Chapter 801

Su Wanyi never asked Ye Yuxian how he got out of here.

Anyway, it was impossible for him to go out by himself, so I don't know whose "credit" was behind it.

Because of thinking of Ye Yuxian, this seemingly beautiful village suddenly lost its luster in Su Wanyi's eyes.

No matter how good it is.

"The elder I will take you to in a while is the law enforcement elder of the clan. The possibility of you escaping from him is very low, but you chose it yourself, so no wonder we are there." Chu Yu said to Su Wanyi and the others. .

Chu Yu has no hostility towards Su Wanyi and the others now.

Just a simple standpoint.

It's a pure transaction between them now.

So she will not be responsible for their life and death after handing them over to the elders.

Chu Yu was still a little uneasy in his heart, but thinking of his current situation, he didn't have the extra energy to think about Su Wanyi's life and death.

Su Wanyi already had this psychological expectation.

Walking through the long bluestone road, Su Wanyi and the others came to a relatively grand building.

There is still a long distance from the most central palace here, but it is obviously much more imposing than the small village before.

There are still guards at the door, and Chu Yu and the others need to show their tokens to explain their intentions.

After some interrogation, the other party let him go.

After entering inside, Chu Yu led them through the courtyard, before arriving in front of the main hall.

This place is a bit like a yamen in the outside world. Those who come back from doing missions must come here to report and report the status of their missions to the law enforcement elders.

In front of the desk facing the main hall sat a gray-haired old man about 50 years old.

The old man had a thin body and a monkey-like face.

His eyes were sharp, and he looked shrewd.

Seeing Chu Yu and the others come back, the law enforcement elder subconsciously looked behind the three of them, but only saw four of them, and his expression suddenly became displeased.

"See Elder."

The three of Chu Yu saluted.

"Chu Yu, Chu Chen, Chu Xia, I remember the three of you promised me again and again before you set off that you would definitely complete the task and come back properly, so I agreed to entrust you with this task, and you ended up completing it like this Mission? So you have the face to come to see me?"

"Elder, forgive me!" Chu Yu hurriedly said, "Elder, please listen to Chu Yu's explanation, these four people are not ordinary people."

"Ordinary people are not good either! At least 100 people, and now only four are brought back, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it is not enough!"

"Elder, this young woman is none other than the first patriarch, Su Wanyi who owns the Sunset Bow!" Chu Xia hurriedly explained.


Hearing this, the law enforcement elder stood up abruptly.

"You say she is that Su Wanyi?" The law enforcement elder quickly walked out from behind the desk, and walked straight up to Su Wanyi to look at her.

Su Wanyi's eyes were blank at the moment, as if she was being manipulated by someone.

"Exactly!" Chu Yu replied.

"Then, where is the Bow of the Setting Sun? Where is the Bow of the Setting Sun?"

"Back to the elder, when we met her, she didn't bring the Sunset Bow with her. I sneaked up on her when she was unprepared, and made her lose consciousness and obey my mercy." Chu Yu explain.

"The Divine Bow will be summoned by the master. If she is really Su Wanyi herself, you have done a good job. As long as she is here, find a chance to wake her up and let her summon the Divine Bow. "

(End of this chapter)

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