Chapter 977
The three of Chu Yu were a little embarrassed, they really weren't that good...

If you let them know that many of them are in the legendary state and the spiritual state, I don't know if they will faint on the spot.

Following Gao Haiyang, he said to Ye Yuxian: "I didn't expect you to invite such a powerful guard master, no wonder you are not afraid at all."

Ye Yuxian replied with a smile: "Yes, there are such powerful master guards, not to mention ghosts sent by a few ghosts, even if the ghosts come, we are not in vain."

"My son is right." Gao Haiyang said, "If that's the case, then I'm not in a hurry to let you go, but you still have to protect yourself."

Ye Yuxian said: "Don't worry, the sect master, my wife and children are here, I must protect them well, and I don't want them to be hurt by the Ghost Realm."

"That's right." Gao Haiyang nodded.

Su Wanyi asked Gao Haiyang: "I don't know something. I wonder if the master of the high sect can clarify it for me?"

"Please speak, madam."

"How did the High Gate Master know that the ghosts in this village are related to the Ghost Realm?"

"This is the information that our Qingyang Sect has collected through many inquiries. It should not be wrong. Besides, no one else can drive such an evil thing except the Ghost Realm." Gao Haiyang said very firmly.

"So that's how it is. That ghost domain venerable is really abominable. He actually did such a wicked thing." Su Wanyi commented while nodding.

"That's not true!" Gao Haiyang said, "It's so inhumane! In the past half a month, that ghost has killed seven girls in this village in succession!"

"You mean... that ghost is only picking on women?"

"That's right, we even pick young and beautiful ones." Gao Haiyang replied.

Han Yuanfeng took the opportunity to say: "Then this ghost domain saint is really not a good guy, he only picks women to attack!"

Ye Yuxian said: "I only killed seven in half a month, which is a bit slow. If I were the Ghost Realm, this village would be gone that night."

Hearing Ye Yuxian's words, the disciples of Qingyangmen all laughed.

To actually say that he can slaughter an entire village in one night is nothing to brag about.

Gao Haiyang said with a smile: "Young Master, you are really joking. If the Lord of Guiyu came here in person, this village really wouldn't be able to survive the night."

Su Cheng asked: "May I ask what are the characteristics of the seven murdered girls?"

Because Gao Haiyang believed in the strength of Chu Yu and the others, he felt that these three could help, so he was happy to explain the current situation to Ye Yuxian and the others.

"A girl was taken away every other day, ranging in age from 12 to 20 years old. She disappeared all night. When the girl's body was found the next day, the girl's body was covered with bloodstains. The death was very tragic."

"So according to the previous rules, there will be girls missing tonight?" Su Wanyi asked.

Gao Haiyang nodded: "That's right, that's how it is."

"Have you ever seen that ghost?" Su Wanyi asked.

"I've seen it from a distance, I can't see it clearly, but it looks very scary." Gao Haiyang replied.

Speaking of that ghostly appearance, everyone in Qingyangmen was terrified.

Just as he was talking, footsteps suddenly came from the entrance of the village.

The footsteps were not loud and very slow.

And it doesn't sound like it has two feet.

There is a difference between the sound of footsteps with two feet on the ground and footsteps with four feet on the ground.

 Babies who read the article in the middle of the night may want to hit me.

(End of this chapter)

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