Chapter 297 Why Did You Go The Last Two Years!
Su Wanyi and the white-haired old man walked to the side of the sarcophagus, waiting for the result to be born.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the coffin lid moved. After the coffin lid was pushed away, Jing Ye sat up from inside the coffin.

The old man couldn't wait to step forward and grab Jing Ye's wrist.

"Ninth step!" The old man was overjoyed, "You actually completed the triple jump!"

The special blood of the Xuanyuan royal family, under their family's unique cultivation method, is much, much faster than ordinary cultivation.

The special aura gathering in the underground palace of the Imperial Mausoleum also has an additional bonus for practitioners.

But not so fast!

This is a three-level promotion in ten days!

The old man originally predicted that Jing Ye could raise his cultivation to eighth level at most in these ten days.

But now the result came out, rank nine, one rank higher than expected.

This level is not one-third higher, the span from the eighth to the ninth level is much larger than that of the sixth level and the seventh level.

"What were you doing for the first 20 years? You have this talent, why didn't you get to the sixth level until I met you?"

Jing Ye is actually not very eager to practice, he is more interested in cooking.

It's just that what happened recently made him realize that he needs stronger power to protect his family.

So when he was lying in Yulongtian coffin, he concentrated on his cultivation and got rid of all other distracting thoughts.

He also did not expect that there would be such an astonishing effect.

Jing Ye's eyes fell on Su Wanyi, "Wanyi, are you okay?"

Although the training time passed quickly, they did not see each other for ten days.

When the sky coffin starts to operate, it will cut off all sounds from outside, and Jing Ye doesn't know what's going on outside.

"I'm fine. Congratulations Brother Jing for being promoted." Su Wanyi congratulated Jing Ye.

"Wanyi should also be promoted to the legendary level, congratulations."

Jing Ye believed in Su Wanyi's strength, so even if Su Wanyi didn't say anything, Jing Ye was sure that she had completed the promotion.

It seems that he still needs to work harder so that he can catch up with her.

"Cough cough cough, don't flirt with flirtatious eyes. If you know that girls are better than you, just work hard and don't lose face to our Xuanyuan royal family." The old man said.

"Senior misunderstood, I don't have that kind of relationship with Miss Wanyi." Jing Ye hurriedly explained, he didn't dare to ruin Miss Wanyi's reputation.

"I said no, but when you look at him, my old man's goosebumps are about to fall."

This grandpa doesn't save face for his own grandson at all, so how to dismantle it.

Jing Ye blushed when he told the white-haired old man directly.

Jing Ye was silent for a while, let the red glow on his face recede a bit, and then said to the old man: "Wan Yi and I have both completed the promotion, now can you take us out of here?"

"You want to leave after reaching the ninth level? You don't think you can deal with your father at the ninth level, do you? Didn't you say that your father sent someone to arrest you?" the white-haired old man said.

That person, the ninth rank cannot be dealt with.

"Senior, I still won't neglect my cultivation after I go out." Jing Ye said, "But we do have important things to leave here now."

Even if a message has been sent to report safety, Jing Ye will still be worried if he hasn't returned for a long time.

"If you want me to take you out, that's fine," the white-haired old man took out a small mirror from his sleeve, "This small bronze mirror in my hand, if you break it, I will take you out of the palace myself." Mausoleum Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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