Chapter 525 Conversation with Zhou Nuo
After chatting with Lu Zhuang for a while, Jiang Yifan got up and said, "Wang Tao, make some arrangements. He's a nice guy, and he also knows some secrets about Xiao Tianquan's stepfather. Stay here and let him help us."

"Can you believe it?" Lu Zhuang asked after a while.

Jiang Yifan grinned, "I haven't misread people, even if I misread them, they are not human."

Lu Zhuang sneered when he heard the words, "Where do you arrange for him? On the side of the suburban project or on the company's side?"

"Let's get a job in the security company. Anyway, it's good to have a formal job. Let's develop in a formal way, so that brothers can rely on the company to make a fortune in the future."

After Jiang Yifan finished speaking, he left directly. When he left, he touched his trouser pocket. He still had the key to the Toyota Domineering car he drove last night.

When he arrived at the entrance of the company, he walked around Toyota Domineering and muttered, "This car is not bad. It's really domineering. It's better than my little Jaguar."

"Hey, hey, Brother Fan, you don't want to take my car for yourself, do you?"

At this time, Bai Wuque and Wang Tao came out from the side. He originally wanted to drive another car, but after thinking about it, his Toyota was overbearing and comfortable, but after searching around, he couldn't find the car key, so he remembered that he had to leave Jiang Yifan last night. was taken away.

Jiang Yifan spread his hands and laughed, "That's what I said, we have such a strong relationship and we still divide it between you and me, doesn't it hurt my heart!"

"Don't." Bai Wuque shook his head, "Brother Fan, if you want to drive the company's cars, you can just drive them casually, this is absolutely not possible."

"Why?" Jiang Yifan asked suspiciously.

"This..." Bai Wuque scratched his head and stuttered.

"That's the car his dream lover likes. He's going to drive to pick up girls." Lu Zhuang also came over and said with a meaningful smile.

Jiang Yifan rolled his eyeballs and said with a playful smile, "Oh, there are people who like our old Bai."

"Go, go, what's that called?" Bai Wuque went directly to Jiang Yifan's side, snatched the car keys, and pulled Wang Tao into the car.Without giving Jiang Yifan a chance to speak, he stepped on the accelerator and ran out.

Jiang Yifan spread his hands helplessly, "I don't know how my Jaguar is being repaired, Lu Zhuang, please give me a ride first. I can't get a taxi here either."

"It seems that I don't need to see you off." Lu Zhuang said and pointed to the gate.

Jiang Yifan looked along the door and saw a red BMW X5 parked. Jiang Yifan, who was sitting in the posture position, lost his mind for a moment.

Turning around and saying goodbye to Lu Zhuang, he walked towards the BMW X5, sat in the co-pilot and asked, "Why are you here?"

"May I buy you something to drink?" It was Zhou Nuo who spoke.Her face was a little pale, she didn't look like she had any makeup on, and the clothes she wore were not as fancy as in the past, on the contrary they were quite plain.

Jiang Yifan nodded, and the two drove to the urban area and stopped opposite the Lin Group.

Zhou Nuo didn't say a word during the period, just led the way ahead, and soon arrived at a coffee shop by an intersection.

Sitting in a small card room, Jiang Yifan ordered two cups of ordinary coffee, and then said, "I didn't see you when I went to Zhong's villa yesterday."

In fact, Jiang Yifan was also curious at the time, thinking that no matter how bad the relationship between Zhou Nuo and Zhong Shengyang was, he would let Zhou Nuo live in the villa.

First of all, before leaving, Jiang Yifan found Zhong Shengyang's son, but not his real wife, that is to say, his wife was either divorced or dead, so Zhou Nuo should be there both emotionally and rationally.

Zhou Nuo smiled palely, "I had already left there before you arrived. It was only this morning that I found out that Zhong's name was removed overnight. After much deliberation, you have the ability to do so."

"You are free now. Have you thought about what to do in the future?" Jiang Yifan asked.

Zhou Nuo picked up his coffee and took a sip, looking at the Lin's Building opposite from the window, "After I arrived in this city, I started from the Lin's Group, and I got to where I am now step by step. I hated it, but I was also happy."

As Zhou Nuo said, he pointed to this card room, "In the past, the group ordered coffee from the one next door to the Lin Group, but Lin Yaran liked the coffee here, saying that it tasted the purest, so I would come here with her for a long time. .And still sitting in this card room. Now things are different.”

Jiang Yifan nodded when he heard the words, the world is impermanent, who can predict the final outcome?

Zhou Nuo continued, "I'm leaving here. I'll take my parents to live in another city. Then I'll find an honest man to marry."

Jiang Yifan paused for a moment when he heard Zhou Nuo's slightly sad words. In fact, he understood that Zhou Nuo was not a bad woman, but was blinded by love. She loved Zhong Shengyang very much before, but in the end she realized that Zhong Shengyang treated her What is not love, but a kind of play!
In this situation, Jiang Yifan couldn't say anything. After all, what he said was a little pale. He took out a bank card from his pocket and put it on the table, "The money here should be enough for your family to spend the rest of your life."

Zhou Nuo shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly, "It's sad when you think about it. It stands to reason that we are already in two positions. You can still treat me like this. I have money, and a lot of it. Zhong Shengyang gave me a lot of money." Money, I didn’t spend a penny before, I saved it all, just waiting for such a day to come.”

"Well now, Zhong Shengyang is dead, the Zhong family has been expelled, and I am free. With that huge sum of money, it is enough for my family to live well for the rest of my life. I came to you just to say sorry to you, to say Thanks."

Just as Jiang Yifan was about to speak, Zhou Nuo raised his eyes and looked at him, "You don't need to talk, just listen to me, it's just a thousand words before parting."

Jiang Yifan nodded, then sat on the spot without speaking.

Zhou Nuo's delicate eyes flickered a few times, and there were spots of tears at the corners of her eyes. She raised her head slightly, but did not let the tears flow down.

Then he said, "I'm sorry because I'm sorry for Lin Yaran, I'm sorry for the Lin Group, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for your trust in me, I'm sorry for your kindness to me. And thank you, I'm thanking you for your tolerance."

"Actually, sometimes I am very envious of Lin Yaran, Lin Yanran and the others who can meet such an outstanding boy like you. Some people say you are foolish, some say you are shameless and thick-skinned, but in fact, that is what others say, and they really understand you Everyone understands that your appearance is all a disguise, you are a good man, and also a good man with ability and strength. Their sisters are really happy to meet a man like you."

Zhou Nuo took a deep breath, and the self-mockery on his face became more intense, "However, I still have a few words to tell you before I leave."

(End of this chapter)

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