Chapter 686 The Sudden Appearance of the Dragon's Roar
As the sacrificial ceremony approached, the capital became lively.

That night, an unusual movement from the direction of Zilong Lake shocked the whole capital.

A sound like a dragon chant came at midnight.

When the army arrived, they didn't hear it again.

I found a few frightened people by the Zilong Lake, saying that they saw a big wave in the lake and heard a loud and ear-piercing dragon chant.

But only for a while.

Soon everything was calm again.

Early the next morning, the whole capital was boiling.

The sacrifice of Zilong Lake has been going on for countless years.

Although the sacrificial ceremony is held every year, fewer and fewer people believe that there are Zilongs at the bottom of Zilong Lake.

The sacrificial ceremony has unknowingly become a custom.

The emperor urgently summoned princes and ministers to discuss.

Prince Sikong Yan also entered the palace early in the morning.

Just as King Ning returned to the palace, he was also summoned.

Su Wanyi was also invited into the palace as the first suzerain.

Also invited was Qin Ziyuan, who is the head of Qianwu Sect.

In the past, Su Wanyi's appearance would attract people's attention, because she and her son had two heaven and earth magic weapons on them.

But today, everyone's attention was on Zilong, and not so much on Su Wanyi.

It was the first time for the emperor to see Su Wanyi, and he had already heard about it from the prince, and knew that she was a young beauty.

She is indeed a beauty.

This reminded him vaguely of the first time he saw Junmei.

He is fascinated by her beauty.

Her every frown and smile are engraved in his mind.

It hasn't faded so far.

It's just that there is only one such beautiful person who can win his heart.

Therefore, when he saw Su Wanyi, his heart became very peaceful.

"I asked you to come here today because of the vision that appeared in Zilong Lake last night. What do you all think?"

The emperor asked everyone's thoughts.

Zhen Mao took the lead in replying: "Your Majesty, I believe that the virgins selected this time must be strictly guarded to ensure that there will be no problems in the sacrificial ceremony in a few days. As long as the sacrificial ceremony goes well, Zilong will naturally calm down."

Zhen Mao's answer avoids the important and ignores it.

Nothing substantial at all.

King Ning said: "Send people to patrol Zilong Lake, monitor Zilong Lake, and report immediately if there is any abnormality."

King Ning's proposal put Zhen Mao in a bad mood.

If the emperor listened to King Ning and really sent people to inspect Zilong Lake, then how would the people from the Zhen family do it?

The dragon chant last night was their attempt.

The effect of the attempt is obviously good.

He still plans to try a few more times.

If the patrol of Zilong Lake is strengthened, how can he continue to experiment?
Zhen Mao said: "The prince's proposal is good, but I think if we do this, it may cause panic among the people."

King Ning sneered: "Zhen Mao, everyone has heard the sound of the dragon's chant. Who in the city doesn't know about this? If you want to panic, you've already panicked. Don't you feel at ease when you see someone patrolling?"

Zhen Mao cursed inwardly, this King Ning is real, why bother so much?
People feel at ease, what does it matter to you?
The emperor nodded, "I agree with King Ning's idea. Starting today, we will send more people to the vicinity of Zilong Lake."

The emperor had already said that there was nothing Zhen Mao could do about it.

He gritted his teeth secretly, damn it, this plan is all messed up!
(End of this chapter)

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