Chapter 738 Who is the person on the phone with him
It wasn't until the man walked in front of a small dilapidated house that people discovered that there was actually a small house in such a deserted demolition ruin.

There is no water or electricity here, and I don't know how to survive.

The man kicked open the seemingly non-existent door of the small room and walked in.

The subordinates have quickly found a hiding place and perfectly blended themselves with the night.

"Re, do you want to do it now?"

Jin Li tapped the table with his fingers, "Wait a minute, come closer, and listen to whether they have mentioned anyone. You can ask the person in charge to put on the recorder."


Not everyone can wear the recorder, and the person who wears it will have to undergo a minor operation beforehand to insert certain chips into the body.

This way, the person in charge can take control of the recorder.

Even if other unrelated people pick up this thing that looks like a contact lens but is actually a recorder, it cannot be used.

Not to mention that you can't see it when you drop it on the ground, and even if you see it, you won't wear contact lenses that others have used.

The man put Qing Ge on the only piece of furniture in the small room—a bed.

"I know you all hate Mo Qingge, you should cherish this opportunity before you today." The man said to the other three girls.

"We will definitely not let go of this opportunity." The girls said one after another, with sinister smiles that did not match their age.

This kind of smile is quite similar to Qing Xia's, but not as deep as Qing Xia's.

The man was very satisfied after seeing the performance of the girls, and went out to leave the "battlefield" to them.

He was on the phone while walking, and his men were divided into two groups.

A group quickly surrounded the small house and listened to what was going on inside.

As long as the people inside said they were going to attack Qing Ge, they would rush in.

Before that, Jinli asked them to hear if there was any useful news.

Another group of people followed the man cautiously, including the person in charge of the recorder.

The man didn't get through the first time, but he got through after calling again the second time.

After getting through, the man said hello a few times, then clicked on the screen again, and then pointed the phone camera at himself with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, the subordinates were both surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, if they take selfies with the front camera like this, they may be noticed if they are not careful.

The good news is that with such a video, you may soon know who is behind the scenes.

"Hey, Mr. Wood, you are right. Sure enough, it will be faster if we do it alone." The man said with a simple smile on the phone.

"..." The person on the phone didn't know what to say.

"No, no one followed us, nor did they know that we brought Mo Qingge here.

The car that got into an accident was purely accidental, the driver should have been drunk, and the guy who was going to find a reason to strike up a conversation with Mo Qingge took advantage of the situation.

But the potion you gave is really powerful. It is indeed the latest potion researched by Sam Country and has not yet been released.

I can already guess how hot the potion will be when it comes out, the supply is definitely in short supply, haha! "

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Jinli finally figured out what he couldn't figure out before.

Mingming Qingge is such a powerful agent, why didn't he know that the "grandpa" had drugged him?

(End of this chapter)

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