Chapter 517 Sweeping the Zhong Family 2
Hearing Bai Wuque's words, Jiang Yifan shook his head, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, you can just walk around in the middle of the city, and help wherever it is difficult, and I can go to their base camp alone."

Seeing that Jiang Yifan was determined to act on his own, the crowd did not continue to persuade him.

They walked out of the company together, and then started to divide people from the backyard, and set off according to the people they selected and the route they arranged.

At this moment, a Jinbei car drove over, and four people, Wan Ke and A Chen Huazi Yemao, got out of the car.

"Damn it, boss, you are so unkind, you don't call us for any big actions!" Wan Ke said very unhappy.

Jiang Yifan frowned, "Didn't you just add trouble when you went?"

"Damn, who do you look down on!" Wan Ke rolled up his sleeves, strode directly to Jiang Yifan's side, and showed off his inconspicuous muscles.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, "Don't make trouble, it will definitely be relatively dangerous to go this time."

"I'm not afraid!" Wan Ke said proudly, but then moved his face to Jiang Yifan's side, and then whispered, "Boss, you can take me, my father asks me to talk to that fat woman every day." Together, saying that time can make love, I really have enough."

Jiang Yifan glanced at Wan Ke angrily, "Then follow Lu Zhuang or Datou to the bathing center."

Wan Ke was immediately happy when he heard the words, and ran to the side of the big head, "Brother Big Tou, hello, my name is Wan Ke, you can be called Xiao Ke."

Datou froze for a moment, "Young Master Wan, what are you doing!"

"Now I am not Young Master Wan, but I am your little brother. If you tell me to beat a dog, I will never scold you. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west." Wan Ke said very seriously.

The big head scratched his head in a daze, and looked at Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan glared at Wan Ke angrily, and then said, "Big head, take them with you, let them do some rough work and experience life. Don't expect them to do big things."

Datou smiled, and led a group of people into the car.

Jiang Yifan squeezed his forehead, looked at Lu Zhuang, "Find me a car."

"Where's your car?" Lu Zhuang asked curiously.

"Don't mention it, I was hit by someone, hurry up and find me a car, I'm such an awesome person, I can't take a taxi there. That would be too bad!"

Lu Zhuang and the people who hadn't left laughed a few times, then took out a key from his pocket and threw it to Jiang Yifan, "The one in the garage was bought by Lao Bai just now, it's enough to attract attention, and it's enough to attract attention, but You have to open it carefully, if it breaks a little bit, Lao Bai will fight you desperately."

"Fuck the wool, isn't it just a broken car!" Jiang Yifan opened the garage door cursingly, and a brand new Toyota overbearingly parked in front of him. The black body, just like the name of the car, looked extremely overbearing!

Opening the car door, looking at the luxurious configuration inside, Jiang Yifan grinned, "It's really worth it, there are several million cars, no wonder Lu Zhuang said that Lao Bai has to work hard, and anyone who let him go has to work hard."

Talking about starting the car, when the small steps at the entrance of the transnational garage, I didn't feel anything, it was like walking on flat ground, which shows how good the shock absorption of the car is!
Jiang Yifan accelerated sharply and went straight out of the backyard, then drove onto the main road.

At this time, they set off with nearly [-] cars. In the gradually dimming night, they were neat and tidy, and they looked extremely domineering!
At 10:30 on time, they got off the expressway from the provincial capital, and then dispersed, while Jiang Yifan drove straight to the villa area of ​​Zhong's headquarters.

Because the Zhong family has great influence in the provincial capital, the villas they live in are conjoined.

When I bought it, I bought four villas directly, and then I rebuilt and connected the four villas together, like a small palace.

Judging from this house, it can be seen how awesome the Zhong family was at the beginning, but after Jiang Yifan took over half of their country, the Zhong family plummeted, and the business was also in a downturn, so the only thing before was this house and a little bit of it. The fortune is gone.

After about five or six minutes, Jiang Yifan parked the car in front of this small palace.

"Fuck, it's quite impressive."

Jiang Yifan raised his head, looked at the small palace in front of him, and couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart.

There is only a huge door in front of it, and there is a plaque on it, which says the word "Zhongfu", written in italics, flying like a dragon and phoenix dance, which looks extremely domineering!
The door was open, and there was a man standing on one side in the posture of a guard.

Just a door is so domineering, one can imagine how luxurious the inside will be, let alone the current market value of this house is more than one billion!

Stepping towards the doorman, Jiang Yifan took out a cigarette and lit it, "Brother, borrow a fire."

The doorman glanced at Jiang Yifan coldly, as if he looked contemptuous. Also, if you work as a doorman at the gate of this house, your eyes will naturally be much higher. Every day you can see many billionaires coming and going, and luxury cars coming in and out Naturally, it is also a super luxurious one. Jiang Yifan's million-dollar Toyota is overbearing, so naturally he doesn't like it.

He said in a tone that seemed unwilling to respond, "Go and go, there is no fire."

"Really?" Jiang Yifan suddenly raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and put his arms around the guard's neck. Before he could resist, he stunned him with a golden needle, looked around, and dragged him to a corner next to him.

The reason why there was no big movement to knock down the guard was because Jiang Yifan saw the surveillance from one side. If there was a fight at the door, the people inside would naturally find out through the surveillance.

Afterwards, Jiang Yifan looked left and right, chose a blind spot of monitoring and walked over. He knew that the Zhong family is undoubtedly a frightened bird. Many management cards are waiting for Jiang Yifan.

So, he chose to sneak in and beat them by surprise!
When he reached the corner of the wall, he took a few steps back, then ran up with a run-up, dragged the wall with his right hand and jumped down.

However, the position of the jump seems to be a bit wrong!
Jiang Yifan knew that it was a monitoring blind spot, and the people inside must have known it too, so he put things in there for defense.


Just when Jiang Yifan landed in the corner, two huge Tibetan mastiffs walked towards him, and each of them opened their fangs, and the saliva flowed from the fangs.

With a fierce look in his eyes, he obviously regarded Jiang Yifan as a good supper!

A dog that can bark does not bite, and a Tibetan mastiff that cannot roar is extremely ferocious!Jiang Yifan frowned, dealing with this kind of beast is sometimes more difficult than dealing with people!

ps: There will be another update later.There will be a small explosion tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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