Chapter 476 The mother and son with amazing fighting power

The big tree left after the black bats flew away really only had bare trunks and branches, which were regarded as leaves, but they were actually black bats, exactly as Ye Yuxian Daibao said.

It turned out that the tree itself was very large, but it was too far away, which made people miscalculate its size.

Correspondingly, the number of black bats originally parked on the tree is also amazing.

According to preliminary estimates, there are at least five or six hundred of them!
"How to do how to do?"

Some people panicked, some people wanted to run away in panic.

"Don't run around! Everyone form up, back to back." The third prince hurriedly ordered.

The formation was negotiated before departure, and it was specially used to deal with the appearance of groups of black bats.

Jumping around at this time will only be more dangerous.

Zhan Tianhen shouted loudly: "You still don't listen to the third prince!"

Everyone recovered from their panic and hurriedly arranged their formation.

When the black bat flew in front of the eyes, it covered the sky and the sun, and it was so dark that it made people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Feng Qingwu couldn't stand anymore, she hid among the crowd, knelt down and hugged her head.

She will die, she will die if this goes on.

The place where the black bat rushed down first was Su Wanyi and the others who were walking in the front.

Dai Bao's body emitted a red light again, and the soft red light formed a strong protective barrier, blocking the black bat from the light.

Zhan Tianhen didn't hide in Daibao's light, even though the light on Daibao covered him, he still walked out of the protection of the light without hesitation, and went out to face the black bat.

This idiot, who told him that he couldn't kill the black bat if he hid in the light of the phoenix's blood?

Su Wanyi hugged Dai Bao, and the mother and son killed bats together. With the protection of light, they didn't need to worry about black bats biting them. What they had to do was to kill as many black bats as possible.

Su Wanyi's first proposal to loosen the shackles of the captives came into play at this moment.

advantage in numbers.

For those with high cultivation, such as Duan Mingyue, Duan Xingchen, and Shangguan Muhan, it is not a problem for one person to deal with one or two.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, those who have reached the legendary level, such as Ye Yuxian and Zhan Tianhen, it is no problem to deal with them alone.

As for Su Wanyi and Dai Baolai, they don't have to worry about how many they can kill, as long as they can cut them, it depends on the speed of their hands.

A group of two or three people with insufficient cultivation can still deal with one.

The captives were low in cultivation, but there were a large number of them. In addition, they were well-trained and tactical. A dozen of them worked together to cover each other, and they were fully capable of killing a black bat.

Su Wanyi and Daibao paid more attention to the situation of these Daqi soldiers.

Once a soldier in danger is found, the mother and son will go to help and protect the safety of every Daqi soldier as much as possible.

With the help of phoenix blood, the movement speed of the mother and son is quite good.

And the tacit understanding between mother and son is nothing to say, the four years of getting along day and night is not fake!

I saw the mother and son beheading the black bat with amazing fighting power and swift speed.

Everyone was stunned.

Why is this mother and son so powerful? !

So surprising!

"My lord, you are by my side, don't go far away." Shangguan Muhan told the third prince, and firmly protected him behind him.

"I'm fine, take care of yourself." The third prince was calm and calm.

Although the third prince is not in good health, he is not powerless. He still has some foundation in cultivation, and he still has the ability to protect himself.

(End of this chapter)

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