Chapter 489 Decoy
Su Wanyi looked towards the high "mountain" in front of her.

The dark color gives people a creepy feeling.

At the top of the towering clouds, there are several black bats flying around.

"Is the sealing center right here?" Su Wanyi asked the third prince.

Third Prince: "Yes."

Su Wanyi glanced again: "Has this tower always existed?"

The third prince: "Yes, according to the records, sealing this tower is the key to sealing the domain of the black bat. We need to get to the top."

When and how the Tomb of the Black Bat existed is not recorded.

Feng Qingwu asked in a trembling voice: "Are we really going in? This place looks gloomy, won't it become food for those bats after entering?"

Shangguan Muhan said to her: "If you are afraid, stay outside and wait for us. No one forces you to go in."

Feng Qingwu hurriedly said: "No, if I am alone, any bat will eat me up. Didn't you just say that if people are eaten fresh by these bats, they will become more powerful? So You must protect me and not let me be eaten!"

The third prince asked Su Wanyi: "Is there any good solution, Sect Master Su?"

Su Wanyi said: "We have to find a way to lure out all the black bats inside. This place is too high, and you can't climb it even if you have good Qinggong skills. If you want to climb up, you have to clean up the black bats inside first, or you will climb halfway up. You have to be pecked to death by them."

The third prince: "Sect Master Su is right, but how do we draw them out?"

Su Wanyi pointed to Feng Qingwu: "Bait. Tie it up with a rope, hang it up, cut a few holes in your body, the black bats are hungry, and they will come naturally after smelling the smell."

She wants to use Feng Qingwu as bait?
When Feng Qingwu heard this, she was in a bad mood.

"Feng Qingyu, ah no, Su Wanyi, are you crazy? Using me as bait, it's thanks to you for coming up with such a vicious idea!"

Feng Qingwu flung her teeth and claws at her, looking as if she wanted to fight Su Wanyi desperately.

"Didn't you also think of asking Feng Qingyu to give you the top bag? Even Feng Qingyu's entry into the domain of black bats is also a masterpiece of yours."

Su Wanyi replied.

Use the way of the person to treat the person's body.

Su Wanyi loves Feng Qingyu and lives with Feng Qingyu, using Feng Qingyu's identity to help her deal with those who want to harm her, there is nothing wrong with it.

Feng Qingwu couldn't find a trace of blood on her entire face.

While she was still in a daze, Su Wanyi had already wrapped a rope around her waist and tied her up.

He found a long tree trunk and hung him up.

Then he cut her arm and let the blood flow out.

Seeing this, the others retreated one after another, retreating to the back, away from Feng Qingwu who was being used as a bait.

Feng Qingwu was terrified now, she repeatedly begged Su Wanyi for mercy: "I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong, I will never dare again, I swear I will never bully Feng Qingyu again, I will be She belongs to my own sister, really! Just let me go this time!"

How did Feng Qingwu know that Feng Qingyu would find such a powerful helper!

Su Wanyi replied to her: "If Feng Qingyu died here today, would you apologize?"

will not.

Then when it is her turn that Feng Qingwu's life is in danger, don't scream.

Feng Qingwu cried and said: "I really dare not! Don't let me die like this!"

Feng Qingwu's cry didn't arouse Su Wanyi's sympathy and tenderness, she only summoned those black bats who were attracted by her cry and the smell of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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