Chapter 227

Nanyin hesitated at the entrance of Fenghuang Terrace, full of melancholy and entanglement.

Yesterday was her first time stepping into Phoenix TV, and last night was her first time on stage.

Obviously, she had already made sufficient psychological preparations before entering the Phoenix Terrace. She could only live by this way, and she had to do it.

But when she and the guest went to the hotel to open the room and the guest went to take a shower, she got cold feet.

She really couldn't imagine having sex with a strange man later, and couldn't accept it.

Listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, a nauseous nausea rolled in her stomach.

Nausea, want to escape.

It doesn't matter where you go, just don't stay in that room.

So, she really escaped.

Fortunately, the guest took her to have a sumptuous dinner before opening the room, otherwise, her body, which had not eaten for three days, would not have the strength to support her to run out.

However, when she really escaped and stood on the noisy street full of traffic, she regretted it again.

What could she do without this line of work?

Without this line of work, she would not be able to live.

She has tried all the ways to make money. No company wants her, no restaurant accepts her, and even the simplest and low-level job like sweeping the street and distributing leaflets is not for her.

Even if she is the youngest postdoctoral fellow in China, even if she is an elite graduate from MIT, even if she is a peerless genius with an IQ of 278, which is on par with Einstein.

What's the use?
Powerless, she blocked that man's way, and that man cut off all her chances of living.

There is only such a way to survive.

And this road is a quagmire soaked in poison, as long as you step into it, you will never be able to turn back.

I can only watch helplessly as I get stuck in it, slowly rotting all over my body, never to be able to make a comeback.

Nanyin used to be arrogant, self-confident, defiant, famous in the secret service world for her brilliant IQ and enchanting appearance;
Today's Nanyin is humble and inferior, nodding and bowing, no one knows about the poor situation of being penniless and penniless.

Thinking of this, Nanyin laughed at herself.

She spread out her white jade-like hands in front of her eyes, and the lines of life, career and love on the palm lines of her right hand were very long.

It's just that the career line is uneven, as if it has gone through a lot of twists and turns.

"What am I doing?" Nan Yin came back to her senses, clasped her palms, and murmured amusingly.

She is obviously a staunch atheist, she is obviously a genius monster with an IQ of 278, why did she suddenly become superstitious?
Shaking her head, Nanyin shook off the unrealistic thoughts in her mind, and decided to re-enter the Phoenix Terrace.

She doesn't want to die yet.

She also wanted to ask that man if he loved her or not.

This is the motivation for her tenacious survival in such a difficult situation.

Looking up at the signboard of Phoenix Terrace High-end Entertainment Club, Nanyin gritted her teeth.

Last night was her first appearance, so it is understandable that she was nervous for a while and was afraid of running away.

As long as she sees Mama-san, she will definitely hug Mama-sang's thigh tightly and never let go, begging Mama-sang's forgiveness.

At worst, I will be beaten up.

Anyway, she is no longer the delicate Nanyin she used to be. In the past few years of wandering life, she has been beaten countless times.

I have long been used to it.

But just as Nanyin took firm steps towards the resplendent and resplendent hall of Phoenix Terrace, a hand grabbed her.

(End of this chapter)

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