Chapter 972 Han Yuanfeng: Ye Yuxian, You Bastard, I Chopped You Up

No matter how lucky you are, and if you work hard three hundred times, it will be almost the same.

Su Wanyi, are you killing someone or killing someone?
Bai Yunshan was dumbfounded.

The rest were dumbfounded.

"Ma'am, how did you calculate this?" A Ping was full of admiration for Su Wanyi.

Su Wan meaningfully patted A Ping on the shoulder: "Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well."

Then Bai Yunshan and Zuo Runzhi were imprisoned in the same room by Ye Yuxian again without any resistance.

They both owed Ye Yuxian in their previous lives, right?

To be tossed by him like this for the rest of my life.

After Bai Yunshan and Zuo Runzhi were dragged away, You Xingzhi came to report: "Sovereign, there is a group of people who say they are envoys from Da Qi to pick up Sect Master Su."

Daqi's envoy?
"please come in."

Su Wanyi was wondering who Daqi's envoy was, when she saw Han Yuanfeng rushing in.

Seeing Su Wanyi, she burst into tears and snot.

"It's great that you're all right." Han Yuanfeng cried like a man.

"What's going on here?"

"Suddenly there is no news from you, I am afraid that something will happen to you..." Han Yuanfeng said.

Su Wanyi made such a big commotion in Daqin, everyone knows that they and their group have many treasures on them.

Han Yuanfeng, who got the news, volunteered to come to the border to meet Su Wanyi.

In the end, after waiting for a long time, Su Wan didn't like them.

Han Yuanfeng was in a hurry.

I was afraid that Su Wanyi and the others would encounter trouble.

At first Han Yuanfeng could comfort himself.

As a result, more than a month has passed, and Su Wanyi has not yet arrived, so Han Yuanfeng is in a hurry.

It is not good to take a large army across the border directly, so Han Yuanfeng had to bring a few cronies to come.

He found out that there was a branch of the first branch nearby, and he knew that the first branch belonged to his niece, so he came here to borrow someone.

Su Cheng comforted his brother-in-law.

Su Wanyi explained to Han Yuanfeng what she had experienced during this period.

When Han Yuanfeng heard the previous part, he still listened with gusto and praised his niece for being amazing.

In the end, I heard later that the father of my obedient little nephew Daibao was Ye Yuxian, and Ye Yuxian did the bad things back then.

This time my face turned black.

Without saying a word, he picked up the cane and chased after Ye Yuxian.

"You bastard! You actually bullied my niece, I will kill you!"

Everyone hurried forward to stop them.

Su Wanyi and Su Cheng both helped to stop.

"Yuanfeng, don't get excited, there is a reason for this." Su Cheng persuaded, "Ye Yuxian also had to do it back then."

"Don't stop me! I don't care if he has a reason or not! Bullying my niece is just fine!" Han Yuanfeng went crazy.

It was useless for Su Wanyi to stop him.

Seeing this, Xiaoying next to her hurriedly said: "Uncle, please be careful, don't bump into Madam, Madam is still pregnant!"

It's okay not to say this, but the situation is even more out of control after speaking.

Han Yuanfeng froze at first.

Was it that bastard again?

Now Han Yuanfeng was completely out of control.

"I chopped you up! I'm going to chop you into minced meat!"

He actually bullied his precious niece again!
asshole!The ultimate bastard!
It should be cut to pieces!

Han Yuanfeng rushed towards Ye Yuxian like a wild beast.

Fortunately, Su Cheng kept stopping him.

Su Wanyi had no choice but to persuade: "Uncle, if you kill him, my two children will lose their fathers. I will become a widow too."

Han Yuanfeng was stunned again.

How could he bear the heart that the lovely Dumb lost his father, and his precious niece became a real widow?
(End of this chapter)

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