Chapter 739 It's actually his "brother"

It turned out to be the latest drug developed by Sam Country, and more importantly, it hadn't been released yet.

and many more……

Sam country?The latest development?Not yet available?Can make people unconscious?

These dots combine to form an arrow pointing to...

"Re!" Jin Li's thoughts were interrupted by the unsteady voice of his subordinates.

"what happened?"

"The person talking to the man is..." The subordinate hesitated.

"Who is it?" Jin Xin had a bad premonition.

"It's... Eldest Young Master!"

Jinli's guess was verified.

Didn't his elder brother recently develop a potion that is said to be able to make people unconscious in the country of Sam?

It is said that it has received orders from all over the world before it was released, and it is very popular.

"I see, don't touch that man, save Qing Ge."

Now is not the time for Adam to know his power.

In the Wood family, his image of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger will continue to be played.


The man got into the car and turned on the lights and video of Adam Wood, while in the small room, Jin Li's men had already rescued Qing Ge.

Because of Jin Li's order, they specifically asked who the three girls were and what they wanted to do to Qing Ge.

But in fact, they knew it without asking.

There are all kinds of props in the small room, except for some indescribable ones, and some are like props on the ancient execution ground.

Just looking at it can make people feel creepy, let alone actually use it on people.

When the group of them appeared, not only were the three girls not afraid, but they even opened their mouths to laugh.

Fortunately, they covered the mouths of the three of them in time so that the man who was making a video call not far away could hear them.

However, it was precisely because they covered their mouths that the three of them bit down on it.

In just a few minutes of contact with the three of them, they saw through the nature of the three people's mental illness.

That is what people call mental illness.

The subordinates directly stuffed the instruments of torture in the room into the mouths of the three of them, and then left.

They just need to rescue Qing Ge, there is no need to waste any more time.

After the man finished talking with Adam Wood, he thought about going to see how Mo Qingge was tortured before leaving.

Take a photo for the master, maybe the master will reward you.

Thinking of this, the man's mouth couldn't help but grin upward.

The owner is very generous, a photo that makes the owner happy may be rewarded with millions of dollars!
But when the man walked back to the small room, he realized that Mo Qingge had been kidnapped at some point, and the three girls were being tied up in a strange posture, with the words they were supposed to use in Mo Qing still stuffed in their mouths. The instrument of torture on the song.

The instruments of torture were sharp and pierced their mouths, but they acted as if they hadn't felt anything, their faces were crazy, and they let out a roar of "woo woo".

The man froze in place as if he had been struck by lightning, and his elated mood just now fell into the ice cellar.

Mo Qingge, ran away? !
How could he run away?Obviously he saw her here 5 minutes ago!
Obviously no one is following him, no one can save her!
Could it be that she suddenly woke up by herself?

Today's condition is still not good. After a few sprays of pesticides, I feel that the whole person is not well.

Feeling dizzy and wanting to vomit, the lower abdomen feels like being punched several times

Why do you say women have big aunts? It’s really too uncomfortable QAQ
There will be an update later
(End of this chapter)

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