Chapter 809 Conversation with Mu Xuanxuan

However, after losing the battle, Yue Xilian still took the lead.

Of course Yue Jinhan would not argue with her dearest sister, so she took all the faults on herself.

He is willing to do anything as long as it makes his sister happy.

At this moment, Yue Jinhan's cell phone rang.

He glanced at it and saw that it was a message from the M network.

Another agent has requested a mission.

This time the name has only one letter, G.

As usual, every time an agent came, Yue Jinhan would send a message to Mu Zuoxuan, asking him to check the agent's information and address to see if it was Mo Qingge.

Two minutes later, Mu Zuoxuan sent a crying emoji.

--What's wrong?
——Xiaohanhan, I can't find it!
--how come?
——The only explanation is that the other party erased all traces with a hacker better than me!
——Hackers who are more powerful than you, do you know it?
——Then there is only one, IE!

- So you know who IE is?

- I don't know.


—but I have a clue.

——If you have something to say, finish it at once.

——Mo Qingge once gave me a copy of the original code of IE, so I suspect that she knows IE!

——Give you a piece of code and she will know IE?Mu Zuoxuan, is your brain circuit too short?

Mu Zuoxuan was furious when he saw this sentence.

Don't think that he can't understand, it's just scolding him for his bad brain!

--snort!This baby is not helping you!You go find someone else!
Yue Jinhan's mouth twitched when she saw the news.

"Brother, who are you messaging?" Yue Xilian saw that Yue Jinhan was holding the phone all the time, so she asked.

"Mu Xuanxuan." Yue Jinhan raised her eyes to look at Yue Xilian, and said softly, "Take a look at the scenery first, I'll come later."

"Okay." Yue Xilian looked at the screen again.

The production of the online game Swordsman Legends is very conscientious, and each frame of the screen can be taken as a background desktop.

It's just that such a beautiful picture, without a brother, what is there to see?

Yue Xilian sighed silently, propping her chin with one hand to look at the screen.

She knew that her brother usually wouldn't chat with Mu Zuoxuan, and once they did, it was very important.

So she won’t bother her brother at this time.

But, although her brother is by her side now, why does she feel that the distance between her and him is so far away?

Yue Jinhan was so focused on the conversation with Mu Zuoxuan that she didn't notice the change in Yue Xilian's mood.

——I was wrong, if you say you know him, you know him, then I will call Mo Qingge directly.

—Hold the grass!Why call!
——The purpose of my release mission was originally for Mo Qingge.

--Oh, okay.By the way, you can ask Mo Qingge what is the relationship between her and IE, and if she is a friend, can you introduce me to get to know her.

— Ask yourself.

——? ? ? ? ! ! ! !Moon Hibiscus is cold!I won't take you across the river and tear down the bridge!
——Yue Jinhan? ? ? ? ?

--ignore me? ? ?

——Yue Jinhan I won't help you next time, believe me?
—excuseme?Please excuse me? ? ?You really don't want to ask for me? ?

When Mu Xuanxuan was bombarding WeChat, Yue Jinhan directly dialed the contact information left by Agent G.


Jiang City.

Qing Ge and Qing Xia watched an episode of anime and got ready to go to bed.

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

It wasn't that Qing Ge gave her her own cell phone number directly because she was low on guard, but that these were all protected by Nan Yin.

(End of this chapter)

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