Chapter 518
Facing the two huge Tibetan mastiffs in front of him, Jiang Yifan frowned. He had to make a quick decision, otherwise he would make a big noise and the foreshadowing just now would be in vain!
A few golden needles suddenly appeared on the cuffs. He didn't think that he could use the golden needles to kill the Tibetan mastiff, but had other uses!

The two Tibetan mastiffs opened their fangs and were taking tentative steps forward. Most carnivores would choose the best time to move out, so before that there would be tentative attacks and tentative approaches to the target.

From the depths of the Tibetan mastiff's deep eyes, Jiang Yifan felt a strong killing intent, and felt it from the fangs, these two beasts really regarded him as a supper!

One of the Tibetan mastiffs saw the right moment, and directly attacked from the side. Jiang Yifan's figure shook violently, and directly grabbed the hair of the Tibetan mastiff's neck.

However, the strength of the Tibetan mastiff was extremely strong, and when he threw his body back, Jiang Yifan felt his whole body fly, but at the same time, he borrowed his strength at the same time, kicked off the wall, and rode directly on the Tibetan mastiff.

The two golden needles in his hand shot out at the same time, directly piercing the Tibetan mastiff's eyes!
Just when the Tibetan mastiff was about to scream, the dagger in Jiang Yifan's hand suddenly appeared, and he began to stab the Tibetan mastiff's neck with extreme speed!
"Huh~" The Tibetan mastiff whimpered, shook twice and fell directly to the ground, its breathing gradually decreased, and after a while, it closed its eyes and passed away.

Fortunately, no sound was made.

After Jiang Yifan was secretly happy, the other Tibetan Mastiff saw the moment when he lost his mind and rushed towards him, and its fangs opened wide, directly biting at Jiang Yifan's neck.

Because of Jiang Yifan's brief absence, he was directly thrown to the ground, but he strangled the Tibetan mastiff's neck!Let him not bite.

He kicked the Tibetan mastiff's stomach violently with both feet, and directly kicked the huge guy backwards.

Jiang Yifan straightened himself up like a carp, and with a wave of his hand, the dagger shot away.



The dagger pierced through the forehead of the Tibetan mastiff, but it didn't penetrate very deep.

The Tibetan mastiff seemed to be completely enraged, even though the blood on the forehead was running down, almost covering the whole face, the tiger's eyes were still full of power.

Especially when the blood stains were left next to the eyes and fangs, it made the face look more ferocious and terrifying!
Jiang Yifan took two steps back cautiously, and firmly stepped on the ground with the toe of his right foot. At this time, Zang Ao rushed over again, with a look of death.

Jiang Yifan kicked Jiang Yifan's body with a sudden force on the toe of his right foot, and collided with the Tibetan mastiff that jumped out!

One can imagine what kind of scene it would be if a 130-jin Jiang Yifan collided with a 200-jin Tibetan Mastiff!
"Boom!" A person and a Tibetan mastiff collided together, and Jiang Yifan directly grabbed the huge head of the Tibetan mastiff. The moment he landed, he gritted his teeth and turned the huge Tibetan mastiff over and let it lie on the ground. .

Jiang Yifan kicked over with his right foot, and directly kicked the dagger that had been pierced into the forehead a little bit forward again, and this time the dagger was completely pierced into the head of the Tibetan mastiff.

There was only a low panting sound, and the head of the Tibetan mastiff fell to the ground.

At this time, Jiang Yifan was slowly relieved, and finally settled these two guys!

He pulled the dagger out of the Tibetan mastiff's head, wiped the blood on the hair, put it back in his pocket, and walked inside against the wall.

The main road entering from here is a road that can accommodate two cars, and the distance to the first house inside is about 500 meters.

In the middle of the 500 meters, there were two men walking back and forth, dressed in the same clothes as the guard just now.

Jiang Yifan thought about it, the Zhong family was too careful now, and even sent people to patrol and stand guard in the yard!
He lowered his head and began to think. There was a distance of about 300 meters from where he was standing to where the two people were.

If you act rashly, I'm afraid these two people will create a big commotion, so that the people inside will be prepared, and it will obviously be a little troublesome to do it again.

So he needs to get rid of these two people quietly. He calculated that for a distance of 300 meters, if he uses extreme speed to rush over, it will take about 1 minute.

In this 1 minute, those two people must have some awareness.

But Jiang Yifan was not distressed, because he had the golden needle in his hand, as long as he walked a distance of 200 meters, the golden needle could replace him for the next [-] meters, and he could directly kill the two people.

Said, Jiang Yifan dodged to the opposite side, found a hidden object and hid.

The two people on the opposite side glanced this way, "Did you see anything just now?"

"No, what's the matter?"

"Why do I feel that a dark shadow has passed by?" The man scratched his head, and shone a flashlight in this direction, but nothing was illuminated.

"Don't scare me, it's a big night. Don't have any dirty things." The man muttered, and moved closer to this man.

The man hung up the flashlight, then turned around, glanced back and suddenly a figure appeared behind him.

But before they could make a sound, two gold needles suddenly arrived in front of them.

One golden needle pierced through the center of this person's eyebrows, and the other entered from the back of the other person's head.

One after the other, the two fell to the ground one after another.

Jiang Yifan used the extreme speed to cross the 500-meter corridor in a short while.

He took a look and saw that there were two villas in total.The two villas are composed of two small villas respectively.

The two larger villas are connected by a suspended corridor.

Jiang Yifan took a closer look, and there was a window on the north side of the villa on the left, obviously there was someone in that room at this time.

It was almost eleven o'clock now, and the people who had not rested while the lights were still on obviously could not be Zhong Shengyang's parents, but probably Xiao Tianquan's mother.

Then he walked around to the door, pushed it lightly, and it was locked. He took out a gold needle and fiddled with the lock a few times, and it opened with a click.

He tiptoed in and walked upstairs slowly. The living room and other rooms were completely dark, only the room he saw before was lit.And the door was still ajar.

He approached slowly, but there were bursts of heavy panting sounds from the room, as well as a woman's groaning sound, as if the woman's voice was deliberately suppressed.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, thinking about this big night, is it possible that they are going to catch the adulterous couple in bed?
ps: Brothers, after twelve o'clock, it will be Monday, and today is the day to compete for the rankings. In order to express Ye Zi's sincerity, tomorrow will be a small explosion on Monday, at least six more.Also ask for a wave of rewards, let's hit the list!
(End of this chapter)

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