Chapter 976 Such a powerful person is willing to be a servant?

Several people listened to Su Wanyi's words, and they didn't know whether they listened or not.

The leading man continued to warn: "We're going to catch that ghost in a while, if you don't leave quickly, it's no fault of us for being hurt by the ghost!"

Ye Yuxian asked: "You guys seem to have extraordinary skills, even though you know that they are ghosts sent by the Ghost Realm to harm the world, you dare to go forward bravely, and your courage is also extraordinary. I don't know how to call them?"

Seeing Ye Yuxian's polite look, the man's attitude softened a little.

The man replied: "I am the master of Qingyang Sect, Gao Haiyang, these people are all disciples of my sect."

Qingyangmen, everyone has heard of it, is a small school of Daqi.

In terms of power, it is incomparable to the first case.

But it's not a mob, it's not a small local force.

And it is said that although the power of Qingyangmen is not very great, the sect master of Qingyangmen is indeed very good.

It is said that his cultivation is very close to the legendary realm, and he can be regarded as a master in Daqi.

It seems that the sect master also has a sense of justice, otherwise, a small village on his territory would not be haunted, so he personally brought his disciples to catch ghosts.

It's just that his news and intelligence may not be very bright.

Ye Yuxian clasped his fists together: "It turns out to be the master of Qingyang Sect, I'm sorry for your disrespect."

Gao Haiyang quickly waved his hands, "Okay, okay, don't be polite, you guys go away quickly! This is not the place for you to stay, you are both women and children, it's too dangerous."

Speaking of which, Gao Haiyang took a special look at Dai Bao beside Su Wanyi.

Ruan Meng Dai Bao blinked his innocent and ignorant eyes.

Gao Haiyang felt that this child was a newborn calf and was not afraid of tigers, so he didn't realize how dangerous the environment he was in now.

Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi looked at each other, and they had a tacit understanding.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yuxian said to Gao Haiyang: "Actually, these servants in my family are also pretty good. They are the masters that our husband and wife paid a lot of money to bring back. Maybe they can help the master Gao."

Speaking of which, Ye Yuxian asked the three of Chuyu, Chuchen and Chuxia to come forward and show off their talents to everyone in Qingyangmen.

When the three came forward, Su Wanyi told the three to take it easy, it was almost enough.

After experiencing the cultivation at the bottom of the valley, the battle of Zilong Lake, and the stay of the Four Kingdoms Xujing for more than a month.

Now Su Wanyi and the others present, Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi have already reached the realm of supernatural powers, and Feng Ling was originally in the realm of supernatural powers.

Dai Bao, Su Cheng, Bai Yunshan, Zuo Runzhi, and Chu Yu Chu Xia Chu Chen have all reached the legendary realm.

Only one Han Yuanfeng is still at the ninth level.

So even the three of them, Chu Yu, Chu Xia and Chu Chen, all had higher cultivation levels than the sect master of Qingyang Sect.

If all of this is revealed, I am afraid that the head of the Qingyang Gate will not be able to bear it.

Chu Yu, Chu Xia, Chu Chen, the three of them knew how to measure themselves. When showing off their combat power, they all restrained themselves, making others feel that their combat power levels were still at the peak of the ninth rank.

Seeing the strength of the three of them, everyone in Qingyangmen widened their eyes in surprise.

Such a powerful person is willing to be a servant?

"It's amazing! I didn't expect these young people to have such advanced cultivation!" Gao Haiyang couldn't help but exclaim.

(End of this chapter)

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