Chapter 978 My Wife and Children Love Mountain Climbing

Hearing the movement, the hearts of everyone in Qingyangmen were suspended.

Nerves are tense.

Su Wanyi was a little curious, and wanted to see the true face of that thing.

However, before Su Wanyi continued to move forward, he heard footsteps walking away.

"What's going on?" Gao Haiyang was very surprised, "Could it be that you discovered the trap we set at the entrance of the village?"

"No way, that monster shouldn't have that kind of intelligence, right?" A Qingyangmen disciple replied.

Everyone in Qingyangmen fell into confusion.

Ye Yuxian had a smile in his eyes, "It's better to go directly to the entrance of the village to check the situation instead of guessing."

"Young master, don't mess around, that thing is very dangerous!" Gao Haiyang persuaded.

Gao Haiyang also had good intentions.

Ye Yuxian then said: "How about this, how about the sect master go and have a look with us."

Gao Haiyang thought for a while: "Alright, let's act together, so that even if something happens, we can take care of each other."

So everyone walked towards the entrance of the village.

When they walked to the entrance of the village, they really saw the trap of Gao Haiyang and his disciples.

A bunch of spells or something.

This should have been set up by Ye Yuxian and the others before they came, but it had no effect on Ye Yuxian and the others, so they didn't notice it.

Ye Yuxian smiled after scanning it once.

"What are you laughing at, young man?"

The people of Qingyangmen saw Ye Yuxian's smile and felt that he was laughing at these traps.

"It's nothing, I just admire that the traps set by the masters of Qingyangmen are so ingenious, it makes people very gratified, and they smiled unconsciously." Ye Yuxian quickly replied with a serious expression.

After hearing his answer, the Qingyangmen's expressions softened.

How could a layman question the trap they set up casually?

"The trap was not destroyed, and the thing really didn't walk into the trap. It seems that it really escaped because it sensed the trap."

Gao Haiyang came to a conclusion after inspection.

"Sect Master, what should we do now? We finally found its trace. What if we just let it go and go to other places to catch young girls?"

Qingyangmen expressed their concerns.

This concern is very justified.

Gao Haiyang pondered for a moment, "Let's continue chasing it, and we will wipe it out tonight, so as to restore peace to this area."

The crowd of Qingyangmen were enthusiastic.

Ye Yuxian said: "Since that's the case, let's chase after you with you."

Hearing this, Gao Haiyang hurriedly persuaded him: "Young master, your family, women and children, may have difficulty in moving around. If we chase into the deep mountains and old forests in a while, not to mention the rugged mountain roads, the hidden dangers will be even more serious. Unpredictable. Why don't you lend us a master?"

Gao Haiyang was also out of safety considerations, and he didn't want Ye Yuxian and his group to get involved in too much danger.

Thinking about Ye Yuxian and the others having three highly trained guards, lending them one, the remaining two are enough to protect them.

He is not greedy either, just borrowing one is enough.

Ye Yuxian said: "It's okay, my wife and children like to climb mountains, so I just took them for a walk to exercise."

Like to climb mountains?Exercise?
Problem climbing and exercising now?
Now it's time to catch a very scary ghost!It is fatal!
Gao Haiyang hurriedly said: "My lord, you must not underestimate this ghost, it is very cruel, even we are not [-]% sure that we can take it down."

(End of this chapter)

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