Chapter 824 Decided to Take a Gamble

There was a sly look in the girl's eyes.

She was telling the truth.

She is really saving herself!
Su Wanyi and Bai Yunshan looked at each other for a while.

Bai Yunshan will definitely not lie, the girl's body really has a problem.

To be more precise, the girl was problematic from head to toe.

Following everyone, they looked at the girl with probing eyes.

I feel more and more that this girl is weird.

The girl giggled and said, "I've agreed to let you guess. I said it in advance but it will damage my reputation, even though I don't have much reputation at all."

You are cheating people with confidence, right?
Su Wanyi said: "But you clearly said before that we are safe only in your palace, and we may be caught if we go out."

She couldn't deny what she said herself.

The little girl compromised: "Okay, okay, if you don't want to steal it, it's fine. I won't force you, although this is the only effective method I have thought of so far. But I know that people can steal Stealing is very immoral, it violates the basic principles of being a human being, and it requires a lot of determination, even if stealing such things may save countless innocent lives, it is very difficult."

Bai Yunshan was dumbfounded when he heard this, and thought, the fault is that he is in poor health. If he is in good health, with this mouth and this combat power, then he really won't be able to survive for others!

After finishing speaking, the little girl put down another bottle of gel: "Here, this is your dinner today."

This thing again!

At this moment, Su Wanyi's sanity was on the verge of collapsing.

How about going to take a peek?

Even if you can't steal the treasure, it's good to steal some food!

"Oh, that's right." The girl seemed to suddenly remember something, and took out a blueprint from her bosom.

"I just got Zhang Shenggong's patrol map. The young master's defense is relatively sparse. If you go there at night and avoid it skillfully, it's still not easy to be found. As long as you come back during the day, you shouldn't be caught. arrive."

Bai Yunshan was dumbfounded: "Are you sure this is something you just remembered?"

The little girl nodded, with a cute face: "That's right, I'm young, I have a bad memory, and I often forget."

Believe in you!

You fake kid is very bad!

Bai Yunshan turned his head and whispered to Su Wanyi: "Wanyi, do you really want to trust her? I always think this little girl is too shrewd."

Su Wanyi also knew what Bai Yunshan was talking about.

If it is said that this fake child is harming them, it seems that there is no such thing.

If it is critical, what I have done in the past few days is completely redundant.

If it was harmless, then Su Wanyi couldn't convince herself.

Apart from being harmless, this guy is highly poisonous.

Su Wanyi gritted her teeth: "Okay, I'll steal it tonight!"

Su Wanyi decided to take a gamble.

"But I have conditions." Su Wanyi said, "If something happens to me, you have to come out to protect me."

"Aren't you embarrassing me a little bit too much?" the little girl asked.

Su Wanyi said firmly, "I know you can."

"Oh?" Seeing Su Wanyi's determined eyes, the girl was very curious.

It seems that Su Wanyi discovered something during the three days she stayed here.

Forget it, it doesn't matter whether she knows her identity or not anyway, she is not lying, the treasure that can help them is really in the young master's body, and only Su Wanyi can steal it.

(End of this chapter)

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