Chapter 505 I Let You Marry Her

Jiang Yifan spread his hands, and said with a playful smile, "Xiao Ke brought back your future daughter-in-law today, and it is estimated that he is giving birth to a grandson for you."

Wan Yi was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise, "Can that son of a bitch find my daughter-in-law?"

"Cough!" Jiang Yifan was really puzzled by Wan Yi's name for his son, and said with a smile, "That's right, your son-in-law brought back his daughter-in-law, and now your daughter-in-law must be forcing your son-in-law to give birth to a turtle together with you." Sun come out."

This tongue twister made Jiang Yifan's speech a little awkward, but he didn't feel any disobedience, after all, it was said by Wan Yi himself!

"Little bastard, you're trying to call me a bastard!" Wan Yi thought for a moment, then slapped Jiang Yifan, cursing.

Jiang Yifan said angrily, "It's you who said he was the son of a turtle."

Wan Yi suddenly laughed, his face changed very quickly, like a national makeup, and immediately said heartily, "Then I'm going to see what kind of girl my precious son brought back to me!"

Jiang Yifan thought to himself: If you see it, just don't ask me for a knife!

Immediately, Jiang Yifan and Wan Yi started to look for Wan Ke in the blue enchantress, but they couldn't find it after searching around, Wan Yi pinched his forehead, "Where else could we go if we're not here?"

"Is it possible to go to the hotel? After all, it's not easy to do that kind of thing here." Jiang Yifan shrugged and said.

Wan Yi nodded, and walked outside with big strides.

Just as he walked to the door, there was a burst of crying from one side, "Help!"

This voice was very familiar to Jiang Yifan and Wan Yi. They looked at each other and looked directly at the place where the voice came from.

I saw a person standing behind a pile of piled up cardboard boxes!

It was the female netizen who met Wan Ke at that time, and Wan Ke was lying on the ground with his hands in front of his body, looking like he was about to be fucked by a strong woman.

The girl looked a little angry, she directly covered Wan Ke's mouth, and said angrily, "Okay, I like you so much, how dare you lie to me!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ,

" this the daughter-in-law Xiao Ke found for me?" Wan Yi looked at this scene, was dumb for a moment, and murmured.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "Uncle Wan, this is Xiao Ke's true love! Look at the girl's pretty face, look at her proud figure, look at her thick arms, and look at that girl who looks like Elephant-like 1.8-meter-long legs... Oh, I'm going, I can't say any more!"

When Jiang Yifan said the latter, a sense of guilt arose in his heart, is it really okay to praise this girl so much?

The corner of Wan Yi's mouth touched a few times, and he felt his facial muscles twitching, and he couldn't tell whether it was joy or sorrow!Finally, a few big words popped out from between the teeth, "The wife here is really amazing! I must marry him home! I must let Xiao Ke marry her back!"


Jiang Yifan froze in place, looking at Wan Yi dumbfounded, "You say this girl is wrong?"

"Nonsense, this is a good woman!" Wan Yi pointed at the girl, "Did you see that? Thick waist and big buttocks are definitely the best criteria for having a son!"

Jiang Yifan was a little dazed, because he thought of [-] ways Wan Yi was going to express, but he never expected it to be like this!
This way of thinking is too shocking!

Wan Yi happily walked over there, first walked around the girl, touched his chin and sighed, "En, not bad, it's really good!"

Seeing Wan Yi's appearance, Wan Ke yelled even more.

The girl glanced at Wan Yi coldly, "Who are you? What should you do!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yifan was stunned, thinking, Wan Yi would definitely be furious!After all, in front of his face, he beat his son and told him to leave!
But, that's not the case!
Wan Yi took a step forward, looked at the girl with a smile, "Girl, what are you doing?"

"Teach my husband a lesson, I haven't seen it!" the girl shouted angrily.

Wan Yi grinned, and what appeared in his eyes was not anger, but more intense joy, and he clapped his hands vigorously, "Okay! Good fight! You should teach yourself a good lesson!"

This sentence not only made Jiang Yifan stunned again, even the girl froze in place, then rolled up her sleeves and put her hands on her waist, "Who are you! It's none of my business! Get out!"

"Can't I take a look?"

"Look at your sister! It's my business to fight, I can't let others watch!"

Wan Yi was even more satisfied after hearing such an answer, and he smiled and grabbed the girl's little hand, "It's all right! Girl, what's your name and where do you live? Tomorrow... oh no, I'm going to propose marriage now!"

"..." Jiang Yifan was completely speechless. He stood on one side, pinching his forehead, thinking about what kind of weird father Wan Yi is!
Wan Ke, who was let go, also regained his composure, got up from the ground, cleared his throat, looked at Wan Yi, "Dad, what are you talking about!"

"I told you to marry this girl!" Wan Yi glared at Wan Ke, his tone full of indisputable!
Wan Ke was stunned for a moment, and then shook his hand, "Old man Wan, did you not take the medicine, or did you take the wrong medicine! Let me marry her? I"

"You just took the wrong medicine!"

"If I want to marry you, I won't marry anyway!" Wan Ke squatted directly on the ground, looking like a rascal.

Seeing the two quarreling, the girl thought for a moment, then pulled Wan Yi and asked, "Are you Wan Ke's father?"

"It's guaranteed to be fake!" Wan Yi raised his chest and said arrogantly.

The girl's face suddenly changed, and she asked herself in her heart, what did she do just now?It seems to tell the future father-in-law to let him get lost...

Wan Yi seemed to see the girl's embarrassment, "Girl, don't mind, what happened just now uncle thinks you did the right thing!"

"Really?" The girl was happy at once, she rested her chin with her hands... no, it should be said to rest the flesh on her face!

Wan Yi nodded happily, and kicked Wan Ke directly, "Your family is dead! You are crying, make me happy!"

Wan Ke felt aggrieved, looked at Wan Yi extremely aggrieved, and muttered, "How the hell can I be happy?"

"Girl, just now you said that Xiao Ke lied to you, what did he lie to you?" Wan Yi turned his head and looked at the girl with a smile, and then said, "Don't worry, you speak out boldly, if he takes advantage of you or something , Uncle will definitely take care of him and make him responsible for you!"

"Actually, it's okay!" The girl's transformation speed was also super fast, and she immediately became a little bird and cuddly.

"It's okay, say it boldly!"

"It's just...he said you're dying!"

(End of this chapter)

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