Chapter 986 Maybe it was captured by a female ghost
Everyone was about to retreat when suddenly the ground shook.

With this shock, the tense nerves completely burst.

A few timid ones have curled up on the ground.

At this time, Daibao was already asleep in Su Cheng's arms.

It doesn't matter where you are now.

The shaking of the ground didn't bother him at all.

Gao Haiyang still insisted on saying to Ye Yuxian and the others: "Don't be afraid, Mrs. Young Master, we will protect you well."

"Well, with the words of the master, my wife and I will feel more at ease." Ye Yuxian replied.

It is obvious that the people of Qingyangmen are the most frightened people.

Gao Haiyang followed and ordered the disciples to stabilize their emotions, return in an orderly manner amidst the shock, and evacuate the cave.

Everyone was in a state of anxiety, but luckily nothing happened on the way back. Apart from the slight vibration, nothing else happened.

At this moment, Gao Haiyang discovered that Ye Yuxian had disappeared.

"Well, where is Mr. Ye?" Gao Haiyang asked in horror.

How could such a good person disappear under my nose? !

Could it be... is it really haunted?

Su Wanyi replied: "Maybe she was captured by the female ghost."

Su Wanyi's words made everyone in Qingyangmen widen their eyes.

"Madam, your husband is gone, can you..." Gao Haiyang didn't know how to describe Su Wanyi anymore.

"I was just joking, don't take it seriously, he should be back soon." Su Wanyi explained.


Your joke is scary, okay? !

Everyone can't bear the slightest fright now.

After a while, Ye Yuxian came back, and he didn't know when he fell off the team, but he was the last one to come out of the cave.

Gao Haiyang breathed a sigh of relief.

Follow the crowd back to the village.

It was already cold at this time, and the villagers who were afraid to open the door last night opened their doors one after another, looking at the people who had returned safely.

The village head rushed forward to inquire about the situation.

Gao Haiyang didn't say much, he only said that he hadn't caught the ghost yet, and explained that the ghost of the Ghost Realm was too scary, so the ghost he released was also very difficult to deal with.

Knowing that the mastermind behind the scenes was the terrifying Huangyu Shengzun, the villagers naturally accepted Gao Haiyang's explanation.

That is also impossible.

At this time, everyone couldn't help cursing the Ghost Realm again, complaining that it was this bastard who was not good, and that it was he who made this series of things that made them so miserable.

The ghost domain saint is a terrifying existence in the hearts of all sects, let alone for the villagers of such a small village.

After some conversation, everyone went to rest.

The disciples of Qingyangmen didn't even care about eating.

But Su Wanyi can't do it.

You don't need to sleep, but you must eat.

So Su Wanyi and the others sat down at a table in the villagers' yard and ate some rice soup and steamed bread provided by the villagers.

At this time, Bai Yunshan couldn't hold back his curiosity, and eagerly asked Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi what happened last night.

Now that those people from Qingyangmen are not around, they can speak freely.

Bai Yunshan felt that the whole thing was both terrifying and miraculous, which whetted her appetite.

This is so exciting.

Zuo Runzhi was beside him, looking at Bai Yunshan speechlessly.

The disciples of Qingyangmen were so frightened that their three souls lost their seven souls, but she was still so excited!
(End of this chapter)

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