Chapter 512

Lu Zhuang said on the phone that the workers who were supposed to be transferred to the evening shift did not go collectively. He sent someone to the house where the workers lived to check, and the collective disappeared!
Nearly 100 people disappeared collectively!
Jiang Yifan was taken aback when he heard the news, he would accept it if one or two people disappeared, and he didn't think it would be a big deal, but there are more than 100 people, they are human!Say disappear and disappear!Time travel?
After talking briefly with Lin Yaran and the others, they hurriedly prepared to go to the suburbs, but Lin Yaran said that she would also go to see it.

So Lin Huafeng and his wife brought Lin Yanran and Tang Guo back to their villa.

Jiang Yifan drove Lin Yaran's car towards the suburbs.

More than 100 people disappeared collectively. Jiang Yifan knew that there must be a demon for no reason, so he felt that someone must have interfered, otherwise it would not have happened.

The speed of the car was extremely fast, and it arrived at the construction site in the suburbs in a short while.

Lu Zhuang, Bai Wuque, and five or six brothers from the Temple of the King of the Underworld stood beside several cars, smoking smoky cigarettes, watching Jiang Yifan approach, and walked over together.

"What exactly is going on?" Jiang Yifan asked, frowning.

Lu Zhuang looked at Bai Wuque, "You tell me."

Bai Wuhua nodded, looked at Jiang Yifan and said, "It was time to change shifts, but the two brothers who were waiting here waited and waited for no one to come. As soon as the two discussed it, they ran to the place where the workers lived to see, but there was nothing there. No one."

"Are there signs of fighting?" Jiang Yifan asked.

Bai Wuque shook his head and said, "There is no trace of a fight, it seems that the workers left voluntarily, but this is too abnormal, you must know that the workers have not been paid, and even their bedding is still there, but some of the usual bedding is missing. It's just a tool they use."

Hearing this, Jiang Yifan stroked his chin and pondered for a while, then smiled and said, "Do you know where other large-scale projects are being built in Chenbei City besides us?"

"There is really a place!" Lu Zhuang slapped his forehead at this moment, "We set fire to Tieguaishe before, but construction has started again in the past two days, and according to our investigation, there is a plan to build a big one there. KTV, the most important thing is..."

When talking about this, Lu Zhuang changed the subject, and said solemnly, "The most important thing is that Zhong's figure is seen here. I suspect that this KTV is funded by Zhong's."

Jiang Yifan smiled when he heard the words, "Let's go, go and pick up our big workers and go home!"

"You mean, they went to the side where Zhong Shengyang tampered with?" Bai Wuque asked.

"It shouldn't be. You should know that the price we pay to the workers is twice that of ordinary workers, especially the more than 100 people on the night shift. They also have additional subsidies." Lu Zhuang continued.

Jiang Yifan spread his hands, "We can give twice, and the Zhong family can give three times. Don't forget, these workers are very simple. They come out to work in cities from all over the world in order to make more money. , I can save some face when I go home during the Spring Festival. I must follow the price of Gao!"

"Then there's no need for us to go." Lin Yaran took a step forward and said with a slight frown on her forehead, "They paid three times the price and then took away our workers, all because they wanted me to put the project on hold. carry out, and demonstrate against us."

"But now if we want to invite all the workers back in the past, we will undoubtedly have to pay a higher price. At that time, we will not be worthwhile! Instead of doing this, it is better to let those workers over there, and then let them consume funds. Consumption is our victory!"

Hearing Lin Yaran's words, Jiang Yifan shook his head, "Sister Yara, you are quite right, but everyone has poached the corner of the house, and we are still indifferent. Isn't it showing weakness to him? So this trip still has to Those who go, not only want to go, but also bring congratulatory gifts with them.”

Everyone was at a loss when they heard what Jiang Yifan said. It was reasonable to go to them for an explanation, or to make trouble, but it was obviously unreasonable to go there with a congratulatory gift!

Jiang Yifan smiled mysteriously and walked directly into the car.

Although everyone was confused, Jiang Yifan had already said so, and there was no need to hesitate, so they all got into the car.

There are two cars in total, Jiang Yifan and Lin Yaran are in front of the Audi TT, and behind it is a Buick Business, Lu Zhuang, Bai Wuque and the six brothers of Yanwangdian!

Jiang Yifan, who was in the lead, didn't seem to be in a hurry, driving very slowly.

Lu Zhuang, who was driving behind, was impatient, muttering, "What on earth is Brother Fan thinking? Why are you not in a hurry about this kind of thing? They all ran to our door to poach the wall."

"Is it useful to be anxious?" Bai Wuque said with a grin.

"If it were me, I would just lead someone to rush there, burn him the second time if he can be burned the first time, then beat up the person in charge over there, snatch the workers back, and then fire them all. Find the next wave of people!" Lu Zhuang continued to mutter.

Bai Wuque rolled his eyes angrily, "Yes, you got angry by doing this, but have you thought about the consequences?"

Before Lu Zhuang could answer, Bai Wuque continued, "You can burn the first time and the second time, then they can build the third and fourth time. For us, it looks very beautiful on the surface, but now the big money All the funds have been invested in the project, they are different, they have Xiao Tianquan's stepfather, who is super rich in the country, and can take out money to continue construction anytime and anywhere."

"Secondly, you snatch the workers back and then fire them. This is an even more unwise choice. You must know that these workers already know how to build according to the engineer's drawings. You are looking for a group of newcomers. We have to study and get in touch with engineers, and a lot of time will be wasted, and we will still lose a lot of money.”

"That's not it, that's not it! What is going on?" Lu Zhuang was a little speechless by Bai Wuque's words, after all, what he said was indeed very reasonable.

Bai Wuque narrowed his eyes and thought, "Although I don't know what Brother Fan is going to do, this time it will definitely cause Zhong's hemorrhage, and we have to respectfully send the workers back to us. If my guess is right , Brother Fan has to cheat Zhong Shi hard once!"

"..." Lu Zhuang listened to Bai Wuque's words, thought for a while, and said, "I really don't know that Brother Fan has been thinking about these ghost ideas all day long. Although he is called Brother Fan, he is not as old as us. Woolen cloth!"

"It's worth calling out. We were street gangsters when he was his age. Look at him. So, you and I will never be able to take up Jiang Yifan's height, and we are only worthy of helping him!" Bai Wucai snapped. Yan laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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