Chapter 687 King Ning, you are a bad old man, you deliberately make trouble with my mother, right?
Patriarch Yuchi said: "Your Majesty, I feel that since Zilong is showing signs of waking up, we should send people to the lake to investigate and find out what caused it, so we can remedy it."

Patriarch Yuchi's words made the emperor fall into deep thought.

Zhen Mao is really in a hurry now.

King Ning's proposal was just to send people to patrol the lake.

This Patriarch Yuchi actually wanted to send someone to dive into the lake?
Zhen Mao hurriedly raised objections: "I think this is inappropriate, what if Zilong is disturbed, and Zilong, who was only showing signs of awakening, is completely awakened, what should I do?"

This time the emperor felt that what Zhen Mao said made sense.

"What Zhen Aiqing said has some truths, I don't want to make an irreparable mistake."

Patriarch Yuchi replied: "Zilong Lake has always had people's activities. For so many years, those who fish in the lake have nothing to do."

Zhen Mao hurriedly said: "Then how can they be compared? Those who fish and gather pearls are only active in the shallow waters on the edge, while Zilong is in the deepest place in the center of the lake. Those people that Patriarch Yuchi mentioned have never really been close. Zilong. No one knows what the consequences will be if we really send people to check and get close to Zilong.”

The emperor nodded: "That's true. This Zilong Lake is shallower on the periphery and the deepest in the center. Except for the virgins who were sunk in the lake, no one has ever dived into it."

Zhen Mao secretly rejoiced when he heard the words, but luckily the emperor listened to his opinion on this matter.

Su Wanyi stood in the back and pretended to be a transparent person. In this case, she didn't want to show off, and she didn't want to offer opinions. She just hoped that others would not drag her into the water.

However, things didn't go as expected, Su Wanyi didn't want to talk, because someone didn't want to let her go.

King Ning suddenly said, "I heard that the first Sect Master Su was extremely intelligent and quick-witted. I don't know what unique insights Su Sect Master has about this incident?"

Because of King Ning's words, everyone turned their heads and looked at Su Wanyi who was standing in the back corner with her head bowed.

Ning Wang, you bad old man, you deliberately make things difficult for my old lady, right?
Curse you to start balding this year, and become bald within a year!
Su Wanyi raised her head with a smile on her face: "His Royal Highness Ning Wang has won the award. All the seniors are here. How can I, a junior, make a mistake?"

Ning Wang said: "Hey, how can you say it's a mistake? Young people have young people's opinions, maybe they can just provide us with some different opinions?"

Anyway, King Ning just didn't want Su Wanyi to be safe.

Su Wanyi began to chatter: "I think His Royal Highness Prince Ning's proposal is very good. The first thing to consider now is the people's hearts. It can't be that Zilong hasn't woken up yet, and the people panic first."

Zhen Mao thought to himself, this Su Wanyi is just a bastard, she got her current position just because she was lucky enough to pick up the magic bow, so how could she have any real skills.

Su Wanyi thought for a while and then said: "By the way, I heard that there is a temple related to Zilong on the edge of Zilong Lake. Less and less caused."

Speaking of which, Su Wanyi rubbed her chin, "If this Zilong really exists, does that mean that the ancestors have seen it before, or there is more information about Zilong?"

Hearing this, Zhen Mao's face changed greatly.

The emperor hurriedly said: "Come here, pass on my will, and then send people to Zilong Temple to check!"

Zhen Mao's entire face was gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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