Chapter 810 Because a person fell in love with a city
In other words, the number on the employer's side is different from the number on Qingge's real phone number.

Even if they searched, it would be impossible to find Qing Ge's head.

Qing Ge saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and she didn't want to answer it at first.

But think about it, what if the call is from the employer?
Although this possibility is very low, it cannot be ruled out.

She pressed the answer button, but she didn't speak.

Anyway, Nanyin has set up a protection system for her mobile phone communication, even if someone wants to determine her location by making a phone call, it is impossible.

Then she wouldn't be afraid of anything.

"Hi, hello, is this G?" The other party's voice made Qing Ge feel a little familiar.

And he can say the name "G", which proves that he is really the employer.

"Hello." Qing Ge opened his mouth.

At the same time, she was also searching in her mind who the owner of this familiar voice was.

"I am the employer of Adrian's mission. I saw that you are willing to accept this mission, so I contacted you."

When the other party was halfway through speaking, a person who matched the voice appeared in Qing Ge's mind.

Moon hibiscus cold.

Qing Ge never expected that it was Yue Jinhan who issued this task.

But now that Yue Jinhan has already called her, and she is definitely going to take up this task, let's just reveal her identity directly.

"Yue Jinhan, I'm Mo Qingge."

"What?" From Yue Jinhan's tone, Qing Ge heard surprise.

"Well, I'm Mo Qingge." Qingge repeated.

"...I didn't expect that." Yue Jinhan said after being silent for two seconds.

"I didn't think it was you either."

"Then there's no need to say anything. When will we meet? To Jiang City or to the Imperial Capital?" Yue Jinhan was very straightforward and didn't ask Qing Ge any questions.

"I'm going to the imperial capital, and I'll let you know the specific time." Qing Ge is going to the imperial capital to meet Yan Kaige anyway, and also to shoot an advertisement for Jiebao Group.

"it is good."

Just like that, the phone call that Qing Ge thought would take a long time ended within 2 minutes.

"Qing Ge, are you going to the imperial capital?" Qing Xia lay on the bed, only showing a pair of eyes looking at Qing Ge.

"Well, there is something, do you want to go with me?"

"No." Qing Xia shook her head.

It is said that you will fall in love with a city because of one person.

But the reverse is also the same, you will be disappointed with a city because of one person.

For the city of the imperial capital, Qingxia didn't want to go back in a short time.

Qing Ge stretched out her hand and pinched Qing Xia's cheek, tried to comfort her with a light smile: "Then you and Luo Qianqian are together, she has a similar personality to yours, you two should be able to get along very happily together.

And Gao Ziwen, haven't you seen her for a long time?

Meet her and ask her to make you dessert. "

After Qing Ge said this, Qing Xia realized that after leaving Ye Chen, there were still so many people around her.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem too sad.

"Okay." Qing Xia smiled sweetly at Qing Ge, and then hugged Qing Ge's arm.

Qing Ge lay down and let Qingxia fall asleep while hugging her arms.


Imperial Capital, Yue Family.

After finishing the phone call with Qing Ge, Yue Jinhan realized that Mu Zuoxuan had bombarded him with so many WeChat messages, and even threatened to delete him.

——It’s really immodest to say you’re stupid.

——Yue Jinhan, you finally replied to my message! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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