Chapter 506 Wan Ke Wants to Get Engaged

Seeing Wan Yi's appearance, the girl twitched a bit, and said softly, "He're going to die soon!"

As soon as the voice of this sentence fell, Wan Yi immediately exploded!He kicked Wan Ke directly, "Grandma! How dare you curse your father!"

Wan Ke really wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in at this moment, where did this wonderful father come from!
He was really speechless about Wan Yi's actions!

Shengsheng got kicked and said, "I don't know if you can do it, anyway, if this continues, I won't be able to do it!"

"Go and give birth to a grandson for me before you can't, and you love the rest!" Wan Yi said without hesitation.

To be honest, when he heard this, Jiang Yifan on the side really couldn't listen anymore. Although he knew Wan Ke and Wan Yi's temper, but if it went on like this, if Wan Ke married the fat girl next to him, then It's not a wonderful family!
Stepped forward and tugged Wan Yi, "Uncle Wan, it's a bit uncomfortable for you to treat Xiao Ke like this, after all, he is your own son."

Wan Yi grinned, "It's not very good."

"That's right, what age is it now, wouldn't it be good for you to let him choose his own happiness?" Jiang Yifan persuaded.

At this time, Wan Ke directly gave Jiang Yifan a grateful look, and quickly stood behind Jiang Yifan.

Wan Yi rolled his eyes, "Then how about this, this girl is tentatively appointed as Xiao Ke's fiancée, so don't worry about getting married yet!"

"Damn!" Wan Ke was not happy at the moment, pointing at Wan Yi, "I said, old man Wan, anyway, I am also your biological child, and I am the only son. Why are you looking for a wife for me so early? If you want to see me, You should just marry her!"

"Wanke! Let me tell you, I will become a member of your family in this life. If I can't become your daughter-in-law, I will become your stepmother. Anyway, I will appear on your household registration book!"

Before Wan Yi could speak, the fat girl stood up in a very tough manner, and yelled directly at Wan Ke.

Hearing such words, Jiang Yifan swallowed hard, thinking to himself: What kind of girl is this!

Hearing these words, which he thought were domineering, Wan Yi smiled and said to the fat girl, "Girl, it's fine to be his stepmother, don't worry, I will definitely let this kid marry you!"

The girl immediately became extremely well-behaved and nodded slightly, "Uncle, I believe in you!"

Wan Yi smiled and patted Jiang Yifan on the shoulder, "Okay, the event is over, let's go to Haichunju to have a big meal!"

Wan Ke really wanted to cry, watching Wan Yi take the girl into the car in front of him, holding Jiang Yifan's hand, and said aggrievedly, "Boss, what crime do you think I did to put such a Daddy!"

"..." Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, and said with some sympathy, "Xiao Ke, this is fate, you have to admit it!"

"Oh my god!"


Haichun lives inside.

Wan Yi strode into the gate of the restaurant, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Let Li Yan get out of here! I'm coming to eat!"

This sentence directly provoked strange looks from many diners.

But Wan Yi didn't care at all, the lobby manager hurriedly called and called Li Yan down.

When Li Yan came down the stairs and saw Wan Yi, he suddenly wanted to go back.

However, Wan Yi never let Li Yan go, he walked up to Li Yan's side in two steps, grabbed his arm, and said with a smile, "Old Li, what are you running for?"

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'm sorry!" Li Yan grinned, and he was about to leave!

Wan Yi continued, "Okay, I'm going too!"

"Fuck! Lao Wan, what the hell are you going to do! You're almost bankrupting Lao Tzu's restaurant!" Li Yan was not happy anymore.

"You yelling, you don't know that something big happened today! What happened to your meal!"

"What's the big deal?"

"Xiao Ke is going to get engaged! Your uncle said, please don't buy this meal!" Wan Yi spread his hands, looking like a rascal.

Li Yan paused, looked down, and there was a fat girl standing next to Wan Ke. He rubbed his eyes vigorously, and murmured, "That's the one? Stop making trouble! Xiao Ke's taste is not good. So heavy!"

"Does he dare not agree to the fiancée I chose for him?" Wan Yi shouted at the top of his voice, as if he was afraid that others would not know that she was Wan Ke's fiancée.

Li Yan raised his eyebrows vigorously, and asked in a low voice, "You are so stupid, does Wan Ke's dead mother know?"

"Hey! Old Li, do you want to fight!" Wan Yi was about to roll up his sleeves.

Seeing this funny scene, Jiang Yifan stepped forward, interrupted the two of them, and said with a smile, "I said, two uncles, you are all well-known figures in Chenbei City after all, can you stop being so embarrassing!"

He could see that it was one thing for Wan Yi to choose a fiancée for Wan Ke, and more importantly, to use this matter to cheat Li Yan!
Listening to Jiang Yifan's words, Li Yan asked again, "That is really Xiao Ke's..."

"En." Jiang Yifan nodded, "It's indeed his girlfriend...friend!"

Li Yan took a deep breath, and shook his head helplessly, "It's a pity that Xiao Ke is such a good boy, and Tanshou is such an old man!"

"Hey, can you talk, old man Li!"

"Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner today!" Li Yan smiled helplessly.

Hearing this, Wan Yi was immediately happy, and continued to reverse his attitude 360 ​​degrees, patted Li Yan on the shoulder, "Brother Yan, I knew you were very generous, I heard that you made another two bottles of good wine, don't be stingy for a while ha!"

With that said, a group of people entered one of the boxes.Wan Yi ordered a table of delicacies in a very grand manner!

When Li Yan looked at the various dishes served on the table, he felt his heart was bleeding. He winked at Jiang Yifan, and then walked out of the box.

Jiang Yifan thought for a while, then walked out, then looked at Li Yan and asked, "Uncle Li, what's wrong?"

"Follow me to the office!" Li Yan said and brought Jiang Yifan to his office.

There is a model map of the mountain on the table, Li Yan pointed to it and said, "Since you told me about the North Mountain of Huatian Village that day, I have thought about it, and there is actually another good way to build a tomb. Garden, and it doesn’t interfere with entering Beishan in the future.”

"Oh?" Jiang Yifan asked curiously, "How?"

"At that time, I remember you said that to enter the interior of Beishan, you need to go from the bottom of the natural lake at the back, and the surface above Beishan will definitely have research value in the future, so we can raise it up for him. It's similar to the sky bridge." Li Yan explained.

"I'm afraid this is not good. After all, things like cemeteries are better grounded. Not burying them on the ground seems to be against the purpose passed down by our ancestors." Jiang Yifan asked after thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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