Chapter 508 Who Is the First Blood Wolf?

After a conversation between the old and the young, Xue Die finally couldn't bear it anymore, and directly put an empty wine bottle in front of the two of them, "Just talking nonsense, I'll make you two see blood in a minute!"

Seeing Xuedie's appearance, Jiang Yifan immediately turned around, bowed his head and started to eat!
But the old magic stick has a face of disapproval. In his mind, Jiang Yifan is the most terrifying person in the world. As long as Jiang Yifan doesn't do anything and say that he wants to see blood, he will do everything other people say. Don't be afraid!

Smiling and looking at Xue Die, "Beauty, you are very angry, old man, I see that your eyebrows are covered with black clouds, I am afraid that there will be bloody disasters in the near future! I advise you to be less angry and less grudges, maybe you can avoid it..."


Before the old god stick could say anything, Xuedie picked up the broken glass bottle and stabbed it directly at the old god stick's shoulder!Suddenly, there was a scream like killing a pig!

The old magic stick covered his shoulders, looking at the blood that flowed out, his face suddenly became very ugly, as if he was about to cry. " really do it!"

"Do you think I'm going to joke with you?" Xue Die stared coldly at the old god stick

Jiang Yifan sat on one side eating, secretly smiled, then wiped his mouth with a tissue, turned to look at the old magic stick, and said, "Are you playing cheeky with her? Then she has to kill you!"

"Damn it, isn't she your woman?" the old magician cursed.

"Isn't it, is it different from whether she will make you popular?" Jiang Yifan shrugged and asked doubtfully.

The old god stick stood up at once, "Of course it does matter, she is your woman. It stands to reason that only the one you can subdue is your real woman. Although I am afraid of you, I am also a little bit afraid, so this big beauty should not be as good as you." Mine, then you don't have the guts to fight with me?"

"Huh?" Jiang Yifan was a little confused about the logic of the old magic stick.

The old magic stick took a deep breath, his facial features were twisted together, and he continued, "Shouldn't a woman be gentle and elegant? Why is she like a tigress? If you say you can do it, you will not be afraid if you are with such a woman." Which night did you cut yourself off while sleeping?"

Jiang Yifan took a sip of wine and said with a smile, "Who said she is my woman?"

"It's not your woman, why did you invite you to dinner? Why did you treat you so well? And just now I asked you why these beauties like you, and you admitted it?" the old god stick asked.

Jiang Yifan spread his hands, "First, because I am handsome, there are too many women who want to invite me to dinner, or have already invited me to dinner, can't all of them be my women? Second, what did you just say? All beauties like me, that's right, they all like me, but it's not just the kind of liking between men and women."

"Damn it! Is it still possible to do this?" The old magic stick was completely dumbfounded!He originally thought that Xuedie must not be as powerful as Jiang Yifan, but after Jiang Yifan listened to Xuedie's threatening words just now, he still ate in style, that is to say, Xuedie was just trying to scare people!

But it really made him popular in minutes!

Extremely wronged, the old god stick saw more and more blood on his shoulder, and hurried to run out, yelling in his mouth, "Damn, I have to go and bandage it quickly, the blood is bleeding, and how much delicious food can make it up ah!"

Jiang Yifan grabbed him, "Didn't you just say you wanted to tell me something? Finish talking before leaving!"

"Fuck, my life is the most important thing! I have to stop the bleeding first!" said the old god stick angrily.

Jiang Yifan took out the golden needle and pricked the old god stick's shoulder a few times, and then said, "The bleeding has stopped, hurry up."

The old magic stick looked at his shoulder, and it was true that the blood was no longer flowing. He smiled, "Hey, I forgot about you, the successor of the medical fairy."


"Actually, it's not a big deal. I'm just telling you that the first blood wolf is about to be born. It stands to reason that the birth of an ordinary blood wolf has nothing to do with you, but according to the information I have learned, this blood wolf will disturb Chen. The turmoil in Beishi, plus your recent conflicts with the Zhong family, I estimate that after the blood wolf is born, you will be involved in that huge vortex!"

The old magic stick stared at Jiang Yifan with blazing eyes, and his face was serious when he spoke.

Jiang Yifan frowned when he heard the words. According to what the old god stick said, the first batch of blood wolves will come to Chenbei City, and they will be involved in his struggle with the Zhong family!
Thinking about his words, Jiang Yifan always felt that something was awkward, but what he was thinking about now was not something that was awkward.

Rather, Tang Meng said before that if the blood wolf is born, it means that the old god stick must have tattooed the last wolf tattoo on the blood wolf!
To put it bluntly, the old god stick knows who the first blood wolf is!
Thinking of this, Jiang Yifan raised his head abruptly, staring at the old magic stick, "What's the name of the first blood wolf? Is it one of my brothers!"

The old magic stick looked at Jiang Yifan's expression at this time, and paused, "I can't say that."

"Say it!" Jiang Yifan knew that this fellow wanted to scam money again!But such an important matter, how could he give him a chance to cheat!

The old magician thought for a while, "I can't tell, but if you really want to know, you can ask this girl, I have already told her just now!"

Jiang Yifan slowly turned his head to look at Xuedie, but did not speak, but cast a questioning look with his eyes.

"Be careful!" Xuedie suddenly shouted.

When Jiang Yifan was not doing well, he suddenly felt a huge force rushing towards him, and then he slammed into the door heavily. The old magic stick seemed to go crazy, and ran away directly after knocking Jiang Yifan away.The speed is very, very fast!

Jiang Yifan poked his head towards the door, and the old magic stick had already disappeared.

He took a deep breath and sat back on his seat, staring at Xue Die, "You really know?"

"Pfft!" Xue Die laughed angrily, "You're stupid, he just diverted your attention and found conditions for himself to leave!"

Who on earth is it?
Jiang Yifan was really at a loss, the more the old god stick pretended to be mysterious, the more he felt that the first blood wolf was someone he knew, and the relationship was very, very good, otherwise the old god stick didn't have to be like this, he could tell it , I don’t know him anyway!
Before letting it go, Jiang Yifan would never waste his brain cells thinking about things that he couldn't figure out, but this matter is different, because the birth of the blood wolf will inevitably set off a bloody storm, and if it is really his brothers, there will be trouble If it is not good, there is danger to life!
So, he wanted to figure it out!
Xue Die seemed to see that Jiang Yifan was anxious, coughed lightly and said, "You don't really believe what that lunatic said?"

ps: The third update, there will be more later... I heard that there is a moon cake activity on QQ Reading, rewarding gifts, if there are brothers with pocket money, you can reward a few.Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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