Chapter 509 Two Shadows in the Setting Sun
After eating, Jiang Yifan sent Xuedie to the airport and turned around after watching him enter the boarding gate. For some reason, he always felt that after Xuedie came this time, something changed, but the specific What has changed, I really can't tell at all!

It has been more than a month since the start of the Suburb Project. Jiang Yifan remembered that when he went to see it, the overall framework had already been completed in the north of the Suburb.

In fact, it is also true, because what he said to Lin Yaran before was to speed up the construction period, so almost all the wages of all kinds of workers hired were more than double the wages of ordinary construction sites.

In addition, there are two shifts of workers at night and during the day, so it has actually been carried out for more than two months!

Now most of the construction is mechanized, so it is not surprising that one-third of the suburbs are about to be completed.

As for the middle part and the south side, Jiang Yifan thought, it should be faster, because similar to commercial buildings and entertainment buildings, it takes time for post-renovation, unlike residential ones.

Today, I also talked to Li Yan about Huatian Village. The cemetery over there is easier to build. In fact, it only needs simple planning and leveling.

Now that the two important matters have already been helped, Jiang Yifan can spare enough time to have fun with the Zhong Group!

In fact, generally speaking, Jiang Yifan is only [-]% sure about Zhong’s side. Zhong’s is not terrible. He cheated more than half of the shares of Zhong’s Group before, and it’s almost difficult for them to return to the peak!So if you really want to eradicate the Zhong family with all your heart, giving Jiang Yifan two days is enough.

However, he is not ready to do that, because there is a huge monster hidden behind Zhong's back!
In other words, Xiao Tianquan's stepfather!That person whom Lin Huafeng, Li Yan, and Wan Yi called so terrifying!

Regarding the unknown, everyone is actually a little bit at a loss. Currently, Jiang Yifan has almost zero information about Xiao Tianquan's stepfather.

But Xiao Tianquan's stepfather can fully understand Jiang Yifan through the Zhong family!
This is the difference!
Jiang Yifan will never be afraid of strong enemies, he will feel more motivated by stronger opponents, he is not afraid of Xiao Tianquan's stepfather.

This is his greatest reliance!

The time has come to autumn, the weather is getting colder, the leaves are gradually turning yellow, and some are beginning to scatter.The sanitation worker took out a big broom and started sweeping.

"What are you thinking about?" In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of Lin's Group, Lin Yaran was wearing a long black dress, and her uncontrollable waist was particularly obvious.

Because it is the kind of tight-fitting, the towering peaks are also gathered upright!

Wearing a very thin but very beautiful necklace around the neck!Although it looks very simple, it is the kind that is of great value at first glance.

The pendant on it was just in the middle of the career line, and the faintly revealed career line began to change slightly with the breathing.

Jiang Yifan, who was standing beside him, looked down from the window, turned around when he heard the pleasant voice, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, I just feel that it has been a long time since I returned to Chenbei City, and suddenly I feel that a lot of things have happened during this time." Lots of things."

"That's enough to explain, it's better than doing nothing and worrying all day long." Lin Yaran folded her arms around her chest, showing dimples, and smiled.

Jiang Yifan nodded and asked, "Today is the weekend, why do you still come to the company?"

"I have cooperated with Yimo and their group in country F for a total of 100 projects. With your huge sum of [-] billion yuan, the market has been completely taken over. At present, both parties have begun to make profits! Today is the first payment for the project. When the time comes, I will naturally go back to the company to enter a receipt!"

After Lin Yaran finished speaking, she raised her delicate eyes, with a mysterious look, and asked, "Do you know how much money you made from the first project payment?"

"This..." Jiang Yifan scratched his head, but he really couldn't say it. After all, he didn't know much about this kind of thing.However, hearing Lin Yaran say that eighteen projects have already been cooperated, it shows that both parties have already trusted each other, otherwise they would never have cooperated to such an extent!

You know, for a large listed group like Lin's, as well as Yimo's family business in Country F, they are all super companies that would shake the business world if they stomped their feet. calculate.Those eighteen, what a huge sum of money they should have!

Lin Yaran let go of her hands wrapped around her chest, then raised her hands, stretched out her slender white jade fingers, and shook them at Jiang Yifan!

"One billion?" Jiang Yifan asked in a daze.

"No, no, guess more." Lin Yaran shook her head and said.

"100 billion?"

"Can you stop being so stingy, 100 billion is just a little more." Lin Yaran suddenly smiled when she heard the number that Jiang Yifan squeezed out from between her teeth.

"1000 billion?"

"900 billion." Lin Yaran suddenly seemed as happy as a little girl when she was a child and suddenly got her beloved gift.

And the smile on the face seems to be the peony flower that blooms after the rain, it is intoxicating and intoxicating!

When Lin Yaran looked at Jiang Yifan staring at her, she coughed lightly, "Why are you staring at me? Are you stunned?"

Jiang Yifan shook his head, actually he wanted to say that he was stunned by Lin Yaran's beauty!Then he laughed and said, "Then your ten fingers have nothing to do with 900 billion?"

Lin Yaran pouted, she and Jiang Yifan were the only ones here, so the usual lazy posture at home was obvious, without the deliberate disguise in the workplace and business world, and there was no youthfulness, On the contrary, this attitude is even more incomparably likable.

"One of the fingers represents 1000 billion, and the other nine fingers represent 900 billion."

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows and extended a thumbs up, "You win!"

Lin Yaran smiled coquettishly, "I reserved a table in the restaurant, and our whole family is going to have dinner today. My treat!"

He patted that proud place while talking, which made Jiang Yifan's eyes hot for a while. He thought how great it would be if he just went to pat the hand there, it would be his own!
But this is Lin Yaran, you can look at it with unscrupulous eyes. If it were Bai Bingbing or Xuedie, they would have started fighting by now!
After returning to the office to pick up the things, Lin Yaran took Jiang Yifan's arm and walked out of the company together.

Walking on the street, the shadows of the two people are stretched very long under the slanting sunlight. No matter from which angle you look at them, they really look like a couple!

However, just as Jiang Yifan was about to start the car, a large truck drove over quickly in front of him...

ps: Ask for a reward at the fifth watch, recommended tickets... There will be another update later!

(End of this chapter)

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