Chapter 1581 Now I Can Only Rely on You and the Four Divine Soldiers of Heaven and Earth

The old man nodded: "The seal has been around for thousands of years, and its power is not as good as before, and the demons have been trying to break the seal. Recently, the seal has reached its limit, and the demons have been able to use special methods to allow monsters with their consciousness to wear it. It has passed the seal. You have seen those things before, those black liquids that can flow."

"Since the seal is not as good as before, why don't you repair the seal?"

Repair the seal in time, isn't it all right?Su Wanyi didn't understand why the Protoss allowed the seal to be broken.

The old man smiled wryly and said, "We can't fix this seal. The two people who could get this seal died 1000 years ago... on the day they got married..."

It turns out that the people who can repair the seal are Ye Weichen and the protoss woman who fell in love with Ye Weichen and held a wedding.

The power of these two people together created this powerful seal that can seal the powerful and terrifying demons for thousands of years.

They didn't know what happened on the day of their wedding. There were heavy casualties, and the two newlyweds died.

And the consequences of this incident have continued to this day.

Including the seal that suppressed the demons in the endless purgatory.

The old man said to Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi again: "Now we can only rely on you and the four heaven and earth soldiers."

Su Wanyi had a headache: "It's not that I'm timid, it's that my daughter is just full moon."

Fortunately, Daibao is more than four years old, and he can already be alone.

What about Mengbao?
This can't be counted as a combat power!
Qinglong explained for Su Wanyi: "It's okay, although she can't fight like you, but as long as she is present and Mingfeng Shenqiang is present, there will be a bonus of the simultaneous existence of the four divine soldiers, which will be of great benefit to you. help."

His voice was a little weak, and it sounded weak.

It turned out that it could still be like this, and it was okay.

"Then how do we get out of here?" The last question.

"You don't have to worry about this, I will come to you again when the time comes."

With Qinglong's promise, Su Wanyi felt at ease.

Ye Yuxian said to the old man: "Old man, I want to trouble you with one thing."

When the old man heard Ye Yuxian talking to him so politely, he suddenly felt bad.

Usually this is not a good thing.

"What do you say first."

"Please go to my house and report to them that they are safe. The four of us suddenly disappeared, and the family members will inevitably be worried. We are going to practice here for a period of time, and we don't want them to be worried all the time."

It turned out to be such a thing.

That was not difficult.

"Okay, I promise you." The old man agreed without hesitation.

After the old man agreed, the family's cultivation began.

Su Wanyi asked Ye Yuxian and Daibao to practice separately first, while she brought her daughter to practice together.

After the four of them got better, Qinglong said to Prison Niu: "It's rare for you to return to the God Realm, so you should seize the opportunity to practice. If you can restore your former state, it will be good for you and the whole battle situation."

"Yes, Lord Qinglong." Prisoner Niu ordered.

"After I leave, I will let her out, so you let her be like you, seize this opportunity and recover some cultivation, but remember not to mention me to her, as if you have never seen me today."

"Yes." Although Prisoner Niu didn't know why Qinglong insisted on not letting Zilong know, he would keep Qinglong's words in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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