Chapter 971 I'm about to be locked up by Ye Yuxian again

Others were also moved for a while.

This shows that in Su Wanyi's mind, it's not just the relationship between the subordinate and the master who experienced life and death with her.

It's more of a friend, more of a family relationship.

She is willing to give such an important thing to someone she trusts.

For her, it would be good if her friends and family can make the god soldier recognize the Lord, and it doesn't have to wait until the child is born to try.

"Okay, don't smudge, try it quickly. Look at you, those who don't know think I'm having an affair with you!" Su Wanyi told Bai Yunshan's hug while distasteful, "If you are resisted Just let go immediately, don't force yourself to hurt yourself."

Several people nodded.

The white cloth fell, and it was a long silver spear.

The silver phoenix is ​​lifelike.

It was a combination of beauty and power.

People can't help but be conquered by it.

Several people tried in turn, but unfortunately none of them succeeded.

There is no way to hit it.

It seems that we can only wait for this in the stomach to come out and let it try.

Bai Yunshan said with a smile: "It seems that I can only wait for my goddaughter to come out and try again."

"Why do you all think it's a girl? If it's someone with a handle, you won't recognize it?" Su Wanyi said angrily.

"I'm sure I will. I don't dislike a cute little guy like Daibao. The problem is not that we dislike it. It's your son and your son's father who wants a daughter!"

Son wanted to be sure.

As for the child's father...

Su Wanyi turned her head to look at Ye Yuxian.

Ye Yuxian replied: "It doesn't matter."

Hearing this, Su Wanyi suddenly felt relieved.

But I heard him say again: "We are still young."

To be young means to have a chance to be born again.

A girl can always be born.

It's not that I like girls too much.

I just want a cute little girl like Su Wanyi.


Zuo Runzhi said the same thing just now!

Zuo Runzhi looked at Ye Yuxian with disgust, and silently complained in his heart that he was always imitating himself.

As if feeling Zuo Runzhi's disgust, Ye Yuxian suddenly said, "Wanyi, do you need someone to accompany you?"

What do you mean?
At first, neither Su Wanyi nor the others understood what Ye Yuxian meant.

Ye Yuxian said to A Ping and Xiaoying: "Put those two people in the room, and let them work hard for a few days to fulfill Father Bai's wish."

When he said he wanted someone to accompany Su Wanyi, what did he mean to ask Bai Yunshan to accompany her?

Aping and Xiaoying came to their senses and came forward to capture Bai Yunshan and Zuo Runzhi.

Bai Yunshan shouted angrily: "Ye Yuxian, are you finished? Are you going to know this trick?!"

Shut them both up again!
Where is the law of heaven and where are human rights!
Bai Yunshan looked at Su Wanyi imploringly, expecting Su Wanyi to help him uphold justice.

"Wan Yi, look at your fiancé, he is too violent!" Bai Yunshan said.

"I think his idea is good. From the perspective of probability, even if there is only a [-]% probability, after practicing it many times in a row, the probability of success will be improved."

As she said that, Su Wanyi snapped her fingers to make the final calculation.

"If the probability of one success is 70.00%, the probability of success can be increased to 87% after practicing 90.00 times! The probability of practicing [-] times can be increased to [-] per cent! And the probability of [-] times can be Increased to [-]% five!"

Following Su Wanyi, she made a cheering gesture to Zuo Runzhi.

(End of this chapter)

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