Chapter 364 Sending Foreign Guests Away
Regarding Jiang Yifan's shamelessness, Lin Yanran made full use of the truth that women dare not talk nonsense when men do it, and beat him up!
She really understood that Jiang Yifan would not change his shamelessness no matter at any time, it was his nature!
The chest fell up and down, with his hands on his waist, he pointed at Jiang Yifan angrily and cursed, "My girl is so mad, I shouldn't believe you."

Jiang Yifan grinned, "Hey, my wife, proper flirting can enhance our relationship! Many people are waiting for our two CPs to appear in front of them."

"Don't even think about it!" Lin Yanran yelled angrily, "I told you Jiang Yifan, I set the rules for you before, and now you say that you will be my intern boyfriend after you die, so don't even try to touch me during this period. I I'll tell you, because of your shamelessness today, I decided to extend the internship period..."

"How long will it be extended?" Jiang Yifan asked with a changed face.

Lin Yanran thought for a moment, "It depends on your performance. If you perform well, it may be possible to add a month or a week to the original basis. If you perform poorly, it may be a lifetime."

"Damn it! A lifetime of internship! At worst, I have left and right hands, what about you? Why don't you still buy a cucumber?" Jiang Yifan said almost subconsciously.

Lin Yanran looked at him blankly, "Why buy cucumbers? What does the internship period have to do with cucumbers?"

"Okay, you won!" Jiang Yifan gave Lin Yanran a thumbs up, then smiled and said, "Then what is good performance?"

"Understand it yourself." Lin Yanran said as she was about to walk outside.

Jiang Yifan's eyeballs rolled around, this woman usually said that she had comprehended, or expressed something like that, isn't it all dirty things, and then she was too embarrassed to say it out!
It turns out that little classmate Lin Yanran is such a girl!

Immediately, Jiang Yifan got up and pulled Lin Yanran into his arms, "Little Yanran, come on, I'll show you a good performance."

"What are you doing!" After being teased by him like this, Lin Yanran was completely at a loss, she was about to struggle when she regained her composure.

"I know you're embarrassed to say it, so I'll take the initiative!" Jiang Yifan said, wrapping his arms around her small A4 waist, and then leaning his face closer.


The door opened, and Lin Yaran walked in first, and said to Yimo behind her with a smile, "This is Yifan's office..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Lin Yaran, Yimo and Xiangruo all froze in place.

I saw Lin Yanran sitting in Jiang Yifan's arms, lying back with a half push, and Jiang Yifan's big arms around her waist, with a mean look on her face, and the behavior of the two of them was very intimate and ambiguous.

Lin Yanran obviously also saw Lin Yaran coming in, and while Jiang Yifan was stunned, she quickly struggled from him, gave him a hard look, and then ran outside.When he went out, his face was extremely red, like a ripe apple.

Jiang Yifan pretended to be okay, and sat up straight, "Come on, come in, what are you doing standing at the door."

"Mr. Yifan really balances work and life." Yimo said meaningfully.

"True temperament! Pure man!" Xiangru also gave Jiang Yifan a thumbs up.

Jiang Yifan smiled and poured a glass of water for each of them, "Would you believe me if I said I was discussing work just now?"

"Huh?" Yimo and Xiangrui's eyes were full of playfulness and jokes.

Lin Yaran looked dumbfounded. He didn't expect Jiang Yifan and Lin Yanran to do this in the company so boldly, but what he didn't expect was that Yimo and Xiangruo didn't get angry because of it, on the contrary they seemed to be very interested of.

Jiang Yifan looked serious and said, "I'm telling the truth, we're really just exploring the work."

"Mr. Yifan, may I ask what kind of work you are discussing that makes such an intimate gesture?" Yimo asked playfully.

Jiang Yifan told Yimo very solemnly, "The little girl just now is the new secretary. He needs to understand his boss. As his boss, I must also understand her, and this understanding cannot Only for work, but also for individuals.”

"Although I don't quite understand it, I think it's very powerful." Xiangru rubbed his chin in doubt, with a dazed expression on his face.

Yimo, on the other hand, looked at Lin Yaran, "Mr. Lin, is this how you discuss work with the secretary?"

"Huh?" Lin Yaran was taken aback. "Everyone has their own way. Yifan has always been a little different. He can't summarize everything."

"Well, I knew from the first moment I saw him that he was not an ordinary person. He was very unique." Yimo smiled happily.

Jiang Yifan glanced at Xiangruo, followed closely to Yimo, and said in a low voice, "Little Momo, you can worship me, but you must not fall in love with me, otherwise Xiangrue will be sad."

"Then what if I really fell in love with you?" Yimo didn't show any embarrassment when she heard the words, on the contrary, she said seriously.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows playfully, and stretched out his hand, "Let's go, Xiao Momo, let's go find our love palace together."

"Damn, is it really okay for you to say this in front of me?" Xiangru also knew that they were joking, but even though it was a joke, he, the person involved, was also there.

"Hahahahaha!" Jiang Yifan and Yimo looked at each other and laughed.

After they sat and chatted for a while, they went out to eat together, but after the meal, Yimo suddenly received a call from their headquarters, saying that the company had made preparations and asked them to go back to attend a ceremony.

Yimo and Xiangruo discussed it, and without too much hesitation, they went to the airport to book air tickets, and then went to the hospital for discharge procedures.

Those who were poisoned were actually nothing serious. Mr. Bai also said at the beginning that the poison was not very serious in the first place, and the other party was not aiming at killing people, so there was nothing serious about it.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yifan and Lin Yaran personally sent Yimo and the others to the airport.

"Let's go back and get everything ready, and then we will jointly start the channel connection, and then your products can be shipped there as soon as possible. Then our cooperation will really begin." Yimo said with a smile.

Lin Yaran nodded slightly, and reached out her hand to hold Yimo's jade hand, "I hope we can create a bigger market together. Let's go to a higher platform together."

"It's a pleasure to come here to meet you this time." Yimo smiled back, then hugged Jiang Yifan and Lin Yaran, and walked towards the plane with Xiangruo...

The matter of cooperation has been finalized, and then Jiang Yifan will devote himself to fighting the Zhong family...

(End of this chapter)

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