Chapter 985 As expected of his daughter-in-law, she is smarter than others

"Then did you accept them as apprentices later?" Feng Ling asked curiously.

"No, I just want to teach my wife and son." Ye Yuxian replied.

Uh... can you please restrain yourself a little bit?

How many single dogs are there?

Are you feeding dog food so recklessly?
At this time, Bai Yunshan asked a question: "So, the thing that came out is similar to the previous Black Mirror?"

"Yes." Ye Yuxian gave an affirmative answer.

It's just that the power of this thing is far worse than that of Black Mirror.

Bai Yunshan asked again: "Then why is it so obsessed with killing young girls in the village? Is it really the resentment of the dead girls, as the disciple of Qingyangmen said just now?"

"No." Ye Yuxian said, "Didn't you notice that thing is on four feet? Have you ever seen someone crawling?"

"But the disciples of Qingyangmen said that what they vaguely saw was a figure." Bai Yunshan asked in puzzlement.

"That's a disguise. Demonic energy is wrapped around the body. It looks like a human silhouette, but it's actually an animal."

Han Yuanfeng was very anxious when he heard this, "I said, can you make it clear once and for all, and don't keep it up? I'm about to be suffocated to death by you!"

"Uncle speaks, I dare not disobey." Ye Yuxian replied.

"Who the hell is your uncle! I only temporarily admit that you are Daibao's father, so as not to hurt my precious nephew's heart, but you are not my nephew and son-in-law until you marry Wanyi !” Han Yuanfeng snorted.

"Good uncle." Ye Yuxian said.

"You!" Han Yuanfeng didn't want to hang around with Ye Yuxian anymore, and urged angrily, "Then you should speak quickly."

Ye Yuxian was about to open his mouth to explain, when he suddenly heard the exclamation of the disciples of Qingyangmen, they seemed to have discovered something important.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

After passing through the passage, everyone came to another underground cave.

And in this cave, everyone found a mummy, which was hung in the middle of the cave. Judging from the dry condition of the corpse, it should have been some time.

"Master, sect master, let's... let's get out!" Lu Hongzhi, the most timid among the crowd, couldn't stand it any longer, his legs were already trembling.

No matter how good the cultivation base is, it can't stand the fright of this kind of thing.

The cave here is much smaller than the one next to it, and you can see it all at a glance.

Su Wanyi glanced at the situation on the wall of the cave, and felt that this cave was much newer than the one just now.

So Su Wan wanted to understand the reason of the matter.

Su Wanyi turned her head to look at Ye Yuxian, and asked him to prove her conjecture.

Ye Yuxian noticed Su Wanyi's eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose.

As expected of his daughter-in-law, she is smarter than others.

Su Wanyi said to Gao Haiyang: "Master, I also think this place is creepy, and the cave is so big, there is no way ahead, we have already searched for all the places we can, why don't we go back? "

Gao Haiyang suddenly felt that he had found a suitable step.

So he hurriedly said: "Since Mrs. Ye said so, let's go back."

It sounded like it wasn't their Qingyangmen's timidity, but because the family they were traveling with couldn't stand it anymore, so they had to turn back without success.

In this way, when the villagers ask questions tomorrow, they will have a reason to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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