Chapter 507 So Handsome Makes Me Vomit
Li Yan listened to Jiang Yifan's words, and smiled, "It seems that you, a smart person, are sometimes confused!"

"How do you say that?" Jiang Yifan asked with his eyes narrowed.

"We can open a passage at the back of the cemetery, similar to the passage of the compartment, which can accommodate the passage of large vehicles, so that there will be no delay in the future. And, I think this matter can't always be like this Procrastinating. I have to do it as soon as possible.”,
Listening to Li Yan's words, Jiang Yifan nodded, "Okay, then start to act. Helping Huatian Village to rectify its name earlier is one of my worries."

"Well, I'm also looking for something to do for myself, otherwise I'd be bored if I stay here every day." Li Yan smiled, "By the way, what's going on with Zhong's recently?"

"Because after sweeping the Tieguai Society a few days ago, they have been hiding these days, but they can't toss for a few more days. Pay a heavy price for this!"

When Jiang Yifan finished saying this, his big hand directly clenched into a fist, and then slammed it heavily on the wooden table!
Li Yan looked at Jiang Yifan's domineering look at this time, and nodded with a smile, "Suddenly, I feel like my blood is boiling!"

"Let's go eat. I'm really hungry!" Jiang Yifan laughed and was ready to go out.

At this time, Li Yan called him to stop and said, "Don't go to eat with Lao Wan and the others, you should go to another box."

Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, "What box?"

Li Yan didn't say much, but took Jiang Yifan to the innermost small box, and then pointed to the door, "You'll know when you go in. I'll go and see Lao Wan's daughter-in-law."

"..." Jiang Yifan was at a loss, could there be someone here waiting for him?
Li Yan smiled, and walked forward, muttering, "Old Wan, Lao Wan, Xiao Ke didn't cheat his father, but you have become a cheating son! What a strange thing!"

Jiang Yifan pushed open the door of the box with doubts, and saw Xuedie sitting at a table with another person whom Jiang Yifan knew very well.

"You two?" Jiang Yifan asked after walking in.

"Brother Fan!" The person who made him acquainted was not other people, but the old magic stick who had just left!
He sat next to the old magic stick and asked, "Didn't you leave?"

"Old man, I watched the stars at night the night before yesterday. There were wars raging in the four directions of Chenbei City, the southeast, the north, and the west. Lord Yan must bring people to collect his souls again. After some calculations, only Chenbei City is considered extremely safe, so for the time being Come back here and take refuge!"

The old god stick put on the posture of a fortune teller on the street, but the smile on his face was quite unbearable.

Jiang Yifan looked at Xuedie, "Do you know this old thing?"

"I don't know. I originally planned to have lunch with you at noon today, and then go back to the base in the afternoon, but I never expected to meet such a guy on the way. He said he knew you and wanted to tell you something, so I told you He brought it!" Xue Die spread her hands.

Jiang Yifan turned his head to look at the old magic stick with blazing eyes, "Tell me, what do you want from me, and get out of here, I'm going to have lunch with the beauty."

The old god stick was unhappy when he heard the words, he slapped the table, "You should get out after I finish talking, I want to have lunch with the beauty!"

Speaking of which, the old magic stick moved closer to Jiang Yifan, and muttered softly, "Brother Fan, I have to say that the girls beside you are really beautiful, and they are so lucky!"



"Aren't you jealous?"

"I'm really jealous!"

"Then you will never be able to do what I do in your life!" Jiang Yifan said proudly, squinting at the old magic stick.

The old magic stick immediately became courteous, and said with a cheap smile, "Brother Fan, tell me about your experience!"

"You can't learn this, just like you can let all the beauties sleep with you without money in the blue enchantress." Jiang Yifan spread his hands and said.

The old god stick shook his head, "It's different. I didn't rely on my own ability to make those beauties treat me so well, but there was a reason."

Jiang Yifan paused, and looked at the old magic stick curiously, "Why is that?"

"If I say it, you have to tell me your experience!"

"it is good!"

Seeing Jiang Yifan's sure answer, the old god stick said with a playful smile, "After I got to the Blue Demon Girl, I made a fortune with their boss, that is, Wan Yi. Ji and Ji have unlimited consumption, and everything will go to his account, that is to say, those girls are so kind to me, it is actually Wan Yi's instruction!"

The corner of Jiang Yifan's mouth grinned. After a long time of arguing about this situation, he thought that the old magic stick really had some magic power!

"Then tell me quickly, your technique for getting so many beauties!"

The two talked to each other, directly ignoring Xue Die who was sitting in the innermost place, but Xue Die was not angry at all, just sat inside and ate and drank.Silently watching them pretend to be 13!

Jiang Yifan smiled slightly, lit a cigarette, puffed out the smoke for a while, and said to the old magic stick, "It's actually very simple, so simple that you don't have to do anything!"

"in the end……"

Before the old magic stick finished asking, Jiang Yifan suddenly changed the subject, "But..."

"But what?" the old magic stick asked anxiously, he was so envious of Jiang Yifan, almost every time he saw him, he could see different beauties.

All of them are of the highest quality, which not only envies him, but also envies anyone who sees them!

Besides, Jiang Yifan is not a billionaire, and he is not as handsome as those celebrities.What kind of method can make these beauties fall in love with him?

Jiang Yifan squinted his eyes, looked at the old god stick, and said word by word, "However, don't expect me to be this level in your life!"

"Why!" The old magic stick asked very unconvinced.

"Actually, there is only one reason for my success! That is me..."

When he said this, Jiang Yifan deliberately drew a long voice, which completely aroused the curiosity of the old god stick. After his appetite was whetted, Jiang Yifan slowly said, "Because I am so handsome! This kind of handsomeness is incomparable. , This kind of handsomeness makes the world change color, so countless beauties have to stop and embrace me when they see me!"

"And you, you are old and ugly, you will never be like me in your whole life!"

When the old magic stick heard this sentence, he suddenly wanted to pick up the wine bottle and smash Jiang Yifan, but after thinking about it, let alone whether he could hit Jiang Yifan, if he really hit Jiang Yifan, Jiang Yifan would probably have to use a knife to survive Cut the old stick!
I couldn't beat it, so I had to apologize and said, "Well, you are so handsome, so handsome that it makes me vomit!"

(End of this chapter)

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