Chapter 1547 Others ask for money to raise their daughters, but they want to raise their daughters

Ye Yuxian tried her best, for her daughter's nickname.

Mengbao doesn't sound bad either.

Su Wanyi compromised, "Then call it Mengbao!"

That's how the nickname was decided.

Su Wanyi turned back and teased her daughter's face, "Mengbao, your name is Mengbao."

Daibao giggled, and kept shouting at Mengbao who still couldn't understand human language, "Sister Mengbao, sister Mengbao."

"Giggle~" Xu Shi was amused by her brother, and Mengbao laughed.

The Mingfeng sharp gun leaning on the post at the end of the bed was sensed and suddenly moved, and it jumped into the sky, piercing the roof.

Then it fell back to the ground with a bang, making a huge hole in the marble floor of the room.

Then it hit the table and shelf in the room again, and there was a loud ping-pong-pong sound, making the room a mess.

Fortunately, Mengbao only laughed for a while and then stopped.

As soon as Mengbao stopped, Mingfeng Magic Spear also stopped.

If this continues for a while, the house will undoubtedly collapse.

Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi looked at each other.

Others need money to raise their daughters, but they need their lives to raise their daughters...

There was a lot of commotion in the room, Bai Yunshan and Zuo Runzhi rushed in.

"What's the situation?" Seeing the mess in the room, Bai Yunshan looked at the family in the room again, "Wanyi beauty, my goddaughter is still so young, take care of her when you are making trouble, don't scare her Cried."

Simple Xiaobai...

Bai Yunshan said again: "I boiled a tonic for you, drink it when you wake up. Take a good tonic so that I can breastfeed my goddaughter."

"Can I skip the medicine? I want soup, delicious soup." Su Wanyi looked at Bai Yunshan with "comfortable and pitiful" eyes, hoping that she would show mercy and replace her medicine with soup.

Medicine is hell, soup is heaven, the difference is too big.

Bai Yunshan was helpless: "I don't care about the soup, but don't worry, you will be able to drink the soup tonight. Your uncle and Miss Jin have already prepared it for you. Your uncle is determined to catch the best soup for you." The best chicken, the most delicious fish, and the freshest mushrooms."

"Woo, as expected of my uncle!" Su Wanyi was full of emotion.

"You have to drink the tonic too. I've finished it all. Don't waste it on me."

"You drink it yourself! The soil is fertile to bear fruit!"

Bai Yunshan was depressed, and muttered in a low voice: "I thought everyone was you, one kind of one is accurate."

Su Wanyi: "..."

There is absolutely no way to refute.

"Ahem." Ye Yuxian coughed twice, always feeling that this conversation was not very friendly to him, and it seemed to explain the problems between certain couples from the side.

Just as he was talking, Han Yuanfeng came back, and he came back with Jin Yuhui.

Han Yuanfeng carried a big bamboo basket full of things on his back, and he was holding a wild pheasant in his hand.

As soon as he entered the door, Han Yuanfeng said to Su Wanyi: "The fight was too intense last night, and those beasts were too in the way, causing all the nearby animals to run away. I ran for tens of kilometers before I found this wild animal." Pheasant."

"Thank you uncle!" I was so happy, I didn't have to do anything, as long as I lay on the bed, someone would prepare delicious food for me, Su Wanyi suddenly felt that it didn't matter if I had a few more children.

Ye Yuxian understood something from Su Wanyi's expression, "Don't even think about it."

Straight out.

"How do you know what I'm thinking?" Su Wanyi asked back.

"For a bite to eat, there's nothing you can do."

It is a fact, a helpless fact.

"Hmph..." He really hit the spot...

(End of this chapter)

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