Chapter 490

All around here are red-eyed black bats, extremely vicious.

Red-eyed black bats flew out of the tower and flew towards Feng Qingwu.

At this moment, the people hiding behind were extremely grateful that they hadn't offended Su Wanyi before, otherwise they would be the ones hanging in front at this moment!

And those who said bad things about "Feng Qingyu" before coming here prayed in their hearts that Su Wanyi didn't hear these words.

Feeling that she was about to be surrounded by countless black bats and became a mistake in what they said, Feng Qingwu was so frightened that she fainted and lost consciousness.

At this time, Ye Yuxian released the black mirror.

Su Wanyi also opened her bow and shot an arrow.

The arrows of light shot out in all directions, and one arrow pierced through the head of the red-eyed black bat.

Zhan Tianhen was not willing to be left behind, he raised his sword and rushed up into the air on Hei Jing's body, swiping his sword to kill.

He always rushes to the forefront and leads by example, which is probably why he has such a high prestige in the army.

Su Wanyi said to the third prince and Shangguan Muhan in the gap between his bow and bow: "Third Highness and Shangguan Muhan, please take a small group of Daqi soldiers to the back to burn the tower. The bait alone can only attract part of it. If you want all You have to work harder to get it out.”

Su Wanyi added: "Bring Daibao."

When he heard the first half of the sentence, Shangguan Muhan felt like he was going to die.

Because with the strength of him and the third prince, being targeted by more than two red-eyed black bats may be life-threatening.

But after hearing the phrase "bring the dull treasure", Shangguan Muhan felt a lot more at ease.

This little guy is a big baby!

"Okay!" Shangguan Muhan picked up Daibao, as if he was afraid that the little guy would not go with him, when he picked up Daibao, he hurriedly said to him, "Uncle treats you to something delicious after you go out."

"Okay!" Dai Bao obediently agreed.

In fact, uncle will go even if he doesn't say it, but if he wants to invite him to eat, he will not be polite!

Shangguan Muhan, the third prince and Daibao led a small group of Daqi soldiers to bypass the frontal battlefield and approach the tomb of the black bat.

When Shangguan Muhan turned his head to look at the frontal battlefield, it was already a mess.

The main output is Ye Yuxian, Su Wanyi and Zhan Tianhen.

Others can also help, but compared with these three, their combat effectiveness is not 01:30.

abnormal!Shangguan Muhan slandered, the big demon star is a big pervert, and the one he holds in his hand is a little pervert!
And the perverted mother is also not normal!
Shangguan Muhan ran ahead with Daibao in his arms, while the Yinlong Sword was chasing after him.

For those who have their own consciousness and can take the initiative to run with their master, Shangguan Muhan estimated that this sword should be the powerful hidden dragon sword in the rumors.

The mother has a sunset bow, and the son has a hidden dragon sword.

All the good luck in the world has been taken by this mother and son, right?

There are only four heaven and earth magic soldiers in total, and the mother and son took two of them!half!
As a knife that was despised by its master, the Yinlong Divine Knife had to run with him, otherwise its master might never think of it.

Both Shangguan Muhan and the third prince noticed this hidden dragon sword that was not discouraged and ran after Daibao.

The two of them were really helpless, as a majestic heaven and earth soldier, no one could get mixed up with it!
While running, Shangguan Muhan asked Daibao, "Daibao, why don't you hold your knife?"

(End of this chapter)

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