Chapter 365 How Cheap Are You?

After sending Lin Yaran to the company, Jiang Yifan left. The Lin Group can now be said to have turned the corner, but in fact there is nothing dangerous about it. Zhou Nuo's poisoning of foreign guests did not have much impact.

After leaving the company, Jiang Yifan originally wanted to go to the suburbs, but on the way, Bai Bingbing suddenly called him.Just turn around and go to the police station.


Inside the Chenbei City Police Department Office.

Jiang Yifan was sitting on Bai Bingbing's desk, playing with a pen in his hand, and Bai Bingbing stood in front of him with his hands folded.

His face was cold, and there was a hint of anger.

"So you mean that there is no direct evidence at all, and then Zhou Nuo can be allowed to leave?" After a while, Jiang Yifan asked.

"That's right, witnesses alone are not valid." Bai Bingbing answered with a slight nod.

"How could it not be true? The clerk in the coffee shop has already said everything. What an obvious witness." Jiang Yifan said in a puzzled way.

"Indeed, when we interrogated the employee named Qian Lin for the first time, he did admit it, but when we went to Zhou Nuo to confront him the next day, the small employee insisted that they did not poison him."

Bai Bingbing took a deep breath, "The day before, Zhong Shengyang wanted to release Zhou Nuo on bail, but I drove him away. Later, when the boss came to handle relevant procedures for Qian Lin, they had a conversation."

"In other words, Zhong Shengyang wanted to threaten Qian Lin and release Zhou Nuo on bail but failed, and then ordered the owner of the coffee shop to transfer the message to Qian Lin, right?" Jiang Yifan said with a frown.

Bai Bingbing nodded, "Everyone has a weakness. The owner of that coffee shop obviously took advantage of Zhong Shengyang, and then came to threaten him with Qian Lin's weakness. And this weakness is fatal, otherwise Qian Lin would never Change the confession."

Jiang Yifan thought for a moment, "How did your bureau decide?"

Bai Bingbing took a sip of water, squeezed the water glass a few times in his hand, "there is nothing we can do in the bureau, we can only let him go."

"What time?"

"Before eight o'clock tonight at the latest, that is to say, there is less than an hour and a half." Bai Bingbing said looking at the wall clock on the wall.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly, "I sent her here, and I will send her away."

"What are you going to do?" Bai Bingbing paused for a moment, and then said, "I knew it would be a little unexpected to call you here, if Jiang Ju said that I must discuss it with you, I wouldn't have called you here. "

Jiang Yifan grinned, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to her, even if I'm a scumbag, I don't bother to do anything to a woman."

Bai Bingbing hesitated for a moment, then took Jiang Yifan to the back detention room, opened one of the doors, and suddenly saw Zhou Nuo sitting on a bare bed.

His face was a little pale, and he looked like he had cried before, and his eyes were full of resentment when he looked at Jiang Yifan.

"Sister Zhou Nuo, you are free!" Jiang Yifan smiled playfully and directly pulled Zhou Nuo up, and then dragged her to the outside.

When he reached the door, he turned to look at Bai Bingbing, "I'll take her away first, and you help me thank Jiang Ju and your grandfather for taking care of those foreign guests these days. There will be a repayment in the future."

"Who cares?" Bai Bing gave him a cold glance, and then packed up his things and got ready to leave work.

Jiang Yifan drove Zhou Nuo to Huarong Avenue, then stopped the car, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Jiang Yifan, what do you want from me?" Zhong Shengyang, who was opposite, asked in an unfriendly tone.

"Zhou Nuo is in my hands now, don't think too much, I don't want to do anything, just return him to you. Come to Huarong Avenue and find me with some gifts in half an hour." After finishing speaking, Jiang Yifan hung up the phone directly.

"You let me go so easily?" Zhou Nuo looked out the window, his eyes full of despair, thinking that he had suffered a lot in the police station these days.

Jiang Yifan shrugged, "Easy is easy, it depends on how you do it!"

"What do you mean?" Zhou Nuo turned to look at Jiang Yifan and asked in doubt.

"I never thought that you could help me, but I can tell you responsibly that you are just a plaything with Zhong Shengyang. Of course, it has nothing to do with me. What I want to tell you is that I have never The information of your whole family was retrieved from the company."

Jiang Yifan smiled evilly, "Although Zhong Shengyang hid all your family members, I can still find them if I look hard..."

"Jiang Yifan, you are shameless!" Before Jiang Yifan finished speaking, Zhou Nuo became angry. No matter what happened, no one wanted to implicate his family!Even Zhou Nuo is the same!

Jiang Yifan pressed Zhou Nuo's shoulder, "Don't get excited, I just want to remind you! If you dare to disclose the commercial secrets of the Lin Group that you know to Zhong Shengyang, I guarantee that your family will disappear in 10 minutes. In this world, you and I will also make your death very rhythmic."

"Shameless! You're still a man, you'll threaten me with these!" Zhou Nuo muttered angrily.

"There are a lot of people who say I'm shameless, who are you?" Jiang Yifan smiled sarcastically, "Also, don't use this tone to say me, aren't you shameless and despicable? How did Lin Yaran treat you? , you should know in your heart that you actually betrayed the Lin Group for some money. Do you still have the capital to call me shameless?"


"Shut up!" Jiang Yifan directly interrupted Zhou Nuo, with a deep chill in his eyes, and murmured, "You can think I'm shameless, you can think I'm despicable, but this is all forced by you. Said I was a good guy, didn't say I was a hero."

"I'm just a rogue, a little ant that you look down upon, but so what, even if I am that ant and you are elephants, if you hurt someone I care about, then I will risk everything to fight you to the death !"

When Jiang Yifan said these words, it was sonorous and powerful!There was a violent breath faintly mixed between the brows, everyone has a weakness.

Zhou Nuo's weakness is her family, so Jiang Yifan's weakness is these people around him!
Dragons have reverse scales, while humans have weaknesses, if you touch them, you will die!

The car fell into silence, and Zhou Nuo didn't dare to say too much, she was afraid of death.I am really afraid of death.

About 20 minutes later, Zhong Shengyang and the man with glasses drove over and knocked on Jiang Yifan's window.

Jiang Yifan rolled down the car window, opened the car door, and pushed Zhou Nuo out, "I brought him here, so it can't be all good, right?"

"This is 100 million cash." Zhong Shengyang put a box on Jiang Yifan's car coldly, and closed the car door for him.

Jiang Yifan grinned and looked at Zhou Nuo, "Did you see, you are worth such a small amount of money, you are so cheap that you sell the owner for glory!"

(End of this chapter)

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