Chapter 298 Trust and tacit understanding

A small bronze mirror, like the kind of small mirror placed on the dressing table of a woman's boudoir.

It doesn't seem very breakable at first glance.

"I'll try first." Jing Ye said.

"Take it." The white-haired old man casually threw the small bronze mirror into Jing Ye's hand.

There was a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be a good show.

It seems that the old man is sure that with Jing Ye's current ability, it is impossible to break this bronze mirror.

Jing Ye used his punches to smash the bronze mirror.

As a result, the copper mirror did not move at all.

Jing Ye refused to admit defeat, and punched several times in a row, and there was not even a single crack on the bronze mirror.

Jing Ye frowned. When his fist touched the bronze mirror, the fighting power in his hand seemed to be absorbed by the bronze mirror, and that fist turned into an ordinary fist.

The corners of the old man's mouth were obviously raised, and it was useless to be powerful. No matter whether it was the ninth level or the first legendary level, it was impossible to cause a little damage to this bronze mirror.

Even if they practice here for another ten years, there is no possibility of breaking the bronze mirror.

"Brother Jing, lift up the bronze mirror." Su Wanyi suddenly said to Jing Ye.

"Okay." Jing Ye didn't ask Su Wanyi why, she asked him to lift the bronze mirror, and he followed suit.

Su Wanyi picked up the Sunset Bow leaning against the wall.

A green jade bow, at first glance, there is nothing special about it.

Seeing this, the old man gave a slight snort and didn't take it seriously.

Fists are useless, just use bows and arrows?
The old man's ridicule did not last long, because he suddenly noticed that there was no arrow on Su Wanyi's bow.

There were no arrows anywhere around.

How do you draw a bow without an arrow?
Unless... this is not an ordinary bow!
Su Wanyi opened the bow, and the body of the bow gradually turned into a transparent golden color, and at the same time, a golden light arrow appeared on the bowstring.

The white-haired old man gradually widened his eyes.

The golden bow, the dazzling golden light, and the condensed arrows of light.

This... Could this be... the Godly Bow of the Setting Sun?
Su Wanyi actually has the Sunset Bow in her hand!
Wait, is she pointing this bow at his grandson now?
Those were not ordinary bows and arrows. If the arrow was not shot correctly and hit Jing Ye who was holding a bronze mirror in his hand, then Jing Ye would be crippled if he didn't die!

"Are you crazy! You want to kill my grandson!" the old man couldn't help cursing.

Su Wanyi ignored him, it was time for her to concentrate.

Jing Ye was as immobile as a mountain. He knew what kind of magic weapon Su Wanyi was holding in his hand, and he also knew what the consequences would be if he was shot by this bow and arrow.

But he trusts Su Wanyi, trusts her as a person, and trusts her ability.

The light arrow left the string and went straight to Jing Ye.

The scene looked very scary, and I felt that the light arrow would take Jing Ye's life in minutes.

When the arrow of light approached, sweat broke out on the old man's forehead.


The mirror shattered, but Jing Ye, who was holding the small bronze mirror, was unscathed.


The old man breathed a sigh of relief.

It hasn't been a few days since this grandson has recognized him, if the arrow is a bit off, it will be a tragedy of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man!

"Okay, Your Majesty, the bronze mirror is broken, you should fulfill your promise and take us out of here." Su Wanyi said.

"I have one more condition." The white-haired old man changed his mind. "I want you to get married. As soon as you get married, I will send you out immediately."

What?He actually wanted Su Wanyi to marry Jing Ye?
(End of this chapter)

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