Chapter 1580 Qinglong's Answer

Su Wanyi thought this number was a bit strange.

The old man smiled and nodded: "Madam is very smart. It is true that as Madam said, it needs four masters to hold the Divine Weapon of Heaven and Earth at the same time to trigger it."

"Then why was there only one before us?" Isn't that contradictory?

The old man laughed, "Ma'am, I don't know that the Divine Weapon of Heaven and Earth is not a thing of the human race. Since it is the Divine Weapon of Heaven and Earth, it belongs to the God Realm. So in the past many years, the owner of the Divine Weapon of Heaven and Earth has been They are all from the God Realm, and it was not until a thousand years ago that the first human possessed the Divine Weapon of Heaven and Earth appeared, and that person was named Ye Weichen, and he became the master of the Lingyue Divine Sword."

So the first person to reach the Skybreaker was Ye Weichen.

At the same time, he is also the former owner of Lingyue Divine Sword.

While speaking, the old man glanced at Ye Yuxian with a smile.

His smile is full of meaning.

The old man then said: "It was also after the chaos thousands of years ago that the four god soldiers of heaven and earth were lost to the world and became treasures that people scrambled for."

Su Wanyi continued to ask: "So, Ye Weichen broke through the limit of the human race, and he did it here?"

Qinglong nodded lightly: "Mrs. Ye is intelligent, that's true. The limit of human cultivation is not only limited by talent, but the biggest limit is the limit of heaven and earth aura. When you went from Shenxing Continent to Lingxu Continent. It can be found that the upper limit that people can reach is higher in places with abundant aura."

"In this way, everyone has made a mistake. The fact is not that Ye Weichen has mastered the secret of breaking through the limits of the human race, but that the four heaven and earth magic soldiers can achieve it together."

Qinglong nodded: "Actually, they are all right. It is rumored in the Lingxu Continent that Ye Weichen got the secret to break through the limits of the human race, and the rumor in the Shenxing Continent is that miraculous things will happen after gathering the four heaven and earth magic soldiers. Both are good. , put together is the answer.”

That's it!

"Thank you, Lord Qinglong, for letting me know." Ye Yuxian bowed his hands and thanked him.

Qinglong shook his head slowly, "Master Ye, you are welcome, I am here to clear up your doubts."

Qinglong knew that when Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi brought their two children to this place where there was nothing, they would definitely be confused.

So Qinglong not far away came here to answer them.

"In addition to thanking you for this matter, I also want to thank you for what happened last time." Ye Yuxian thanked again.

Last time, when dealing with the black shadow of the demon race, it was Qinglong who shot at the last moment and destroyed the enchantment of the black shadow, which brought the matter to a successful conclusion.

Qinglong shook his head lightly: "No, you guys helped me more."

Qinglong's words are intriguing and confusing.

What do you mean they helped him more?

Are you talking about the Dragon Scale incident in Shuangliang City?

But Su Wanyi felt that if Qinglong wanted to do it himself, there would be no pressure to retrieve the dragon scales.

The old man beside him alone is enough to deal with those things in Shuangliang City.

The old man said to the couple: "Young Master Ye, Mrs. Ye, as well as Young Master and Young Miss, hurry up and practice hard here. The day when the demons break through the seal is not far away. By then, the fighting power of the four of you will be very high." It may be the key factor in deciding this battle against the demons."

"The demons are about to break through the seal?" Su Wanyi frowned upon hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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