Chapter 480 Still Became Disabled

The third prince said: "He has the heart to protect everyone and I respect him very much, but it is true that we can't cure the poison on his arm now. We have not hidden the panacea and refused to use it for him."

No matter what the Duan brothers and sisters say, if there is no antidote, there is no antidote.

They were given all the antidotes they brought, and they had nothing to do if none of them worked.

It won't help if they come back and blame them.

Shangguan Muhan said: "Cut off one of Mr. Duan's arms and save his life, but when it's too late, it will be too late."

Shangguan Muhan knows a little bit about medical skills, he learned because the third prince's health is not good, learning some medical skills can take better care of him.

His proposal is perfectly reasonable.

Is there no other way?

Duan Mingyue looked at her younger brother in pain, "Xing Chen, I'm sorry."

Seeing Duan Mingyue draw his sword, Duan Xingchen panicked.

"Sister, don't, sister, I don't want to become disabled!"

He is the proud son of heaven, how can he bear the loss of an arm when he is so proud?
"I'm sorry, sister can't watch you die." Duan Mingyue said.

After speaking, he swung his sword down.


Accompanied by Duan Xingchen's shrill scream.

His arm fell to the ground.

"Hurry up and get the hemostatic medicine!" Duan Mingyue yelled loudly.

Hemostatic medicine is still enough.

Duan Mingyue finished bandaging Duan Xingchen herself.

Due to blood loss, Duan Xingchen's condition is very bad.

At the same time, the psychological blow was also fatal to him.

There was no time for him to rest, so a few people were found to carry him, and the team moved on.

After a few steps, I met another red-eyed black bat.

This time, Zhan Tianhen took the initiative to solve it.

Zhan Tianhen was still fierce, and the red-eyed black bat couldn't stop him.

Zhan Tianhen stepped on the head of the red-eyed bat.

Zhan Tianhen said: "It seems that going forward will be this kind of more difficult red-eyed black bat."

This made Zhan Tianhen feel the pressure.

Can they really hold up to the center point?
"General Zhan, be careful!" Shangguan Muhan shouted at Zhan Tianhen.

Zhan Tianhen turned his head abruptly, and three red-eyed black bats suddenly popped out from the crevice of the boulder next to him.

The stone was pitch black, covering the black bats so well that no one noticed their existence in the first place.

When Zhan Tianhen and the red-eyed black bat just finished fighting, he happened to be next to the boulder.

Now three black bats suddenly jumped out, and Zhan Tianhen retreated hastily.

Zhan Tianhen escaped the attack of the red-eyed black bat, followed by the red-eyed black bat and rushed towards Su Wanyi and the others not far behind him.

One pounced on Su Wanyi and Daibao, both of them were very calm, without panic at all.

The second one pounced on Ye Yuxian, Ye Yuxian didn't even frown.

The third is Shangguan Muhan next to him.

These people are the few people at the front of the team.

When there is danger ahead, they must be the first to be attacked.

Shangguan Muhan was not so relaxed.

But it is not at a disadvantage. The No.1 among the younger generation of the Shangguan family is not blown.

Su Wanyi and Daibao were blocked by the phoenix blood on Daibao's body. It couldn't touch Su Wanyi and Daibao, but Daibao and Su Wanyi could kill it at will.

Then it was simply and roughly hacked to death...

The one that attacked Ye Yuxian was on the ground before everyone saw the situation clearly.

The body was cut into five pieces.

A head, a pair of wings, a pair of feet...

Neatly lined up on the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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