Chapter 504
Listening to Jiang Yifan's words, Wan Ke glanced at the girl over there, then at Jiang Yifan, and took a step back, "Boss, we haven't started anyway, or this girl will belong to you. Your charm is enough Push her down!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yifan kicked Wan Ke directly, "Enjoy it slowly. I'll go and discuss with your father what you said just now that he's about to die."

After speaking, Jiang Yifan walked directly inside.

Wan Ke lowered his head with a gloomy expression. Before anything happened, the girl flew over and hugged Wan Ke in a top-down style.

And in a parabolic fall, the two of them lay directly on the ground!
"Ah, I'm sorry." The girl quickly got up and helped Wan Ke up.

Wan Ke only felt that a heavy object fell on his chest just now, and then he felt that he was about to be out of breath, and coughed a few times, "How did you find this place?"

"You told me that your home is here before." The girl said innocently, and then murmured a little aggrieved, "But, why do you put a person in the amusement park, don't you know that people will be afraid? "

When Wan Ke heard this sentence, he almost threw up. If another beautiful woman acted like a baby with him, he would be comforted for a while, but now he has no intentions at all.I've been thinking about how to get rid of this girl.

On the other hand, Jiang Yifan has already reached Wan Yi's office.

"Hey, what kind of wind is this today, it brought my brother Fan here." Wan Yi was studying an antique-like object with a magnifying glass, then turned his head and smiled at Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan walked up to him, looked at an antique in front of him, and asked, "Uncle Wan, where did you get this from?"

"I borrowed it from Old Li." Wan Yi was about to say it when he was halfway talking, but after looking at Jiang Yifan, he directly changed it to borrowing.

There was no sense of disobedience in this move, and he didn't feel blushing or embarrassing at all.

Jiang Yifan paused, knowing without thinking, Wan Yi must have tricked Li Yan again, and said with a playful smile, "Uncle Wan, you and Uncle Li are really good enough, and you always take advantage of him, he Not angry."

"A good relationship is for sure. We have been friends for more than 30 years, but your words are not appropriate. It's not that I always take advantage of him, but he takes advantage of me. It's not that he doesn't get angry, but he doesn't dare to get angry. .”

Wan Yi put down the magnifying glass, leaned on the wooden chair, raised his legs, full of ruffian air.

Jiang Yifan grinned and asked, "He took advantage of you? Why didn't I see it once? On the contrary, you owe him more than [-] yuan for meal tickets."

"Who said there is no such thing, last time he snatched a girl away from me!" Wan Yi said annoyedly, "I spent a lot of money to invite that girl from abroad, just to use it for me to make a big splash, but Who would have thought that fellow would snatch it back and become Mrs. Yazhai! What a waste of money!"

"That shouldn't be possible. After all, he came here to rob people. This is your territory, and there are so many people down here." Jiang Yifan said with some disbelief.

Wan Yi pouted, "He gave me 2000 million."

"How much money did you spend to hire that beauty?"


"Damn!" Jiang Yifan swears immediately, and said with his eyes wide open, "Is this still called taking advantage of you? Exchange 2000 million for your 300 million people. Are you still at a loss?"

"What a loss, if that woman is here, she can generate at least 5000 million profits for me a year."

Wan Yi spread his hands, "Oh, that's a lot of money. It was snatched away by that old Li, so I will definitely get it back, so let Wanke go to his place for dinner every day, and return it after eating. I can’t give him money. But Wanke’s grandson secretly gave it to him several times. Otherwise, how could it be only 10,000+!”

Jiang Yifan was stunned for a while. Hearing Wan Yi's words, he couldn't react. He calmed down for a while and said, "Uncle Wan, I really don't understand a few questions."

"Speak, big brother!" Wan Yi said with a smile.

"First, let Wan Ke go to Uncle Li's for food without giving money, and then Wan Ke secretly gave it to you, but you called him a grandson. I want to ask, what is the relationship between you two?"

Jiang Yifan really couldn't figure out how such a 'smart' person as Wan Yi could have such a 'cute' son as Wan Ke!

No wonder Wan Ke didn't even think about it at the time, so he used his father's death as an excuse to get rid of that fat girl.

The old man here is directly scolding his grandson!Teach my son to eat overlord meals at other people's places!This is too unlike the behavior of an entertainment tycoon in Chenbei City!

Wan Yi said, " just take it as my scolding him, after all, I am his own father. If I were a grandson, wouldn't I be something like that!"

Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, completely defeated by Wan Yi's way of thinking, and then said, "The second question is that Wan Ke is my peer. If you call me big brother, what should Wan Ke call me?"

"You can call me whatever you want, I call you what I call you. Anyway, I don't like you calling me uncle, I don't like to hear it." Wan Yi said heartily.

"The third question." Jiang Yifan raised his third finger, "What is the relationship between you, Uncle Li, and Lin Huafeng!"

"He's me..." Wan Yi said that he suddenly stopped suddenly with a sudden brake, his eyes shook a few times, and then he changed the subject, "It can be regarded as ordinary friends, after all, they are all from Chenbei City, and we see each other when we look up!"

Jiang Yifan looked at Wan Yi with his eyes like torches, and stared hard at his eyes, just a little bit short, and asked a little bit.

But Wan Yi, the old goblin, suddenly stopped.

Wan Yi was a little awkward being stared at by Jiang Yifan, looked away, and directly changed the topic and said, "Xiaofan, it's noon soon, don't leave at noon today, let's go to Li Yan's to eat delicious food together. I treat you."

"your treat?"

"It must be my treat!" Wan Yi patted his chest happily.

Jiang Yifan knew that this treat might be another overlord's meal, and Li Yan still couldn't refute the overlord's meal!
After being wronged for Li Yan in his heart for a while, Jiang Yifan grinned, stood up and looked at Wan Yi, "Uncle Wan, don't you think there are some things you can't hide?"

"Hiding what?" Wan Yi asked pretending to be stupid.

"It's nothing." Jiang Yifan shook his head, not going to continue asking, because he knew that these old guys must have agreed before, the kind that they would not say if they were killed.Simply don't continue, otherwise these few people may not be able to mess with it again.

When it was almost noon, Wan Yi took Jiang Yifan to Li Yan's place for dinner, and when he arrived at the door of the Blue Enchantress, he asked, "Where's Xiao Ke?"

"I guess I'm going to give you a grandson!"

(End of this chapter)

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