yuxian was sitting. He had been guarding her since Su Wanyi fell asleep.

"I know you're here." Of course Su Wanyi knew that Ye Yuxian was there, she just gave birth to a child, and she wasn't dead, how could she be so close without noticing it.

Ye Yuxian stretched out his hand, turned Su Wanyi's head, and made her face him: "Then don't look at me too much."

"You've watched too much. My daughter just met." Su Wanyi explained with a smile, her eyes were squinted, and she was in a good mood.

Having experienced so much, it is really a very happy thing for the family to be together neatly.

The two looked at each other at close range, and emotions flowed between their eyes.

"Love." Ye Yuxian's voice was low.

He lowered his head and slowly approached...


Dai Bao pushed open the door and rushed in.

Tuantuan also rushed in with Daibao.

The two little guys ran fast.

Daibao had been waiting outside for a long time, always wanting to come in.

But he was warned by his father that his mother could not come in to make noise when she was awake.

So he could only wait outside with Tuan Tuan, with his ears on the door, listening to the movement in the room, and when Su Wanyi woke up, he would come in to see his sister.

Ye Yuxian glanced at Dai Bao unhappily, a little annoyed.

Dai Bao didn't pay attention to this, he climbed onto the bed directly, turned over to the inner side of the bed, and looked for his sister.

Daibao crawled nimbly, but Tuantuan couldn't climb up clumsily.

The two front hooves reached the edge of the bed, and the back hoofs pushed up hard, trying to send their round body up.

After working hard for a long time, he fell back to the ground.

Poor baba.

This little idiot is so awesome after transformation, how could he still be so stupid and cute before transformation after he tortured Kui Niu?
In the end, it was Daibao who ran over to pull him, and Tuantuan was able to get to Su Wanyi's bed.

"Mother, what's your sister's name?" Dai Bao asked suddenly.

"This..." Su Wanyi thought for a while, "Your name is Daibao, so your sister should be called Shabao."

"No!" Ye Yuxian voted against it without hesitation.


"Not suitable."

"My brother's name is Dai Bao, and my sister's name is Sha Bao. What's wrong?"

"Sounds so stupid."

"But a cheap name is easy to support. Look at Daibao, how well-fed it is!"

With the living example of Daibao, Su Wanyi is full of confidence.

Is it true that Daibao Pishi has such a cheap name?
Isn't it because he inherited a powerful bloodline from his father?

"In the past, you raised Daibao alone, and the conditions were not good, so you were afraid that you would not be able to support it. Now that we have so many people, you don't have to worry about not being able to raise it." Ye Yuxian also had good reasons.

"But I think it's good to be called Silly Bao. You can't treat one more favorably than another, and we will be unhappy."

Su Wanyi said as she glanced at Daibao.

Dai Bao nodded quickly: "Dai Bao also thinks that Sha Bao sounds good! Dai Bao, Sha Bao, hehe..."

Still laughing!

Ye Yuxian insisted: "Call it Mengbao, Dashameng is a family."

(End of this chapter)

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