Chapter 481 Uncle Sick, Daibao Has Ointment Here
He didn't seem to have a weapon either. What kind of thing was used to cut such a neat wound?

At about the same time, Shangguan Muhan also split the body of the red-eyed black bat with his sword.

However, half of the split body flew towards Shangguan Muhan.

Even if the monster's body was split in half, it would still move within a few seconds of the split.

"Mu Han, be careful!"

Seeing that a bat's body was about to hit Shangguan Muhan, the third prince pushed Shangguan Muhan away.

"Third Highness!"

Shangguan Muhan turned his head, and saw that half of the bat's body hit the third prince's body.

Shangguan Muhan hurriedly rushed up, checking his body in a panic.

I prayed in my heart.

"Don't row, don't row!"

They have already seen the consequences of being scratched by the claws of the red-eyed black bat on Duan Xingchen.

But Duan Xingchen injured his arm, and he could cut off his arm to save his life.

If the third prince's chest is scratched...

What's more, his body is still so weak...

Shangguan Muhan pulled off the third prince's clothes, saw the bright red gash on his fair skin, and immediately lost all blood on his face.

The reality is still so cruel.

He was still hurt.

Just a very small wound.

But enough to kill him.

Shangguan Muhan paused for a moment, and suddenly wanted to lower his head.

He was planning to suck out the third prince's poison.

"Don't act recklessly!" Sensing what Shangguan Muhan wanted to do, the third prince pushed Shangguan Muhan away.

"Don't move around, I'll suck the poison out for you, maybe it can save your life!" Shangguan Muhan said eagerly to the third prince.

The third prince shook his head: "I can't bet your life, no one can guarantee that you won't get poisoned after you give me drugs."

"I don't care! You don't want to bet, I want to bet!" Shangguan Muhan roared.

At this time, he can't control anything!

He only wants him to live!

Not only did the third prince not agree, but he kept stepping back to distance himself from him.

"Mu Han, listen to me, you have promised me, you will listen to my words." The third prince was very firm, "After I die, you will continue to complete this task."

"I don't!" Shangguan Muhan refused, "Either live together or die together!"

Daibao watched for a while, then let go of his mother's hand.

Walking in small steps, he walked up to the Third Prince.

He took out a small box of ointment from his pocket.

"Uncle Sick, Daibao has ointment here, can Daibao apply the ointment for you?"

Daibao looked up at the third prince, his voice was soft and cute, his face was innocent, and his eyes were twinkling.


The third prince was stunned for a moment.

Seeing this, Shangguan Muhan said eagerly: "Hurry up! Let Daibao apply the medicine to you!"

This kid is a pervert, maybe the medicine he is carrying is useful!

The third prince agreed, and sat down on the spot so that Daibao could apply medicine to his chest.

The little white and tender little finger was dipped in the white jade-like ointment, and then applied it on the third prince's small wound, applying it back and forth with the finger, spreading it evenly.

Su Wanyi supported her forehead and sighed lightly.

Damn it, you are really a fool!
Ye Yuxian leaned close to Su Wanyi's ear and asked in a low voice, "What kind of ointment is Daibao wearing?"

Su Wan replied: "Death is impossible."

The truth, she couldn't tell.

That is the ointment formulated by Bai Yunshan, which regulates menstruation...

The usage is to apply the ointment on the stomach and knead it to treat dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation...

(End of this chapter)

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