Chapter 802 Zilong, use some saliva to use it

This time, the law enforcement elder felt that there was nothing wrong with Chu Yu's approach.

"But are you sure she is really Su Wanyi?" the law enforcement elder asked again.

This woman's appearance fits well with the information they have obtained about Su Wanyi.

"The subordinates are very sure."

"If she is really Su Wanyi, then the three of you have done a great job this time."

Bringing back Su Wanyi is much more valuable than bringing back a hundred cultivators.

"Go, get Su Wanyi's face drawing." The law enforcement elder ordered his subordinates to do it immediately.

After the matter of the Sunset Bow was confirmed, the Yun Clan has been paying attention to Su Wanyi.

So they already got the portrait of Su Wanyi.

There are files stored in the warehouse.

After a while, the file was retrieved, and the law enforcement elders checked it.

"It's really her!" The voice of the law enforcement elder could not be more obvious than excitement.

"Good! Good! That's great!" The law enforcement elder praised, "You have done a good job, and this time the credit is not small."

"It is our honor to be able to contribute to the Yun family."

"I can announce the results of the three of you this time to the public, so that everyone can know that the three of you have made great achievements."

The law enforcement elders are still very fair, and those who have merit will be praised.

Speaking of which, this should be the first time people from Chu Yu's lineage have set out on a mission in the past five or sixty years, and they have completed the mission perfectly.

Because of Chiyin Tianji, people of their lineage are no longer trusted and valued.

It has been five or sixty years since the last such glory.

Thinking of this, Chu Yu Chuchen and Chu Xia had tears in their eyes.

Chu Yu looked at Su Wanyi, Su Wanyi's face was dull at the moment, and she was still pretending that she was controlled and unconscious.

Chu Yu suddenly felt a little grateful to Su Wanyi.

Although it was just a transaction, she helped them achieve a wish.

"Who are the other three people?" The law enforcement elder looked at the three people behind Su Wanyi again.

"They are all subordinates of Su Wanyi, masters of the first sect." Chu Yu explained.

"The words of the master of the first school should have a good cultivation base, just enough to be used."

The law enforcement elder said and looked at Chu Yu and the three of them.

After a slight sigh, the elder said to the three, "Perhaps the rise of your branch depends on the three of you."

"Thank you, elder." The three thanked in unison.

"Lock them here first, and wake up Su Wanyi after I report to the Holy Palace and ask her to summon the Divine Bow."

Follow the law enforcement elders to have Su Wanyi and the four of them taken to the cell.

Su Wanyi and the others were taken to the prison.

There are no people in this prison, there are only two cells in total.

Su Wanyi and Zuo Runzhi are in the same room, and Bai Yunshan is in the same room as Su Cheng.

When they left, the four returned to normal immediately.

Bai Yunshan rubbed his face.

"After pretending to have facial paralysis for a long time, I feel that the muscles on my face are stiff."

Zuo Runzhi checked the iron gate of the cell, "It's made of black iron."

Ordinary weapons can't cut black iron continuously.

"Zilong, use some of your saliva." Su Wanyi said to Zilong.

"Fuck! Auntie, can you borrow my saliva if you want? Auntie is so beautiful, how can she do such an indecent gesture of spitting at will?"

"You have already done this in front of countless people in Daqin, and you have lost almost all the face you can lose. There are no outsiders around now, so don't mind."

(End of this chapter)

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