Chapter 477 The Attitude Reversed

When Zhan Tianhen was fighting, he was surprised to find that the man surnamed Ye was very strange. He didn't feel any tension from him, and he seemed relaxed from the beginning to the end.

He didn't even use a weapon.

The sword that killed the salamander just now was taken by the person next to him.

Now he is dealing with these terrifying black bats with his bare hands.

Zhan Tianhen paid special attention to the black bat that was shot down to the ground by the man surnamed Ye, and his head was pierced.

Without borrowing any weapons, did you punch through the head of the black bat just by fighting?
Zhan Tianhen's own cultivation at the beginning of the legendary realm cannot reach this level.

Could it be that this man's cultivation is higher than his own?

Because he had to fight himself, Zhan Tianhen didn't pay more attention to Ye Yuxian.

After a fierce battle, the ground was covered with the corpses of black bats.

And there were injuries on their side, but no one died, and it turned out pretty well.

At this time, someone came up to Duan Mingyue, "Miss Duan, it doesn't matter if you don't want to live, don't implicate us all, can you die with us?"

Duan Mingyue lowered her head, unable to defend herself, she was indeed distracted.

Seeing her sister being accused, Duan Xingchen quit, "What are you? You are dying because of your own incompetence! You can't blame others!"

"what do you mean?"

Duan Xingchen's words aroused public outrage.

Disputes are imminent.

"Enough!" The third prince interrupted again, "Arguing here will either attract more black bats, or kill each other to lose combat power. If there is any grievance, let's talk about it outside the domain of black bats. If you don't want to I don't welcome anyone who wants to quarrel, you can leave the team immediately!"

The words of the third prince made those who had opinions obediently shut up.

Without the team, no one has the confidence to survive.

No matter how dissatisfied with the Duan family siblings, I still have to continue to cooperate with them at this time.

"Miss Feng..." The third prince turned his head and asked Su Wanyi again.

"Go on, it's best to arrive before dark, we don't know what will happen once it gets dark." Su Wanyi said.

Black bats come out at night, and if night is the time for their collective activities, then night is the time when it is really dangerous.

At that time, there may be many more black bats than before.

Hearing Su Wanyi's words, everyone didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore.

At the beginning, those people who disdained "Feng Qingyu" and praised Duan Jie's siblings, now their views have changed, and they began to think that "Feng Qingyu" is reliable, and Duan's siblings are disgusting.

Everyone continued to move forward, and along the way they would encounter one or two black bats acting alone.

After seeing hundreds of black bats attacking at the same time, and then facing one or two black bats, everyone was obviously much calmer.

"Hey, look at that bat." Shangguan Muhan pointed to the black bat hovering in the sky.

I was no longer surprised to see another black bat.

"Its eyes seem to be different from what we have seen before." Shangguan Muhan noticed details that others did not notice.

Eyes, the eyes of this black bat that is still in the air and has not come down are red.

The eyes of those they met before were still black...

This blood-like dark red color inexplicably makes people feel scared...

It's just the color of the eyes that's different, but there's always something different about it.

(End of this chapter)

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