Chapter 226 The former brain of the base

"Then what do you think?" Qing Ge raised an eyebrow.

Yan Kaige paused for a few seconds, breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and looked out the window, "Let's talk about it after this matter is over, I can't make any promises to you now, even if I promise, I may not be able to keep it. "

"Oh." Qing Ge replied after hearing the words, and then lowered his head to pack his things.

Zero's crisis of trust has been eliminated, so the three of them had a good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, when the sky was still very faint, Qing Ge got up.

She worked for a long time last night before connecting the control system on the computer to her mobile phone.

So before she goes out, as long as she enters the pre-set command, the surveillance on the 14th floor will have the same screen for a short time.

In other words, the footage of her coming out of room 4305 will not be recorded by surveillance.

And the reason why Qing Ge came out of Huang Yaoli so early was because the service staff in the hall at this time were generally very lax and would not pay attention to her.

Qing Ge, wearing sunglasses and a military cap, came out of the building of Huangyao Hotel.

Hauling a taxi at random, she got in it.

Back in the original hotel room, Qing Ge saw Qing Xia was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with her back turned to her in a daze.

Qingxia was still wearing yesterday's clothes, it could be seen that she hadn't left the room.

"Qingxia." Qing Ge called softly.

Qingxia turned around slowly, her pair of peach blossom eyes that were so soul-stirring were now a little sluggish.

She seems to be in bad shape.

Qing Ge smiled slightly, "How about we go back to Jiang City today?"

"Okay." Qing Xia forced a smile.

"Then you go take a shower and change your clothes. Let's have breakfast first." Qing Ge's voice was soft and soft, as if she was afraid of breaking a certain tranquility.

"Okay." Qing Xia obediently stood up and walked into the bathroom.

Looking at her back, Qing Ge gradually frowned.

After Qingxia took a shower and changed, it was already 07:30 in the morning.

They did not have breakfast in the hotel restaurant.

Qing Ge took Qing Xia to a famous porridge shop in Qingshi to drink porridge.

According to Qingxia's state, most likely she didn't eat properly last night.

Still have to drink some porridge to nourish the stomach.

"Come on, this is sweet, drink more." Qing Ge put a bowl of sweet jujube and lotus seed porridge in front of Qing Xia.

Qing Xia lowered her head and scooped up the porridge with a spoon to drink.

Qing Ge put another plate of red bean paste buns in her hand, and then began to eat by herself.

Qing Xia has something on her mind, this is what Qing Ge has already confirmed.

All she can do now is to wait for Qingxia to say what it is.

Sighing silently, Qing Ge raised her eyes and looked around unconsciously.

However, in the next second, she took a spoonful of porridge and stared fixedly at a certain place outside the French window.

At this time, Qingxia who had drunk most of the bowl of porridge raised her head to see what Xiang Qingge wanted to say.

When she saw Qing Ge's surprised eyes, she unconsciously looked in that direction.

Diagonally opposite the porridge shop is a high-end entertainment club called Phoenix Terrace.

It stands to reason that in such an early morning, no matter whether it is a high-end or a low-level entertainment club, there will be no one.

However, there was a person standing in front of this Phoenix Terrace.

a woman.

A woman who looks tangled and in pain.

The hall leading to the Phoenix Terrace required a flight of stairs. The woman took two steps up and then two steps back.

Just when she turned around and stepped back, Qingxia saw her face clearly.

Although this face was a bit unfamiliar to her, she still recognized it after thinking about it for a while.

Isn't this the base's former brain, Nan Yin?

 Ask for a recommendation ticket Ask for a recommendation ticket!There are two more!


(End of this chapter)

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