Chapter 823 I Have a Good Reason Not to Steal

"Okay, then go and steal it, tell me how to use it, and I'll help you use it." Su Wanyi replied.

"I'm a little girl, how could you let me steal things? You see, I'm so cute, so innocent and so kind." The girl hurriedly said.

"Are you serious when you say that?"

The girl blinked her innocent watery eyes, "But she is really a little girl!"

"Don't lie to me. I don't know what that thing looks like. Since you know it, of course you have to steal it."

"I didn't cheat you. If I cheated you, would I need to go to such trouble? There are still many masters. I told the saint while you were reading, wouldn't it be over?"

The little girl said plausibly.

"Who knows what kind of bad idea you have here?" Su Wanyi is not easy to fool.

"Hey." The little girl sighed, "Do you think my body looks like someone who can nimbly do sneaky things? Although I have combat power, the flexibility of my body is definitely not up to par. "

The girl told the truth this time.

Her cultivation base is there, but her body cannot be used flexibly.

"Even if you only have a three-year-old body, if you practice hard, you shouldn't have any problems moving around flexibly."

Dai Bao is really a three-year-old body, and it is also soft, but the result of cultivation has allowed his small body to burst out with great energy.

The girl rolled up her arms and showed Su Wanyi hers.

Su Wanyi curiously squeezed the girl's soft arm, it was soft, it was the body a little girl should have.

The girl knew what Su Wanyi was curious about, she smiled brightly, and then shouted in the direction of the study: "Bai, come here!"

After waiting for a long time, Bai Yunshan came out of the study in a daze.

"What's the matter?" Bai Yunshan asked.

"Check my pulse." The girl stretched her arms in front of Bai Yunshan.

Bai Yunshan was very puzzled, the girl's complexion didn't look like she was sick.

However, Bai Yunshan still got his pulse based on the principle of taking short-handed people.

Bai Yunshan frowned.

"What's wrong?" Su Wanyi asked Bai Yunshan.

Looking at Yunshan's expression, it seems that the little girl's body really has something wrong.

Bai Yunshan frowned and didn't speak for a long time.

Zuo Runzhi watched anxiously from the side, "What's going on, you are talking!"

"I don't know what's going on, what do you want me to say!" Bai Yunshan was also anxious, "You say she is sick, I don't see what is wrong, but you say she is not sick , Qi and blood are not a little weaker than ordinary people, it seems that her heart and lungs are not good."

"There is a lot of fighting power in her body, and this fighting power is still running in her body. In other words, her body is very weak, and she basically can't do any strenuous exercise. It's already a corpse for a while, but the fighting power in her body hugs her tendons so that the blood in her body can still circulate."

Bai Yunshan's explanation confirmed what the little girl said.

She can't do flexible things not only because of her young age and weak body, but also because her body is not an ordinary body.

It is not easy to be alive.

Bai Yunshan asked the girl: "Is it because of this that there are so many medical books in your study? I saw that several of them are dedicated to blood."

The girl raised her head and smiled brightly, "Yeah, there's no way, I have to live anyway, no one can save me, I can only save myself."

(End of this chapter)

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