Chapter 326 Stealing Your Wife?
Yang Qiusheng likes Lin Yanran, but he knows that the disparity in identity with Lin Yanran is too great, so he keeps this love in his heart and guards it silently.

Jiang Yifan also knew about these things, but he didn't point them out, nor did he explain them thoroughly. To be honest, children from single-parent families like Yang Qiusheng have strong self-esteem and are very fragile in dealing with emotions. If you say a few more words because of this matter, then It will undoubtedly hurt Yang Qiusheng.

Jiang Yifan was angry when Yang Qiusheng broke through what happened just now, but not because he was disturbed.

No woman would approach a man for no reason, he was like a mirror in his heart, Zhou Nuo treated him like this, it was definitely not as simple as going to her house to fix a light bulb.

To say that Zhou Nuo is lonely and wants a man?That's pure nonsense. Although such a beautiful woman is not top-quality, but with the way of seducing men and her charming body, as long as she thinks about it, there will be countless men rushing to find her.Why bother to find Jiang Yifan?

Therefore, Zhou Nuo's approach to Jiang Yifan must have a purpose, and Jiang Yifan has already vaguely guessed that it is for the Lin Group.

You know, Zhou Nuo is Lin Yaran's assistant, if it's because of the company, it must be a big deal.

Originally, I wanted to let this woman tell the whole story, but I didn't expect that Yang Qiusheng would break the news. If he publicized this matter, it would definitely bury a hidden danger for the company!
But right now, Yang Qiusheng doesn't seem to know Zhou Nuo.

Jiang Yifan frowned, looked at Yang Qiusheng and said, "Just take care of yourself, it's best not to get involved in other people's affairs."

"Huh!" Yang Qiusheng snorted coldly, looked at Jiang Yifan sarcastically, and said word by word, "Jiang Yifan, I thought that although you are usually ignorant, at least you still act like a man when you do things. , but I didn't expect you to do such a nasty thing."

"I also know that I can't beat you, I don't have money without you, I don't have power without you, but let me tell you, I can't do something like this to Lin Yanran!"

Hearing Yang Qiusheng's sonorous and forceful words, and his unquestionable tone, Jiang Yifan felt quite helpless, so why not beat him up?With his small body, he probably fell down within two strokes, how many curses?It seems that it can't solve the problem at all, is it reasonable?In this extreme time, any reason will become unreasonable.

At this time, Wan Ke suddenly ran over from the side, holding a plate in his hand, and said with a smile, "Boss, why are you here?"

"Huh? Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy. I found another sister-in-law for me in just a few days." When he saw Zhou Nuo, Wan Ke pouted playfully.

"Xiao Ke, what are you going to do? What's the matter? Changed to become a waiter?" Jiang Yifan was happy when he saw Wan Ke. At this time, he needed someone to break the awkward atmosphere.

Wan Ke shrugged his shoulders, "No, I heard that the box inside is someone from your company. I came over to take a look and gave you two bottles of wine." He patted Jiang Yifan on the shoulder as he spoke, "Well, I am quite interested. Everything It was sent in your name."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, you take him away, I have something to do now." Jiang Yifan pointed to Yang Qiusheng.

Wan Ke raised his eyebrows, then smiled meanly at Jiang Yifan, his eyes flicked, as if to say, "Boss, I understand."

Then he turned around, and with a domineering attitude, he pushed Yang Qiusheng, "Go, go, go, go, there is no wink at all."

"I won't leave! If Jiang Yifan doesn't give me an explanation today, I won't leave even if I'm killed." Yang Qiusheng shouted stubbornly.Look angry.

Wan Ke clasped his arms together, "An explanation? What explanation do you want him to give you?"

"Why did he betray Lin Yanran!" Yang Qiusheng pointed at Jiang Yifan, his words almost seemed to be gritted with hatred.

Wan Ke glanced at him contemptuously, "Whether someone betrays Lin Yanran has anything to do with you? Who is Lin Yanran and you worry about her so much? Or is it because my boss stole your wife?"

"He...he...I..." Yang Qiusheng was choked up by Wan Ke's direct words, he hesitated for a long time, but he didn't say a complete sentence.

That's right, Lin Yanran has nothing to do with him. Isn't this a kind of eating carrots and worrying about them?
Jiang Yifan secretly smiled, Wan Ke is better at dealing with this kind of person.

"Go, go, let's go, because we are all classmates and the reason why you work in Lin's now, I won't drive you away, but if you go too far, I'll let someone throw you in the backyard to feed the dogs !” Wan Ke said fiercely, he was also very speechless for this kind of elm head.

Yang Qiusheng pointed at Jiang Yifan for a long time, "Jiang Yifan, wait for me, I will definitely let you explain this matter to me." After finishing speaking, he walked towards the box inside.

"Damn, what a stubborn ass, explain to you, explain to your sister!" Wan Ke spat at the place where Yang Qiusheng left.

Then he turned his head and looked at Jiang Yifan with a smile, "Well, boss, it's noisy here, and the door is not easy to lock, and there is an empty house at the back of Achen and the others, you can take this beautiful sister there. "

"Fuck you, uncle." Jiang Yifan kicked Wan Ke angrily, and then the latter ran away.

Zhou Nuo, who had never spoken all this time, had an uneasy expression on his face. He glanced viciously at the side where Yang Qiusheng was leaving, and then looked at Jiang Yifan, "He disturbed my good interest."

"It's okay, interest can still be cultivated!" Jiang Yifan smiled softly, took Zhou Nuo's jade hand and walked directly outside.

He didn't go to the box of the Blue Enchantress or the residential complex behind Wan Ke said, but let Zhou Nuo show the way and walked towards her house.

"Your home is really far away from the company." After arriving at the place, Jiang Yifan looked at the surrounding night scene. This is an older residential area, and the long string of creepers scattered on the ground from the top floor along the walls. It seemed that the whole building was a little dark.

But it also has a different beauty.

"I don't like changing houses, I'm used to living here, and the neighbors around me are pretty good, so I don't want to leave. I just get up early every day." Zhou Nuojiao laughed, and took Jiang Yifan to his home.

This is the one without an elevator. After walking to the third floor, Zhou Nuo just opened the door and before turning on the light, Zhou Nuo directly pushed Jiang Yifan against the wall, and then his whole body stuck to him!

(End of this chapter)

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