Chapter 513 Knowledge of Instant Noodles

The original Tieguai Society was burned down to a mess by Jiang Yifan and the others!But in just a few days, it has been cleaned up, and the foundation of the KTV that is ready to be opened has been done!
There are dozens of people in work uniforms working in full swing.Next to a Mercedes-Benz car below, Zhong Shengyang and Xiao Tianquan watched the scene with cigarettes in their mouths.

"Uncle, do you think Jiang Yifan will cause trouble because we robbed these workers?" Xiao Tianquan asked.

"According to his personality, he will definitely come, but this time, we can't let him leave easily!" Zhong Shengyang's eyes flashed a sinister look.

This time, he not only took away Jiang Yifan's more than 100 workers, but also planned to leave Jiang Yifan's life here!
Looking at Zhong Shengyang, who seemed a little satisfied, Xiao Tianquan laughed out loud, "I can finally feel proud, otherwise, I'm really upset by being pressed and beaten by him all the time!"

"How long will it be before your father comes?" Zhong Shengyang looked at Xiao Tianquan and asked.

"I just took care of a family, and I'm adjusting the funds. It's estimated that it will arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!" Xiao Tianquan said with narrowed eyes.

Hearing this, Zhong Shengyang grinned suddenly, and the ruthlessness on his face became much stronger, and he murmured, "Even if Jiang Yifan's life cannot be spared today, it will be unbearable for him. When your father comes, it will be a complete defeat." Jiang Yifan's moment, when the time comes, the project in the suburbs will be ours, and the Lin Group will also be ours. Chenbei City will be our world even more in the future!"


Jiang Yifan and the others were still on the road, and they stopped a few minutes ago. He ran out of the car to buy a bucket of noodles and two sticks of ham, and made a phone call.

These actions one after another confused Lin Yaran and the people in the car behind.However, they didn't ask too many questions. They all knew that Jiang Yifan would never have done such boring things if he hadn't had a plan in mind.

Three minutes later, the car stopped on the south side of the original Tieguaishe.

Jiang Yifan walked out of the car with Lin Yaran and others, and walked straight towards Zhong Shengyang and Xiao Tianquan.

"Hey, isn't this Jiang Yifan! Why do you have the leisure to come to my place today?"

"You here?" Jiang Yifan asked nonchalantly, holding a bucket of noodles in his left hand and a fork in his right.

"Could it be that this is still your property?" Zhong Shengyang sneered.

Jiang Yifan glanced at Zhong Shengyang, and said sarcastically, "As far as I know, this is the house of Tieguai Society. Your old boy took advantage of the Eagle's absence to occupy his land. Could it be that the Zhong family can't even afford a piece of land now? Just change it to grab it?"

This sentence was undoubtedly a slap in the face of Zhong Shengyang.

However, this time, Zhong Shengyang was not angry, but said with a smile on his face, "It doesn't matter who owns it or how it came from. The important thing is that it belongs to me now."

"Then you are not afraid of the eagle crawling out from the ground to greet your parents?" Jiang Yifan opened the barrel of noodles at this time, and a strong smell came into his nostrils. Two ham sausages.

Seeing the slight change in Zhong Shengyang's face, Jiang Yifan said with a smile, "Look how active I am in finding you. I don't eat good delicacies from mountains and seas, but I come here with bucket noodles. But the taste is really good. I wonder if Boss Zhong wants to have a bite? "

"Jiang Yifan, you came here just to treat me to a bucket of noodles?" Zhong Shengyang asked.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "That's right, doesn't Boss Zhong still want to discuss a business with me?"

Seeing Jiang Yifan not in a hurry, Zhong Shengyang took a breath of the air mixed with the smell of instant noodles. Since Jiang Yifan was not in a hurry, why would he be in a hurry!

After all, this time he is occupying the active position!

So, he smiled and said to Jiang Yifan, "It's not appropriate for us to discuss business in our identities."

"That's right, they're all enemies of life and death, and they're talking about business." Jiang Yifan shrugged, then picked up the ham sausage with a fork and took a bite, saying with great aftertaste, "The taste is really delicious."

"It does smell good."

"Then come, let's eat together!" Jiang Yifan deliberately shook the bucket of noodles in front of Zhong Shengyang.

Zhong Shengyang's eyes rolled, and he reached out to get it, but Jiang Yifan suddenly pulled it back, and said shamelessly, "If you want to eat something, go buy it yourself. Why grab my old man's, add ham sausage!"

In fact, both of them understood the meaning of these words. Those workers were like this bucket of noodles. It was originally in Jiang Yifan's hands, but now Zhong Shengyang wanted to eat it too, and then tried his best to snatch it away.

However, Jiang Yifan stretched his hand back at the critical moment, also indirectly telling Zhong Shengyang that this noodle belongs to me, and those workers also belong to me. If you want to eat, if you want, you can find it by yourself. "

Zhong Shengyang rolled his eyes, went straight to Jiang Yifan, and took out a hundred-yuan bill from his pocket, "Come, I'll buy yours."

"Tsk tsk, 100 yuan!" Jiang Yifan pouted, staring at Zhong Shengyang, "Boss Zhong is really rich, give me 100 yuan for a bucket of noodles!"

"I have money, and this is my capital! As long as I want to eat, I am willing to spend as much as I want." Zhong Shengyang said with a smile in his words.

Jiang Yifan lowered his head and was about to pick up the ham, but when the fork held the ham to his mouth, he fell back into the bucket of noodles. He did this twice in a row and said, "Boss Zhong, look Look, sometimes, even if you spend a lot of money, you may not be able to eat it in your mouth."

"Then pour it out, don't eat it!" Zhong Shengyang's face suddenly became sullen, and what he expressed was that if I can't use these workers, then I can just drive them away. Otherwise, you can't get them if I can't get them. Don't even think about it.

Jiang Yifan smiled when he heard the words, "Boss Zhong, since you bought it at a high price and then dumped it, it's really a pity. How about this, I'll be more generous, and I'll feed it to you, okay?"

At the beginning, Lu Zhuang and the others didn't understand the meaning of what Jiang Yifan and Zhong Shengyang said, thinking why they talked so much because of a bucket of instant noodles.Gradually they understood that the two of them were playing a game, and they were using buckets of noodles instead of workers to have a conversation.

Zhong Shengyang heard the words and said, "Then how do you feed?"

Jiang Yifan smiled, "You snatched 130 workers from me, so based on the price of 100 yuan for a bucket of noodles, you have to give me at least 100 million yuan for a worker. I am more generous, and we are both I’m an acquaintance, let me calculate an integer for you, multiply [-] yuan by [-] people, and you can give me a total of [-] million yuan.”

"You want to trick me again?" Zhong Shengyang grinned, and then changed the subject, "I've been beaten in one place more than once, do you think I'll keep falling?"

ps: There will be another update later, but it will be a bit late. I don’t recommend waiting. You can watch it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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