Chapter 510 You Can't Be Even Your Husband (Sixth)

Because today is not working time, the door of Lin Group has not been opened, so Jiang Yifan parked his car on the side of the road.

At this time, he had just started the car, but a large truck directly in front of him ran into him in the reverse direction.

The speed is extremely fast, as if the accelerator is pressed to the bottom.

According to common sense, if the truck is out of control, no matter if it is a veteran driver or a novice, most of them will panic, and then use the car to hit a tree or the car will turn around!
But now it is full of horsepower and rammed towards them!It can be seen from this that this is the one who rushed to take Jiang Yifan's life!

At this time, Lin Yaran got into the car with only half of her body. Seeing this scene, she was already stunned in place. Jiang Yifan pushed her out quickly, staggered two steps and fell directly behind the sightseeing tree on one side!
On the other hand, Jiang Yifan stepped on the accelerator suddenly, then turned the steering wheel suddenly, and turned the car sideways.


The big truck hit the Jaguar directly, making a crisp sound, and then the big truck turned off, and a driver stepped down from it, wearing work clothes, with blood on his forehead, and holding a knife in his hand Then walked towards the Jaguar.

He came for Jiang Yifan's life!And he didn't plan to leave by himself, otherwise, when he hit it, he would definitely jump out of the car and run away!But now he still has to take a knife to look at Jiang Yifan in the car.If he didn't die, he still needs to make up a few more knives!

He thought, with such a large force of inertia, Jiang Yifan must have been injured even if he did not die!It must be a weak time at this time, so it is absolutely no problem to go forward to make up a few knives.

Because Lin Yaran was wearing a skirt, when she fell down, the branches of the sightseeing tree tore a hole in the skirt. Although it didn't affect her, some blood flowed out from her calf.

She just saw a truck crashing directly towards this side, and then there was a huge force pushing her out.

Standing up slowly, the injury on her leg made her frown slightly, and then she saw the driver of the big truck striding towards the Jaguar with a knife in his hand!

In anxiety, Lin Yaran shouted, "What are you going to do!"

As if he didn't hear Lin Yaran's voice, the man went straight to Jaguar's side, and opened the car door suddenly!
no one!

Yes, the posture position is empty!
The man panicked and immediately looked around.

"Are you looking for me?" Jiang Yifan walked from behind the man with a cigarette in his mouth, with a calm expression on his face!

" is it possible?" the man murmured dumbly.

The corners of Jiang Yifan's mouth rose slightly, and he spread his hands, "Anything is possible!"

Actually, at the moment when the big truck crashed into the Jaguar, Jiang Yifan was still in the car, but he opened the door of the driving position!

With the help of the inertia of the car flying towards this side, he changed his body shape and jumped out directly, so nothing happened.

The man's hand holding the knife trembled a little, and sweat flowed from his forehead. Obviously, he understood Jiang Yifan's terror, and he was afraid of Jiang Yifan!Very scared!
Seeing that Jiang Yifan was fine, Lin Yaran finally breathed a sigh of relief, and walked over there.

At this moment, the man found a breakthrough point. He ran straight towards Lin Yaran, jumped over the sightseeing tree, and then raised the knife in his hand to chop it down.

Jiang Yifan will not give him a chance!
In just a moment, Jiang Yifan jumped in front of him and punched him hard, knocking the knife in the man's hand to the ground!
Then the big hand grabbed the man's collar and kicked him.

The man lay on the ground clutching his stomach.

"Da!" At this moment, a photo suddenly fell out of the man's pocket!
Jiang Yifan's eyes tightened, and he picked it up directly. The photos on it made him stunned for a moment. He looked down at the man on the ground and asked, "Who are you from Eagle?"

The one on the photo is the Tieguai club's boss, Eagle. However, when he was raiding the Tieguai club, Jiang Yifan didn't let him kill him, but let him go, and even asked him to bring a sentence to Zhong Shengyang!

The man raised his head, his eyes were full of self-mockery, and then he muttered, "Boss, I can't avenge you, we will be brothers in the next life!"

After finishing speaking, he bit his tongue and killed himself!

Jiang Yifan frowned, listening to the man's voice, he and the eagle call each other brothers!That means that this person should also be a member of the Tieguai Society.

I didn't see him last time, so it should be because he wasn't inside at that time.

Moreover, Jiang Yifan vaguely guessed that the eagle was already dead, and after Zhong's killing, he pushed the scapegoat to him again!

"He... he's dead?" Lin Yaran's face turned pale, and she hid behind Jiang Yifan, but only glanced there with her delicate eyes.

Jiang Yifan nodded, then took out his mobile phone and dialed, "Police Bai, someone committed suicide at the door of the Lin Group!"

When Bai Bingbing heard the words, she thought Jiang Yifan was joking, and then said with a smile, "You want to trick me out?"

"Do you think I have that leisure time during such a wonderful dinner time?" Jiang Yifan said playfully.

After hearing this, Bai Bingbing hung up the phone, called two colleagues, and drove out of the police station!

The police car arrived quickly, looking at the man who committed suicide on the ground, then at the large truck over there and Jiang Yifan's Jaguar.

Then, Bai Bingbing looked at Lin Yaran and Jiang Yifan, and asked coldly, "What's going on?"

"He hit my car, got out of the car and beat me to death, but I resisted a few times, and he committed suicide!" Jiang Yifan spread his hands and said!
"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?" Bai Bingbing frowned a few times when she heard the words, and then sneered, "He hit you, and then he wanted to kill you? Killing you is not suicide? Are you sure you didn't build one?" A fake crime scene?"

Jiang Yifan grinned at the corner of his mouth, walked to Bai Bingbing's side, pointed to the monitor on one side, and said in a low voice, "He's also your future husband anyway, is it really okay for you to frame me like this?"

"Future husband?" Bai Bing smiled coldly, "Even if it is really my husband, I will still arrest him if he breaks the law!"

"Then you go to investigate and monitor, and there must be witnesses around here. If you think the CEO of the Lin Group can be trusted, she can also be a witness for me!"

Bai Bingbing looked at Lin Yaran, saw a little bit of blood dripping from Lin Yaran's calf, and then thought for a moment, "You guys deal with it here, I'll take them back to make notes!"

It seems that this time, Jiang Yifan cannot escape the fate of going to the police station.

The Jaguar was also damaged, but the extent of the damage was not too great. After some repairs, it could still be driven, but now it will be used as evidence, so it cannot be driven, so it can only leave in Bai Bingbing's car!
ps: Sixth update~
(End of this chapter)

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