Chapter 327 Zhou Nuo's thoughts

When Zhou Nuo's voluptuous and bumpy body was attached to Jiang Yifan's body, she suddenly raised her head, and her charming eyes became blurred and moving.

The pair of jade hands moved up and down, gently wiped Jiang Yifan's cheek with his left hand, and said softly, "My sister's light bulb is broken, so we have to stay in the dark."

"This hazy feeling is also very exciting, isn't it?" Jiang Yifan glanced at the moonlight shining in from the window, grinned, and directly hugged Zhou Nuo and placed him on the sofa in the living room.

However, he didn't do anything next, but lit a cigarette and said with a playful smile, "Tell me, find my purpose."

Hearing this, Zhou Nuo's delicate body trembled slightly, and the coquettish air on his face did not dissipate. He sat next to Jiang Yifan, leaned on his shoulder and said, "I just asked you to help me change a light bulb."

"Assistant Zhou, is this really interesting?" Jiang Yifan sneered.

Seeing this, Zhou Nuo's nimble eyes shook a few times, and then sighed, "You still discovered it."

"If there is a shortage of men, Assistant Zhou will definitely not choose me, and the trick of changing light bulbs has been used by girls a few years ago, and it is not easy to use now." Jiang Yifan shrugged, waiting for Zhou Nuo to explain.

Zhou Nuo pondered for a moment, then went to the side and turned on the lights. Only then did Jiang Yifan see the furnishings around him. The house was not too big, about seventy or eighty square meters, and the inside was neat and clean, but rather crude. !
It stands to reason that according to Zhou Nuo's current position in the Lin Group, not to mention more than 30 million a year, plus various bonuses and expenses from other sources, at least 40 million annual income.

Chenbei City is not a first-tier city, and housing prices are not too high. It stands to reason that Zhou Nuo's income in this city is enough to buy an upper-middle-class house, and the furnishings inside must not be as shabby as they are now!

Zhou Nuo sighed, and began to say, "Actually, I see that you are so close to Chairman Lin, and I want to use you to get promoted."

"Promoted with my help?" Jiang Yifan grinned amusedly, and then changed the topic, "Then you will be disappointed. In the Lin Group, no one has ever been promoted because of personal feelings, even Lin Huafeng's The youngest daughter also started from the grassroots level there.”

"Although I said that, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will fight for it." Zhou Nuo's tone was very firm when he spoke, and there seemed to be some paranoid emotions mixed in there.

Jiang Yifan took a puff of cigarette, and asked in a cloud of smoke, "No, you are now the assistant to the chairman, and the next promotion will either be the boss of your assistants, or be transferred to another department to be an executive. But I wondered, since you can climb to this position from a grassroots employee, you will definitely be promoted in the future."

"I can't wait!" Zhou Nuo gritted his teeth, ready to have a showdown with Jiang Yifan and make it clear.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows and listened quietly without opening his mouth.

"I tried my best to get promoted in order to earn more money. The money I earned in the past few years was used to treat my mother's illness, but the money was spent, and I still didn't save her life. I have worked hard outside these years. , so that all the money was sent home. But after my mother left, my father was diagnosed with bone cancer..."

When he said this, Zhou Nuo's eye circles began to turn red.

Jiang Yifan pondered silently for a moment, "You are now the entire labor force of your family, right?"

"A few years ago, my father and I were together. I used more of my income to pay for my mother's surgery and medical expenses, and my father's money was used to subsidize the family and support my brother's high school education." Zhou Nuo explained.

"It looks like this house is yours too, so why not sell it for emergency?"

"This is the house left by my grandmother. When my mother was in urgent need of money, I wanted to sell the house, but she refused to agree with her life and death, and threatened me with her life. She said it was the only thing my grandmother left behind. Things can’t be sold no matter what.”

Hearing Zhou Nuo's words, Jiang Yifan frowned slightly, "But you can't rely on this method to get promoted. You can rely on your strength, or you can first make a good show with the group and lend a sum of money."

Zhou Nuo's tears were watery, and the two lines of hot tears had already swirled around his eye sockets, but now he couldn't hold back the intuition and flowed down, and stretched out his fair fingers to wipe it off.

"When my mother was ill, because of the need for long-term dialysis and the high cost of treatment, I had already borrowed more than 50 yuan from Lin Dong at that time. How can I have the face to open my mouth now?"

Zhou Nuo laughed at himself, raised his head and looked at Jiang Yifan, "Do you think I'm not self-loving?"

Jiang Yifan shook his head, "Everyone will do a lot of excessive things for the sake of their loved ones. I can understand your approach, but I think that no matter at any time or encounter any difficulties, don't use yourself as a bet."

"What do you want me to do with you, relying on my relationship with the Lin family to let you rise, to be honest, this is the worst way, because even if you really have something to do with me, they may not let you rise What's more, you can't fool me with your little thought."

Zhou Nuo nodded slightly, "I just want to try, but I really want to have something to do with you. I'm really tired all these years, and I also want to find a man to rely on."

"Eh..." Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, got up and walked to the window, "Let me help you figure out a solution for this matter. I know some experts from our Chenbei Hospital. Come here, and then I will arrange things for you at the hospital, and as for the medical expenses, I will help you figure out a way."

"Really?" Zhou Nuo stood up suddenly, and smiled happily.

"I'll do my best, that don't want to take this kind of route in the future. It's really hard to take my anger out, and then pour such a ladle of water on me." Jiang Yifan spread his hands.

Zhou Nuo smiled awkwardly and nodded slightly, "However, if you really want to, you don't have to leave tonight. Just treat it's that we each get what we need, and we will still be colleagues after tomorrow."

"Let's forget it. If something really happened to you, if my little ancestor finds out, he will probably kill me." Jiang Yifan waved his hand, "Okay, then I'll leave first. You should also rest earlier. When will you bring your dad over, call me."

Watching Jiang Yifan leave, Zhou Nuo sat on the sofa. After thinking for a while, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured in a low voice, "Jiang Yifan? This time, the Lin family will most likely be destroyed by your hands." .”

(End of this chapter)

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